Media Old man explains what happened with Conor McGregor.

YOU had him winning by SD???

Which one of your other personalities favored Conor? <Lmaoo>

He saw stiffness and then realized he was dealing with the stuck in the mud champion. Unfortunately he couldn't get the finish but he will be back better than ever.
Old man's inner dialogue:

Fuck this beer is good. Yeah...
No dude just put your glass over there.
Gross man, I ain't mixing beer and whiskey.
WTF??? This guy just punched me, at least he punches like a bitch.
Thank God for beer.
What most people dont even realise is that the video from TMZ has 3 minutes missing from the moment the man said no to the drink and then getting punched. Why was it cut out? something happened in that time? people at the pub did say that the man and Conor traded words with the man saying "the Russian battered you" lol but the video makes it looks like Conor offered him a drink, man said no and Conor punches him lol
So theres deleted footage?
Jesus christ guys.....there's a clock on the video. 3 mins past before he hit him. We have no idea what was going on in that amount of time. Conor didn't crack him obviously for not drinking the shot. Obviously the guy was talking some shit to him. Conor is a moron for hitting him but he's not some nut job thats going to punch him for that.
I wouldnt doubt it with Conor. Anything is possible.
Watch the vid again.

Conor comes in sets glass down in front of old fella. Old fella then proceeds to pick up glass and slam the glass down n away from himself. He could have ignored it, pushed it away gently but instead he decides to slam it down with some force. Conor sets another one down the old man does it again. Bang sucker punch.

Not justifying Conors retarded actions im just saying the old man was giving some attitude.

Conors too stupid to be this rich.
the guy was definitely being rude. But nothing close to enough that it should have made Conor mad enough to want to hit him.
Who in the world looks up to Conor Mcregor anymore? He's a legit example of how money can destroy some people
Being calm & zen has never rhymed well with running around coked up.
By working hard I hope he mains laying off the coke and booze, I'm sure that'll help.
Im not denying that no. We are obviously missing something.
Im just saying with conor he doesnt give a fuck and he'll just buy his way out. Conor knows no boundaries

Yes we are missing 3 mins which is a long time and logically something was being said between the initial shot denial and Conor hitting him. If you watch the video when it cuts to 3 mins later the guy has his head turned to the left staring at Conor and appears he mutters something when turning his head again and Conor cracks him. Obviously there was some kind of shit talking going on. Even the initial report back in April was Conor hit some guy for talking shit and nothing about a shot. Obviously the shot was the start of the problems but wasn't the actual breaking point. Conor hit the guy for talking shit not turning down the shot. TMZ has the video edited and most of the public is too stupid to understand things like "editing" and that timelines on video are not in real time.
He did not say that. Watch the interview.
"I must be calm"


"I must be zen"


"I must lead by example"


"There are so many people that look up to me"

Yes we are missing 3 mins which is a long time and logically something was being said between the initial shot denial and Conor hitting him. If you watch the video when it cuts to 3 mins later the guy has his head turned to the left staring at Conor and appears he mutters something when turning his head again and Conor cracks him. Obviously there was some kind of shit talking going on. Even the initial report back in April was Conor hit some guy for talking shit and nothing about a shot. Obviously the shot was the start of the problems but wasn't the actual breaking point. Conor hit the guy for talking shit not turning down the shot. TMZ has the video edited and most of the public is too stupid to understand things like "editing" and that timelines on video are not in real time.
I still think the way the old fella was slamming those glasses down wasnt helping the situation. But yeah, we need the full story for sure.
Conors still an idiot