white whale search, your my last hope sherdog


Silver Belt
Aug 21, 2013
Reaction score
so like probably around 2006 I was watching some MMA video on a now defunct youtube channel, it was right around the time I started getting into MMA. the users name was jasbas, that I clearly rememeber, and it was called like "my first MMA video" or something, and it was clearly set in europe somewhere. Anyway, it featured this intrumental, and it was a violin song. the melody haunts my dreams, and I cant for the life of me figure out a proper way to describe it in any sane way. I know it went like, nananananana nananananana, naaaaa naaa nah na nananananana . Thats litereally the best I can do, if any of this is even remotely familiar sounding i just want to know the name of that song. also i believe the music was not entierly unpopular, because one other time I heard it playing in gamestop, and i asked the fat hcick the name, she told me and i was high so i forgot. that gamestop si closed now too.
no not like batman, but i can see where i confused you. more like gothic sounding, and sad.
It clearly isn't this at all, and I'm sorry for wasting your time, but this is immediately what I thought of. lol

was it classical music, or modern music with a violin?

if i stretch my mind i can sort of make the "nanana's" in the OP sound like vivaldi's winter:
You could try humming it on Shazam
The Day The World Went Away by Nine Inch Nails. One of my favorite songs. The nanana part is at 3:18.

I believe it’s been used for many movie and game promos among others but there’s no violin. But I’m relatively confident this is it.

Alternate version:
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hey guys!
that verve song is probably the closest, but it was a purely instrumental song. i checked the other ones, the first 2 were more classical music sounding, this had a more modern sound to it, if that makes any sense.

You're welcome.

This was exactly what I was thinking. Ever since I saw Requiem For A Dream I've loved this song. It's been used in a ton of trailers for other movies.

Here's another movie song (thats been in tons of trailers as well) that I've loved since I saw Sunshine.

still not it, im gonna go scour the internet some more, its even driving me crazier now.
stumbled upon some songs by Apocolyptica on youtube, this si probalby the closest thing ive heard so far. I am not entirely unconvinced it isnt one of their songs I havent listened to yet.

found it, only took me like forever. it sounds pretty much like i remember it, but for some reason slightly different. mandella effect 2017/ this definetly it tho.
I don't get a nananananana nananananana, naaaaa naaa nah na nananananana vibe from that song
This is the last time I ever try to help you, sir.