McGregor back @ it

Conor/Not Conor

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She looks exactly like the kind of chick that would fuck you for blow.

I like those women.

I mean money is cool, but being treated like sh*t surely isn't if that indeed turns out to be Conor, which it looks like is the case.
And are you defending cheating? Have you thought about Dee maybe getting hurt by his previous actions but just feeling too weak too leave him? Are you suggesting she'd deserve something like this?

Uhm, why does Lee hide Nazis in her house? and who are these guys supposed to be?

Also: what is it with that "that's not how the world works"?

Go on. I'd like to hear your opinion on this.
My opinion is the world would be a better place if women stood up for themselves against men, if men stood up against more powerful men, if lots of things. But that's not how ppl generally behave and it's unfair to put that on Dee, that she should do something.

I feel she should do what her personality dictates, which is supporting her man. If she were the kind of woman who's self-respect and concern shone more brightly than her love of her man she'd have left. But she's put up with AAAAAALLLLLLLL his bs to this point so we can see she will continue to do so and at least she's getting paid.

The kind of woman who would leave would have left SOOOO long ago - and the kind of woman who didn't isn't going to because he's cheated for the 597th time. If the other 596 didn't seal the deal this one won't either is all I"m saying.

I myself am a loving and respectful guy and my women are all loved and listened to, and inspired, and respected. My daughter has such a solid relationship with me dudes have a hard time impressing her at her young age so I'm 1000% sure she won't end up in Dee's situation.

But it starts early. I don't think we should look at Conor's bs and say Dee should do anything. I think we should say that maybe her parents should have raised her differently in the past but that's all done. Now she's Conor's wife and she loves that drunken, cheating man. And I respect her enough to not feel like she ought to do anything she doesn't feel motivated to do.

And yes, I've thought of her feelings and said "poor Dee". But I've learned to respect women's choices and their right to choose douchebags just as much as I've learned to accept men's poor choices when they date douchebags.

I think Dee has figured out how she prefers to live, given her options. She is a very sympathetic character so I do feel your pain.
He looks younger in the video.

This was probably and old leak from his glory days

Which consisted of banging ugly chicks apparently
Go home papa. Go preach to the church if You so perfect. Understand someone is not projection its imagination hubby.
Imagine thinking someone acts like he's perfect just because he despises people who act like total pieces of sh*t...
Also: while i'm praying in the church, you might want to do something about your grammar, amigo.
i don't think that's him. guy in this video has no tattoos on his left forearm and Conor's is covered.

unless the video is flipped, then ...

It's clearly flipped. Tattoos on the back of his neck are his.
1. Was that actually Conor? Because I didn't see any tats or definitive things to prove it. I only watched it once though couldn't deal with that crackwhore for more than 20 seconds.

2. Why did McGregor have a boner during the Mayweather weigh-ins? I don't understand that. Seriously...can someone explain why that isn't talked about more because it's just utterly outlandish and why would he want to pop wood in front of millions like a sociopath? Assert dominance over midget Mayweddda I suppose.

start a thread
McGregor will now use this as another excuse against Khabib

“I wasn’t meeeself”
Imagine thinking someone acts like he's perfect just because he despises people who act like total pieces of sh*t...
Also: while i'm praying in the church, you might want to do something about your grammar, amigo.

No, just he thinks hes so perfect to post his opinions about other person personal life, just like his own doesnt satisfies him. You are too deep into self love to notice that You bullshit about someone elses private life.
You describes others as poses. How dare you to think that Your life is the right one?

Yes Im not perfect, working on it all the time dad.
Honestly, it's an impersonator/fan boy.

As for the camera flip bullshit, that doesn't magically flip his tattoos to his right arm, whilst keeping everything everything else where it should be.
Damn bro, doing Sherlock Holmes' work here!
Sherdog Holmes*
You’re not wrong but I bet she does EVERYTHING in bed. Just look at her.

I've been in this scenario and went for it when I was younger. Conor should be able to find more attractive hoes though. Soon as I saw this though it reminded me of this:

Be honest it you had the status, and fame like Conor who wouldnt want to go around smashing what you can. Also nothing wrong with smashing an average looking chick from tine to time
Pretty easy to tell she is a crack head or some type/all type of drug addict. Connor connor connor.... he seems to be on a downward spiral. I thought that maybe he had started to get a hold of his life again. But i guess he is not there yet.

I am thinking we are about to see more craziness shortly.
He knocked off a random sloozey lol.
I'm sure he'll be okay
This will probably be her greatest accomplishment ever. Look at how proud she is. Lol!
it can't be that old, the song playing in the background came out in Jan 2019.