Opinion Kamala Harris Blames Climate Change for the Border Crisis

Would you like me to continue that list?
I’m saying that what’s going on in Africa is fucking frightening : people and countries unable to take care of themselves but they keep on multiplying.
It’s a grim future my friend and the relatively recent trend of taking loans from China to finance Chinese supplied, built and operated projects will add fuel to the fire.
There is a limit how long colonialism can be used as a valid excuse, since the infra and other resources were inherited by newly independent nations, on a timeline that spans more than half a century the least while still being fed and supplied by the westerners. There are nations that haven’t had the same foundations and the same level of help and they have gotten themselves up and going : study them and implement similar methods, nothing else works.
Things won’t get any better unless we (I guess I mean politicians and people in positions of power) speak about this with the utmost clarity and zero excuses : the governments over there won’t autocorrect themselves, the corruption won’t go away and the average person won’t change age old habits unless they’re confronted about the stupidity of it all.
It’s harsh but it is what it is.
List as many as you want. Things are improving across the continent. If the numbers were getting worse, you might have a point. But progress is being made and that's what's most important, it started from an abysmal place and it's not going away over night.

China's influence is a little concerning. There is a history of Africa and China trading together though through the Indian Ocean trade route. It's hard to blame many African countries for not wanting to rely on the countries that did so much damage in the first place. China can do for Africa what we did for Korea/Japan, benefiting greatly from an emerging market and having access to precious resources. Bad for US power, no doubt, but fair.

The consequences of that colonialism has been pervasive nonstop, the issue was never fixed. If I shoot you in the leg, do I have the right to judge you for not moving on as it gets infected?
Bad mood today or something?

You're usually not this cranky.

Also, I didnt ignore anything you said at all, in fact I agreed with some of your points and told you I understand the kids take care of the adults later in life.

My point is that a country that has 2 starving parents, who can't manage to find enough food for themselves, should be discouraging people from having 10 kids, which turn into 100, which turn into 1000 - when there is NO FOOD TO EAT. (Not yelling, emphasis)
There's a lot more issues than just a lack of food. Disease and violence are major factors as well.

And I have always been this cranky, thank you very much.
List as many as you want. Things are improving across the continent. If the numbers were getting worse, you might have a point. But progress is being made and that's what's most important, it started from an abysmal place and it's not going away over night.

China's influence is a little concerning. There is a history of Africa and China trading together though through the Indian Ocean trade route. It's hard to blame many African countries for not wanting to rely on the countries that did so much damage in the first place. China can do for Africa what we did for Korea/Japan, benefiting greatly from an emerging market and having access to precious resources. Bad for US power, no doubt, but fair.

The consequences of that colonialism has been pervasive nonstop, the issue was never fixed. If I shoot you in the leg, do I have the right to judge you for not moving on as it gets infected?
Improvement in some metrics yes but the overall picture is as imbalanced and imperfect as ever : child deaths happen less and less but simultaneously you have more mouths to feed and less resources. Patching up the economy with income transfers and the able bodied, best working aged trying to cross over to Europe isn’t improvement and both have dire long term consequences on the nations.
China’s influence as a super power in Africa is relatively new but if you know a bit their operations in the past twenty years already around south east Asia, you know what’s coming. They bribe up enough officials and debt trap the countries, like Sri Lanka, Cambodia and others.
Ethiopia will be up there soon too.
This isn’t about bringing countries up to speed and trade, this is about getting the resources or the best possible deal for China. Look around a bit and you’ll understand what their aim is and what Africa can provide for them.
Your métaphore about colonialism isn’t a very good one, since the nations who have had nothing to with colonialism have been some of the longest standing helpers of these countries and haven’t gotten jack shit in return, and seen very little no progress at all.
Nothing will improve by slacking off.
Totally can control and help something that's been CHANGING for 4 1/2 billion years because... politics.

The first life is said to be around 3.7 billion years ago.

Humans : meh, about 200,000 years.

Industrialization of said humans, roughly what -- 200 years ago?

Y'all need to just listen to the science!

Improvement in some metrics yes but the overall picture is as imbalanced and imperfect as ever : child deaths happen less and less but simultaneously you have more mouths to feed and less resources. Patching up the economy with income transfers and the able bodied, best working aged trying to cross over to Europe isn’t improvement and both have dire long term consequences on the nations.
China’s influence as a super power in Africa is relatively new but if you know a bit their operations in the past twenty years already around south east Asia, you know what’s coming. They bribe up enough officials and debt trap the countries, like Sri Lanka, Cambodia and others.
Ethiopia will be up there soon too.
This isn’t about bringing countries up to speed and trade, this is about getting the resources or the best possible deal for China. Look around a bit and you’ll understand what their aim is and what Africa can provide for them.
Your métaphore about colonialism isn’t a very good one, since the nations who have had nothing to with colonialism have been some of the longest standing helpers of these countries and haven’t gotten jack shit in return, and seen very little no progress at all.
Nothing will improve by slacking off.
So what are your proposed solutions? Sterilization? How do you prevent people from having children? If the problem is there are too many people to feed, why is it a problem they go to Europe who desperately needs the labor to support their aging population?

