Widespread riots after Death of George Floyd V.2

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He's security hired by a news station.

Damn, that's a good point. Just like escorting an ambulance directly in to a riot that is barricades in the street, it's either completely reckless or straight up evil.
Believe me. You want the police to put down this violence. If they do not then armed citizens will have to. And you and the rioters really do not want that
So you now are for armed randos walking around and shooting other citizens.

That will end well.
Pretty clear that in many of these situations the police escalated the situation. It’s just not what you’re seeing in the media. This is why we kneel.
I’ve seen a video of a protesters sitting with his hands up be kicked in the chest (he was on the side walk, not blocking the road) and another of a protester with his arms up, having his mask pulled off before being shot in the face with pepper spray. I don’t see how that was in any way called for.
No. I saw Rogan. Just watched about a minute from the time stamp. Silliness, as one would expect if Rogan is involved. Turned it off. Not sure who the other goof is, but I mean does nobody realize there is no KKK?
There are like 17 guys in OH, KY and IN combined. You guys are chasing ghosts, man. Relax.

turn off your blinders.

you're jumping into this with biases.

you could learn a thing or two instead of feeling like your beliefs are being challenged.

look up Daryl Davis. the man has made it his mission to convert Klan members. he's converted over 200 members & has their robes as his trophies.
You're only digging further in.

Everyone can click the first few pages of the thread and see how you were royally owned.
No sir, you police staters will whine about your guys but you are okay with this shit.

You are owning yourself with this nonsense.

How many have been killed as a result of the looting and riots? Any?
So you now are for armed randos walking around and shooting other citizens.

That will end well.
That's not how it's working. People are sitting in their businesses and homes and having to defend themselves. If the rioters would focus on the police and local government and not destroying their own community, this may not be an issue.
How many have been killed as a result of the looting and riots? Any?
Yes. Many. I need both hands to count the ones I've read about, so I'm sure it's a lot more than 10.
That's not how it's working. People are sitting in their businesses and homes and having to defend themselves. If the rioters would focus on the police and local government and not destroying their own community, this may not be an issue.
You know the police are brutal when people in another country protests our embassy.

Maybe we need another way. Meeting violence with more violence isn't working. But sure, the only way to end this is with violence. No conflict in the history of the planet has ended peacefully. There needed to be cops shooting rubber bullets at people standing on their own porches. There needed to be cops throwing flash grenades in residential neighborhoods.

Time for Law Enforcement to step it up a notch.

And LOL at the Minneapolis mayor trying to blame White Supremacists when it is obvious there are Antifa elements at play

It was time for law enforcement to step it up a notch a few nights ago
Society is going to tear itself apart this summer, and it's what the neofascists want.

The cops and national guard are the outside extremists causing violence and mayhem.

That second wave of Covid and the complete collapse of the working class is going to be nail in the coffin of our democracy. People need to stop pretending this is a standard time.
So you now are for armed randos walking around and shooting other citizens.

That will end well.

It happened in the LA riots. The cops were just tagging dead bodies.

Some people want to protect their businesses, homes and loved ones. Very few actual people have your sentiment. Not many men would sit back and watch their neighbors or family robbed, beaten or murdered
It happened in the LA riots. The cops were just tagging dead bodies.

Some people want to protect their businesses, homes and loved ones. Very few actual people have your sentiment. Not many men would sit back and watch their neighbors or family robbed, beaten or murdered
You wanted to know how many have died so you can try to make some elaborate point.
Two reportedly across multiple states.

63 died in 1992 in one city.
What are you talking about? Are you even serious? There were two LEO shot in Oakland and one died and one was critical, among at least half a dozen reports of dead people I saw prior to last night, even. Hell, there was one guy shot to death in the street in Cincinnati Friday night.

You guys are like Baghdad Bob trying to spin this stuff. Why?
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