Reminder: the UFC allowed Ronda to avoid media obligations..

Ronda was suicidal though
Ronda got permission ahead of time to skip media stuff, it was part of her fight negotiations. No doubt she took a pay cut. Conor on the other hand did none of that and skipped out on media obligations that he'd already agreed to do.
Who's conor?


Ronda was never disciplined for admitting to domestic violence. Nobody here endlessly repeated how hitting someone of the opposite sex is the worst thing you can do. Nobody demanded she should be cut, not allowed a second chance, etc.

The SJWs don’t want equality.
they called her out on it before the Holly fight
Also, Ronda was never that mic savvy, and coming out of a loss, she wouldn't have that "once in a lifetime" aura about her anymore.
So she skipping media that time around made sense.

Connor is a media genius, and despite him losing to Nate and Floyd, he managed to maintain his status.

Agreed, Ronda fighting sold PPV's not her mouth.
Conor however is often late to press conferences so he does get quite a bit of leeway these days.
Conor wasn't pulled for media obligations. You marks actually believed that? Think really hard about why they might claim that as an excuse, to cover up what really happened. Conor failed a drug test (or told UFC he couldn't pass tests for the fight) so they called it off but put the blame on Dana instead of Conor by claiming Dana pulled him over media obligations. What really happened: They let Conor "retire" (so long and thanks for the cheese, remember?) and then un-retire to get out of the USADA pool temporarily, then back in, then when he could piss clean they went ahead with the 2nd Nate fight.
Conor wasn't pulled for media obligations. You marks actually believed that? Think really hard about why they might claim that as an excuse, to cover up what really happened. Conor failed a drug test (or told UFC he couldn't pass tests for the fight) so they called it off but put the blame on Dana instead of Conor by claiming Dana pulled him over media obligations. What really happened: They let Conor "retire" (so long and thanks for the cheese, remember?) and then un-retire to get out of the USADA pool temporarily, then back in, then when he could piss clean they went ahead with the 2nd Nate fight.
Conor retired and then upon realizing it meant he would have to sit out for the 4 month waiting period to get back back in with USADA he promptly un retired. What he did did not take himself out of the testing pool. He was "retired" for a couple of days.
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Conor retired and then upon realizing it meant he would have to sit out for the 4 month waiting period to get back back in with USADA. What he did did not take himself out of the testing pool. He was "retired" for a couple of days.

Is mcnuggets still a fighter? 2 years off, no lined up matches....get off his nuts
Her coming all the way towards that Nunes staredown to not say a word and leave again. Some of the goofiest shit I've seen in my life.
It's because Conor didn't let Dana fuck him like Ronda did.
I wonder if Dee didn’t like the idea of being Dana’s eskimo sister, maybe that’s why it hasn’t happened yet.
Ronda got permission ahead of time to skip media stuff, it was part of her fight negotiations. No doubt she took a pay cut. Conor on the other hand did none of that and skipped out on media obligations that he'd already agreed to do.

I do not understand why some people still cannot comprehend this.

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