And yes, America should be the ones profiting off of African development and resources. We were nothing but noble when we helped out South America and the Middle East.
You're falling for an illogical slant on the issue.

First, nobody knows why bees are disappearing. Climate change is NOT speculated as one of the leading causes. Second, if climate change were responsible for the collapse of job availability, the first world would similarly be affected, because we also reside on this planet. If one opportunity or source of revenue disappears, there is another to be found. No such collapse of jobs is correlated to climate change on a global level. If we were talking about food availability to less sophisticated cultures, like the disappearing fish populations in some places, then that would be a more compelling argument.

But starvation isn't a chief cause driving migrants to our borders. The only place where starvation has had a pronounced effect is in Venezuela, and there starvation is the result of socialist economic policies.

oh God Mick, you make it sound like I came to the conclusion that climate change was responsible on my own. maybe the videos I'm speaking of entailed as much?

I don't want to get into it with you because all you do is diatribe after diatribe because your inferiority complex won't ever let you back down, even when you're dead wrong.

just like how you were dead wrong in believing I was actually Gizmo J. you're so fucking petty that you won't even correct the dumbasses you've riled up into believing your dumbass in the first place. people still tag the both of us espousing as much - do you ever bother to correct them? no of course not, because that'd be a reminder to yourself that you've failed, letting everyone else know that you've failed as well. so your inferiority complex forces you to remain silent on the matter, leaving me to deal with the aftermath probably out of spite. probably why you're getting on my case here too.

whatever you can, have at it.
So what are your proposed solutions? Sterilization? How do you prevent people from having children? If the problem is there are too many people to feed, why is it a problem they go to Europe who desperately needs the labor to support their aging population?

And yes, America should be the ones profiting off of African development and resources. We were nothing but noble when we helped out South America and the Middle East.
Europe really doesn’t need more unskilled labour, especially when these type of jobs low paying require heavy state subsidization and ton of other social aide. It’s expensive, inefficient and you can’t even talk about buying power since they’re 99% on the bottom of the barrel. So no, that ain’t a solution.
My solution : invest in basic education first (really basic that is) and specialized education in relation to natural resources second. Invest in building local businesses then exports and do not write checks to the governments. Shit needs to be basic, otherwise it doesn’t work.
All countries should primarily benefit from their own resources and also building exports. I’m sure all big nations want a piece of that but it’s none of their business, certainly not CCP’s inhumaine crooks business.
Buddy, you don’t have to be guilt-tripping over past mistakes unless you want to define from when to when and where the grievances are relevant. I know it’s popular to see the west as oppressors but if you’ve done your homework you know that the benefits at large went to a small elite, as they do today.
In the future, Climate Change will eventually cause a pretty serious refugee influx from third world countries. The people who will scream "invasion" when this refugee influx occurs will be the same people who consistently downplayed the dangers of climate change as woke hysteria.

The question is whether it's man made or not.
Wow, did you learn that in law school or at the gym you got fired at for hitting on a minor?

Europe really doesn’t need more unskilled labour, especially when these type of jobs low paying require heavy state subsidization and ton of other social aide. It’s expensive, inefficient and you can’t even talk about buying power since they’re 99% on the bottom of the barrel. So no, that ain’t a solution.
My solution : invest in basic education first (really basic that is) and specialized education in relation to natural resources second. Invest in building local businesses then exports and do not write checks to the governments. Shit needs to be basic, otherwise it doesn’t work.
All countries should primarily benefit from their own resources and also building exports. I’m sure all big nations want a piece of that but it’s none of their business, certainly not CCP’s inhumaine crooks business.
Buddy, you don’t have to be guilt-tripping over past mistakes unless you want to define from when to when and where the grievances are relevant. I know it’s popular to see the west as oppressors but if you’ve done your homework you know that the benefits at large went to a small elite, as they do today.
They need labor in general just to upkeep the infrastructure, you'll have a lack of labor and an increase in dependents with growing health problems. If you even want a prayer of keeping up in the global economy, you'll need workers, even low skilled.

There is a massive effort to spread education. You can't just ignore their governments though when it comes to that. Americans say their own education system is biased brainwashing, now imagine we tell other countries what they need to know. We struggle greatly with a good education in the US, we have a lot to fix before we tell the world how to do it.

Ideally they would have complete ownership and control of their resources, but there is the paradox of plenty. The more wealth that's up for grabs, the harder it will be for a stable government to rise and the more likely foreign intervention will intervene. So yeah, them having a healthy organically grown domestic economy would be great, but it's like screaming "Knock him out" while in the corner of an amateur fighting prime Mark Hunt.

