Best. UFC. Gif. Ever.

Either Connor lives rent free in your head or you just love Khabib balls or both
Hours straight? Dude you're a bit creepy

Ackmed is an American kid who has a borderline autistic obsession with Muslims and Russians and wishes he was one of them. Nothing really surprising here.
Someone made a gif of Sean Salmon and his high kick. They inserted a soccer ball. That was awesome
Conor won round 3 and he did it after coming back from a 2 year lay off. That's a poor attempt at "torture" from Khabib if you ask me
That's the he kicked khabib in the dick and grabbed his glove many many times. He fouled khabib 15+ times and still lost. Khabib also got the Kimura on him in rd2 but he kept grabbing the fence with his feet, and kneeing khabib in the head even though khabib was downed. He was cheating blatantly. But of course you'll come up with another excuse so I'm done discussing this with you.
Can some cunt post Marquet mauling Woodley

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