Is khabib proof MMA has not evolved at all?

D 1 Wrestler

Steel Belt
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
The most one dimensional fighter in the last decade +
{<doc}One dimensional how? Just because you're grouping wrestling, ground-n-pound, submissions, judo trips and slams as "grappling" doesn't make them one thing.

These are separate skills, that require separate mastering. Same way "striking" consists of boxing and kickboxing, which are also two separate skills
is barboza also completely one dimensional? how about conor?
Interesting point. Id say no because his style wont work against Conor who will starch him but it is indeed sad to see that so much of the game still hasnt been able to adapt to the shitty "wet blanket" style of fighting we've seen since the inception of the sport.
Until someone beats Khabib or neutralizes his ground game, why change it?

And Maia is so much more one dimensional than Khabib.
Khabib might be one of the most multi-dimensional fighters on the roster. Nobody's combining the amount of techniques that Khabib is.

That dude is doing everything. We don't see most fighters even attempt suplexes, slams or judo throws. How many fighters trap legs and arms like Khabib does and then GnPs? He's doing BJJ and all that combined. He's even trying his hand at striking even if its the subpar part of his game.
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Ferguson V Khabib, Winner gets Conor.
I got Khabib all day, only chance Ferguson has is the 4th and 5th rounds.
Khabib looked out of breath at the end of the 2nd.
It doesnt matter. Also how have u arrived at this conclusion that he is 1D? If khabib is one dimensional then so is conor.
Another shit thread from D1 Shitposter.

What's the matter, Conor hasn't tweeted anything worth starting a thread about?

Khabib isn't one dimensional.
Ferguson V Khabib, Winner gets Conor.
I got Khabib all day, only chance Ferguson has is the 4th and 5th rounds.
Khabib looked out of breath at the end of the 2nd.
You underestimate his gas tank. If he was out of gas in R2 no way would he grapple in R3 which takes a LOT of energy. Dont forget the guy comes from mountains,rest assured he has a good gas tank for 5Rds.