I don't feel any guilt. I didn't do shit, no one in my family did shit. I can still acknowledge history and the ramifications of that history on the current world. The small elite are the ones benefitting today, especially in America, and they are the ones with the most influence in our government.
The question is whether it's man made or not.
Yeah, the right has lost their talking points in this thread. The right fought that climate changed existed, then the narrative recently became that it does exist but it wasn't man-made, and in this thread we seem to be back to it doesn't exist.

Because if y'all thought it did exist, whether it was man-made or not, then it wouldn't be ridiculous to think it was at least a factor in immigration today. We have the drying of the Nile Valley, the Bronze Age Collapse, and the fall of the Aztecs. All major events of people being displaced by climate change.
Kamala is the AOC of This presidency. Crime is up because people are hungry stealing bread for their families. Fucking idiots. Hypocrisy is strong with this one.
They need labor in general just to upkeep the infrastructure, you'll have a lack of labor and an increase in dependents with growing health problems. If you even want a prayer of keeping up in the global economy, you'll need workers, even low skilled.

There is a massive effort to spread education. You can't just ignore their governments though when it comes to that. Americans say their own education system is biased brainwashing, now imagine we tell other countries what they need to know. We struggle greatly with a good education in the US, we have a lot to fix before we tell the world how to do it.

Ideally they would have complete ownership and control of their resources, but there is the paradox of plenty. The more wealth that's up for grabs, the harder it will be for a stable government to rise and the more likely foreign intervention will intervene. So yeah, them having a healthy organically grown domestic economy would be great, but it's like screaming "Knock him out" while in the corner of an amateur fighting prime Mark Hunt.

I don't feel any guilt. I didn't do shit, no one in my family did shit. I can still acknowledge history and the ramifications of that history on the current world. The small elite are the ones benefitting today, especially in America, and they are the ones with the most influence in our government.
There is no shortage of low skilled jobs, apart from construction. Much of the other industries that had a shortage have shifted their chains elsewhere because it became too expensive to maintain locally.
Getting guys to do construction jobs doesn’t require imported labour either but it’s cheaper than local and construction is probably the industry of the biggest crooks there are.
I’m saying to call into question or at least compare the investment versus results of all 3rd world systems built since money and other aide started pooling in. Let’s not assume that their public sector is somehow extremely efficient, when even the west has trouble having an efficient public sector, with school systems starting to sag all the way up in the nordics as well (but that’s another story)
So me calling out some 3rd world countries on this is quite alright.
Regarding the economy :
There’s no easy way out and I do understand the human side of temptation to deal with the CCP’s economic arm for some rapidly available funds + bribery. But it’s a short sighted solution that leads to more shit. Wealth should bring stability but it won’t without relative education, which needs to start from the very basics. And since the resources are 1. Not efficiently controlled 2. Not unlimited, people should understand the situation that they currently are in and how not to make it worse.
I’m happy to hear you don’t feel guilt, me neither.
I understand that people have done horrible things in the past but better people than that have tried to right those wrongs for decades the least.
Sometimes these efforts have lacked pragmatism or they’ve been totally blinded by some ideology that hasn’t been set out to get the best results but to make something else “look good” on the way.
Hopefully all of these countries in question will one day be good places to live for their people, that’s what’s most important.
oh God Mick, you make it sound like I came to the conclusion that climate change was responsible on my own. maybe the videos I'm speaking of entailed as much?

I don't want to get into it with you because all you do is diatribe after diatribe because your inferiority complex won't ever let you back down, even when you're dead wrong.

just like how you were dead wrong in believing I was actually Gizmo J. you're so fucking petty that you won't even correct the dumbasses you've riled up into believing your dumbass in the first place. people still tag the both of us espousing as much - do you ever bother to correct them? no of course not, because that'd be a reminder to yourself that you've failed, letting everyone else know that you've failed as well. so your inferiority complex forces you to remain silent on the matter, leaving me to deal with the aftermath probably out of spite. probably why you're getting on my case here too.

whatever you can, have at it.
I explained to you the most basic logical premise that fatally undermines the logic you've gullibly accepted without any skepticism about climate change causing migration, and you melt down into this multi-paragraph flame tangent rather than seek to resolve this fundamental illogical discrepancy you accepted sans any critical thought. Obviously, any poster who knows me is aware that I am not a climate change denialist.

So....concession accepted.
I explained to you the most basic logical premise that fatally undermines the logic you've gullibly accepted without any skepticism about climate change causing migration, and you melt down into this multi-paragraph flame tangent rather than seek to resolve this fundamental illogical discrepancy you accepted sans any critical thought. Obviously, any poster who knows me is aware that I am not a climate change denialist.

So....concession accepted.

cool diatribe bro


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