Pop back kick vs jump back kick

That jump back kick is really cool. Never really seen that before outside of tkd I guess

Always did the pop version, never even tried the jump one. Not that I think one is superior, just never even considered the jump one. *shrug*

Is that you in the vid?
What was the question?

I dont really think there is a difference except which leg you kick with the front or back foot from the fighting stance.
I if you kick with the back leg, you do a "pop". But if you want to kick with the front leg you must do a step in, and then it becomes natural for it to be the "jump" version. Jump version is a bigger movement -more powerful, but way slower -and you must start from a longer distance. Usually not practical unless you can disguise the lifting knee as a kick
You cannot really do a pop version with the front leg or a jump version with the back leg.
Interesting... thanks for sharing that.

TMA like tkd tends to call what is referred to as the pop back kick as the jumping back kick and not even have a name for what is called jumping back kick in the video. The latter looks to be useful sometimes to feint a kick with the chambered lead leg but then the attacker suddenly jumps and spins as he entered and kicks with the back le instead.
If only the jump back kick was easy to hit then a lot more fighters would use it.

it’s a powerful kick but it’s telegraphed so it’s hard to hit.

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