Vince McMahon is insane

I thought he was senile?
He’s completely insane. He spent most of his life juiced to the gills.

Jim Cornette and others detail how Vince hates sneezing. And if you’re in a meeting and sneeze he gets angry and makes you leave. Lol.

Also he doesn’t like music or tv and thinks food is just for fuel and not meant to be enjoyed.

Vince is a sociopath
He's an insane genius. He somehow conquered the wrestling world and created a billion dollar business despite constantly trying to burn both to the ground.
Vince worked himself into a shoot a long time ago.
Insanity and genius go hand in hand.
Crazy like a fox!
I always crack up at how intense he gets on this skit

I wish I enjoyed my job as much as he does.
You have to be a bit insane to own a wrestling company.

Also, 54 seconds in....completely forgot he ever said that. Good God.