Shoop that Incredulous Cormier / Drug Wars


This was a project. I downloaded the video and did not know it was 60FPS. The segment I used was like 28 seconds long which is 1680 frames. That's pretty big for a gif. Most gifs we make here are like 3-5 seconds long, so like 90 to 150 frames.

I'm kinda not feeling well so I didnt even notice it was 60 FPS until I was done. So I cut the frame rate down to 30 FPS and now it is like 840 frames. In other words, I did double the work. DOH!!!! What a dumby!!

Anyways, hope you like it. Took 3 hours-ish

You need more props for the hard work

Just wow. That's one of of the funniest shoops I've seen in years.