Conor McGregor's Apology Was A Shameless PR Move

Was Conor's apology real or fake?

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Jul 14, 2013
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Summary: In this editorial, the author says Conor's apology was fake. His main argument is if it was real, he would have apologized at the time.

Conor McGregor's Apology Was A Shameless PR Move

Conor McGregor recently sat down with ESPN to do some public relations work. McGregor has not fought since Khabib Nurmagomedov submitted him in the main event of UFC 229, which took place in October 2018. Since then it seems the only time the UFC competitor has made the news is for a violent or vile indiscretion.

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Earlier this month, TMZ released video from April of McGregor punching a bar patron in an Irish pub. The man's crime? He allegedly refused a drink from McGregor.

In a somewhat tone-deaf apology, McGregor attempted to paint himself as a victim of celebrity.

"I need to just stop reacting to the bait," McGregor told ESPN. "People are trying to bait me into things. Am I the fish? Or am I the whale? I must be calm. I must be calm. I must be zen. I must lead by example. There's so many people looking up to me. How can I react in this way? I need to get a hold of this."

McGregor then stressed how long it's been since he was last in trouble.

"It's been, what? Five months since that one? That's it," said McGregor. "I just have to take what comes and move on. I've learned from every single experience in my life and try to do right for the people who want me to do right. … But how can they back me in certain situations? I must understand that and grow as a man and make amends."

As apologies go, McGregor's fell short. He seemed contrite when he said, "I was in the wrong. That man deserved to enjoy his time in the pub without having it end the way it did. Although, five months ago it was, I tried to make amends. And I made amends back then. That doesn't even matter, I was in the wrong."

However, when he painted himself as a victim who was being baited into reacting violently, he lost any goodwill he had earned.

The entire interview came across as a calculated PR move by McGregor, his team and the UFC. What made thing worse was the timing.

Had McGregor apologized at the time of any of these incidents, he may have earned himself some sympathy. He didn't. He waited to apologize until he learned his popularity was on the wane and that fighters such as Jorge Masvidal and Nate Diaz were emerging as stars while McGregor sat in the sidelines.

The sad thing is that McGregor's transparent PR ploy seems to be working. The media has gloomed onto his apology and painted it as sincere, which is exactly the way McGregor and the UFC wanted it to play out. As long as McGregor doesn't have another run-in with the authorities, the UFC will be able to slot McGregor into a high-profile fight.

As we have found out over that past few years, that's a big if when it comes to the volatile fighter.

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I think that it was both a genuine apology as well as a PR move.

It was most definitely damage control but that doesn't mean that it wasn't also sincere. I think that he knows that he fucked up and so he apologized for it. But that televised apology also served a purpose in regards to his public image.
Fake AF

More of a promotion for himself than anything else.
I think that it was both a genuine apology as well as a PR move.

It was most definitely damage control but that doesn't mean that it wasn't also sincere. I think that he knows that he fucked up and so he apologized for it. But that televised apology also served a purpose in regards to his public image.

Exactly. It's not black and white. You can make apologies and mean it, while at the same time you're looking to make the most of your apology.

It's complicated.
It was good apology. Of course it's PR move - no shame in that.
100% fake. Dee told him to do it. He stuttered more than Forrest Gump.
The reason it looks fake to me is because his focus is him and not the old man. If he had said he apologized to the old man immediately after the incident, and tried to compensate him for the injury, that would be very different. So he sounds more concerned about the damage it did to his reputation, not the damage to the old man. He could have even said he offered to buy the old man a case of his favorite drink instead of Proper 12. Something... anything! But the latest we heard from the old man is he wants justice, which clearly indicates Conor has not made the old man his focus.
If his foot wasn't a balloon, it would have been a real apology,

Yeah the old man planted himself at the pub ready to bait McGregor at the first chance. Trying to catch some fish...
I mean...... no shit?

I bet the apologies are genuine in that he probably does feel stupid when he sobers up.
Hes embarrassing to himself more than anything.
I think that it was both a genuine apology as well as a PR move.

It was most definitely damage control but that doesn't mean that it wasn't also sincere. I think that he knows that he fucked up and so he apologized for it. But that televised apology also served a purpose in regards to his public image.
Do you think if video of the elderly abuse didn't come out he'd be apologizing?

He's sorry there was video. And he's sorry that his reputation took another hit. I believe he's sincere in that.
I think that it was both a genuine apology as well as a PR move.

It was most definitely damage control but that doesn't mean that it wasn't also sincere. I think that he knows that he fucked up and so he apologized for it. But that televised apology also served a purpose in regards to his public image.
Yea agree with this. Although I wonder why he wasn't this sincere about the bus attack. There were a bunch of innocent people that caught the worse of that. Rose, Borg etc. Ironically enough Kahbib didn't get touched at all.
Like any other criminal; He's sorry he got caught..
"It's been, what? Five months since that one? That's it," said McGregor. "I just have to take what comes and move on. I've learned from every single experience in my life and try to do right for the people who want me to do right. … But how can they back me in certain situations? I must understand that and grow as a man and make amends."
This bogus apology/excuse is all too common. "I've learned from every single experience in my life and try to do right for the people who want me to do right." This is the idea that you must first rape somebody before you can learn that rape is wrong. You should not have to go on damage control in order to learn that what you did is wrong.

People get punched in the face all the time and they are usually no biggies. This isn't one of them. This is somebody who punched somebody in the face for not drinking your whisky. Does Conor think the world owes him? Children think they can control how other people think, feel and behave. Grown-ups don't.
He paid the old man who gives a fuck? No one actually apologises for real.