Is it only happening to me?


Black Belt
Nov 3, 2011
Reaction score
Wft every time I log in from my computer it's all good but when I log in from my phone it always takes me to some bullshit virus website. Zayebal menya sherdog uzhe. While I'm in the middle of reading . And my phone is fine cuz it's only happends on sherdog website. Sho za xuinya blyad. Time to fix it sherdog. Enough already
Pay to become platinium members ^^

you guys sound poor....
What i would suggest is keep logging in from your computer if your phone is shit
Wft every time I log in from my computer it's all good but when I log in from my phone it always takes me to some bullshit virus website. Zayebal menya sherdog uzhe. While I'm in the middle of reading . And my phone is fine cuz it's only happends on sherdog website. Sho za xuinya blyad. Time to fix it sherdog. Enough already
Reports about bad ads should include the following:
1. Location/Country
2. Device
3. Browser
4. Company/product of ad.
5. A screen shot if possible.
6. Brief description of how the ad is a problem.
7. Page/Pages affected
8. Date and Time of occurrence.
Refer to the instructions for your device on how to take screen shots.

If we don't have this information, we can't identify the source of the problem. Thanks.
I try to use the Fight Finder database on iOS and it's impossible. Pressing Desktop Version always gives the piece of crap mobile version. I cannot view the same details that I can on the computer.

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