~ Tim Kennedy/Afghanistan ~

Isn't Kennedy the guy who bragged about grenading a mother and her infant child?

Libtards do not do research. They do not care about facts that hurt their feelings.
Facts are important. Feelings have their place but usually it's best to remove emotions from the equation. The best decisions aren't based on emotions, but with the facts and with all the information that is present.
ISIS bomber car lol, you literally repeat some Pentagon press release and think you know "what is going on"

how did 20 years of occupation and murder help exactly? that corrupt government was the help? the billions wasted that went to warlords, offshore accounts and the taliban? the massive scale opium production?

US coalition killed more civilians than the taliban did.

people flee because of the impending civil war, and the uncertainty and because the taliban sucks. but don't forget, there would be no taliban without the US funding extremists for decades in Afghanistan
And you know it wasn't an ISIS bomber car how? What are your sources? Official and non official sources? Or are you just speaking out of your ass?

No one is talking about what you are talking about, it was simply on the topic of evacuation. You are on a different topic.

Governments fund militias all the time, not just the US. It was during a time of war. It isn't the same as it is now. Allies one day can be enemies the next and vice versa. Just like US was at war with Japan and now have a defense treaty with Japan. You are talking about the past when the focus should be on the present and future.
They should be lucky they got that they did, when is the last time people spared collaborators who assisted occupying foreigners in a war
Private military contractors have been working in Afghanistan, it wasn't anything new. US isn't the only country with contractors in Afghanistan.
Didn't we murder tens of thousands of civilians over there? I think estimates are like 70,000 or something crazy. Yeah, I' m not buying into this bullshit. 20 years of killing people and nobody even cared, now that its plastered all over the media people suddenly pretend to care. Its funny because people say they don't watch mainstream media anymore but is crystal clear that it controls so much of the narrative in this country. I followed drone strikes and other atrocities for years and nobody ever wanted to hear about it, weird how there seems to be so much concern now. I have a few threads about drone strikes from previous years that got nearly no attention on this board.
Didn't we murder tens of thousands of civilians over there? I think estimates are like 70,000 or something crazy. Yeah, I' m not buying into this bullshit. 20 years of killing people and nobody even cared, now that its plastered all over the media people suddenly pretend to care. Its funny because people say they don't watch mainstream media anymore but is crystal clear that it controls so much of the narrative in this country. I follow drone strikes and other atrocities for years and nobody ever wanted to hear about it, weird how there seems to be so much concern now.
Who's we?
Yeah, sadly innocent people sometimes become casualties of war. Brainwashed little children ignore all the life saving measures and freedom the US military as provided throughout the world. If there was no USA the world would be quite different. It’s a concept the recent two generations of entitled, spoiled and lazy cucks will never understand.

All those that sacrificed their lives so your sausage fingers can freely type anti US military propaganda from mommy’s baseman are turning in their grave…
The only entitled spoiled and lazy cuck generation are the baby boomers that were too young for or dodged vietnam, and too old for desert storm lmao, fucking moron. The same generation waving peace flags, protesting war, dropping acid, and generally being worthless then turned around and sold out their children's futures for the ridiculousness that was the 80s economy, then sent their kids to foreign wars.

Vietnam is another one. Pretty sure American freedom was never being fought for in rice paddies either.
So Tim K and others risk there lives to help more people flee Afghanistan and they get shit on for it ?

People are so intellectually dishonest
"must think with tribal team at all times" ~ NPC#000000458953248461