Which testosterone pills that make your voice the deepest?

i had severe burns from an overheated sausage roll, and a few weeks later i had some chick half crush my throat with a poorly applied back choke, that made my voice deeper, not that it wasn't deep enough already.
I wouldn’t confuse raspy with deep lol
Just inject test, it's way safer than those useless otc test boosters you're using. They aren't even proven to work at all and they definitely aren't strong enough to deepen your voice. Maybe they damaged some of your brain cells and made you think your voice is deeper.
Have you tried taking up smoking?

A few years of good smoking should help you drop an octave or two.
I use sARMS and didn't ever notice anything like that. I’m not a doctor, and I don’t understand supplements so well, my friends advised it to me.
But it makes sense that increased testosterone does such a thing. This is the Harmon, goddamn it
I don't care about taking roids for the size gains but I would kill for a deeper voice. Not that mine is high but I want that Richard Burton voice.
I want to sound like this guy when I get old.


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