Milk, a complete protein?

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Damn, you guys just don't learn do ya?

Ah, dammit!!
Nah, probably at me.
They have been busting my balls since the "milk incident" :D but its ok, fuck em.

Yeah! Fuck us! Us fucking idiots.

Milk is teh aids...

You are/were the milk incident.
I love these websites

Doesn't bother to link to ANY of the studies.

Okay, Foz says 17 studies now say Milk is good for you and HollandRules is ignorant. Are you seeing the corrleation?


I think it is funny that milk is bad because it causes iron deficiency. With all the red meat I've been eating I've been more worried about excess iron. Lucky for me all I have to do is drink a liter of milk a day to keep the iron away.

edit: Some more quotes that are funny or may entice me to drink more milk:

Some studies have even found that a glass of milk contains half the sugar found in a soda. I don't understand how you have to do a study to find out the caloric breakdown of milk, and 5 grams per 8 ounces is not half of 40 grams

Cows injected with rBGH produce milk that contains high levels of IGF-1. IGF-1 is a powerful naturally occurring growth hormone found in the blood of humans and cows. The IGF-1 in cow's milk is chemically identical to that of humans, and can pass into the human bloodstream. yay

The fat content listed on the packaging for cow's milk is by weight, not calories. So, that means that 2% milk actually gets 35% of its calories from fat. Also, the fat found in milk is mostly saturated fat. (this happens to be one of the reasons I drink a lot of milk)
The fat content listed on the packaging for cow's milk is by weight, not calories. So, that means that 2% milk actually gets 35% of its calories from fat. Also, the fat found in milk is mostly saturated fat. (this happens to be one of the reasons I drink a lot of milk)

Dairy products indeed have a lot of saturated fats (i bet you remember the salmon - milk comparisson).
But what the hell you need all that saturated fat for?
If I told you I have 10 gallons of coconut oil, would you have a heart attack?
You should tell that to the 6 coconuts I ate last week.

Everything but the shell. I got a little carried away with coconuts the last 2 weeks. I noticed I'm the only one buying them at my local grocery store, every time I buy more the pile gets smaller.
OK, after reading more of this thread, I feel foolish for trying to have a reasonable conversation with HR.

HollandRules, your nutritional info seems to come from the 80's
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