So, Cow milk is actually bad?

Shelf life for raw milk is about a week tops, I've found. And you can't leave it unrefrigerated for longer than about 1.5 hours without it spoiling, or just tasting terrible.
make sure you are drinking A2 type milk, and not A1 type milk. forget about raw or pasture, well you want to drink raw but make sure you drink A2 type milk. get the milk tested.
Drink breast milk. Fuck cow milk

As much as you may have meant this as a joke, there is a very real market with sellers and buyers for human breast milk. Unfortunately, its swarmed mostly with sexual deviants, but it does exist.
Cow's milk, regardless of source or pasteurization, has been associated with decreased waist circumference and adiposity. A quick search on google scholar using those key words will point you in the right direction.

Correlation doesn't imply causation.

You could easily say skid marks are associated with Crohn's Disease. It may or may not be true. But to assert it as fact based on a correlation alone is wrong.

Organic stuff gets overrated by the health nuts, but in the case of dairy products it is very justified. Milk contains it's own form of insulin and many other hormones meant for a calf and not a human. That gets compounded with whatever hormones the farmer gives them. If you're going to consume milk, go organic. But even then, milk period, organic or not, will contain hormones and insulins meant for the growth of the young of another animal species.

I just don't recommend milk at all as a staple in the diet. When people complain about the rising cost of milk, I just think "Good. You don't need that shit anyway."
Correlation doesn't imply causation.

You could easily say skid marks are associated with Crohn's Disease. It may or may not be true. But to assert it as fact based on a correlation alone is wrong.

Organic stuff gets overrated by the health nuts, but in the case of dairy products it is very justified. Milk contains it's own form of insulin and many other hormones meant for a calf and not a human. That gets compounded with whatever hormones the farmer gives them. If you're going to consume milk, go organic. But even then, milk period, organic or not, will contain hormones and insulins meant for the growth of the young of another animal species.

I just don't recommend milk at all as a staple in the diet. When people complain about the rising cost of milk, I just think "Good. You don't need that shit anyway."

Other than lactose intolerance there is zero reason to avoid milk of any kind.
Milk contains it's own form of insulin and many other hormones meant for a calf and not a human. That gets compounded with whatever hormones the farmer gives them. If you're going to consume milk, go organic. But even then, milk period, organic or not, will contain hormones and insulins meant for the growth of the young of another animal species.


That's not insulin resistance -_-

It's been shown that the insulin specific antibodies only affect children that are predisposed to IDDM, and that normal kids are perfectly fine. I mean, if you're not breastfeeding your own child for the first year, you are pretty much screwing them over anyway. In addition, it seems to have no affect past 1-3 years of life. Considering we are all adults here, I don't think your argument applies, although it is correct.
Nutrition is so divided it's best just to do your own trials to see how you react to certain foods.

Personally, I get breakouts from dairy, shit a lot more and get bloated after consuming it although only in large amounts. A bit of cream in my coffee is fine but a 4L of milk will leave me regretting with a week of shittier skin than normal.
Skimmed through the first couple of pages on this thread, and have thus made an inference that most everyone here disagrees with the idea that milk is bad for you. I'm here to give my anectdotal evidence.

I used to have pretty bad eczema on my hands, wrist, and feet. It was really red and looked like I had an infectious disease, ever since I was a kid. I heard eczema could be caused by allergens, so I systematically started eliminating and re-adding things to my diet. The week I eliminated milk, it almost completely cleared up.

Sucks because I LOVE milk, but I avoid it now. So I think it's possible that certain people are mildly lactose intolerant and don't even really know it.

Nowadays I still drink a glass or eat it with cereal and can go without flare ups, but I usually just substitute with almond milk. Just as good imo.
Skimmed through the first couple of pages on this thread, and have thus made an inference that most everyone here disagrees with the idea that milk is bad for you. I'm here to give my anectdotal evidence.

I used to have pretty bad eczema on my hands, wrist, and feet. It was really red and looked like I had an infectious disease, ever since I was a kid. I heard eczema could be caused by allergens, so I systematically started eliminating and re-adding things to my diet. The week I eliminated milk, it almost completely cleared up.

Sucks because I LOVE milk, but I avoid it now. So I think it's possible that certain people are mildly lactose intolerant and don't even really know it.

Nowadays I still drink a glass or eat it with cereal and can go without flare ups, but I usually just substitute with almond milk. Just as good imo.

Lactose intolerance or lactose allergies can manifest in many different ways.
Lactose intolerance or lactose allergies can manifest in many different ways.

True, I guess I wasn't really knocking milk or anything, more or less just saying that for SOME people, they just can't or shouldn't drink the stuff.
Since this thread keeps going, I will add that I just went to the grocery store at lunch and was happily surprised to find non-homogenized milk. I have never had it before and am excited to compare it to what I am used to drinking.