Multiplatform XDefiant (Release: May 21, 2024)

Whoever made this clip is pretty damn nasty:
Whoever made this clip is pretty damn nasty:

There was a guy with a sniper gun doing this to me as well. Wasn't a fan of it honestly but hopefully they make adjustments.
There’s no SBMM, so I won’t play it.
Dominating lower skilled players, or getting wrecked by higher skilled players, isn’t fun for me. There’s no feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day.

Well, I found out Blitz's shield is in the game, so I'm back in.

After multiple delays, a test server starts tomorrow.
I can't comment on the gun play, because I suck. But, I can comment on the Blitz shield. If you're a Blitz main in Siege, you'll fucking love his shield in XDefiant.
Either the hit boxes are still messed up, or the shield has a very small melee cone.
I'm not seeing very many people run the Blitz shield, and the people that try are bad at it. Most don't know how to counter it either, you deal with them the same way as in Siege, shoot the legs. Or you can run a Cleaner and mag dump into the shield, and hope the incendiary bullets do enough damage.

I have been having minor desync issues, but it's a test server, so I'd assume that gets fixed before release.
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