Widespread riots after Death of George Floyd V.2

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Someone needs to create a twitter bot account that copies tweets from SJWs and auto-replaces any usage of the term "white men" with minorities like "jews", "black men", "muslims", and tweets it back to them so that they can see how "problematic" they are. It's amazing how much SJWs hate racism and sexism, yet love to stereotype and shit on a group of people because of their skin colour and gender.

Feel free to steal my idea.

I've always had a similar thought tbh.

I rarely use Twitter and if I do, it's to keep up to date with sports, but if I had the free time on my hands and audience, I'd see how quickly I'd be banned for doing exactly what you said.

Disgusting platform.
I think what scares me is I think the attitude of implicitly supporting these people is far more widespread among the left than they admit. I worry that voting against Trump would give these people legitimate political power.

I've already seen too many videos of whites being lynched, white men defend yourself!
This is LOL worthy. Athletes from shit hole countries or descended from shit hole countries around the world are taking the opportunity to grandstand about police brutality in America.

This is Rich. I believe in psy ops. There are too many coincidences happening right now.
Strange deflection has taken over the thread; that protests over police brutality against black people are invalid because of interracial murder stats. Besides being a dead giveaway of a white supremacist mindset, it's not a valid line of argument.
So I wonder if we will be seeing a lot of urbaners fleeing from big cities to town and country in the wake of Covid and the riots. The virus outside of a handful of heavy urban centers has largely been a dud. No less than 20 parishes (counties) in my state have had roughly the same number of covid deaths as they had in late March. Hard to believe for some but its true. The riots have seized mainly only cities well over 50,000 population.

I wonder if we could be seeing a revival in town and country like perhaps we have never seen in the United States. And this will presumably be salted by higher caliber people who can afford the relocation. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

Because there are a lot of urban folk who are just not going to keep putting up with the crap they've been going through in big cities over the last 5 months.

The older I get the happier I am living in a small town. No lockdowns, no riots, can see the stars at night. Tons of gorgeous countryside for cross country cycling literally only blocks from my house in all directions.

Don't get me wrong, I would definitely not want to live somewhere with no high-speed internet or too far from a bigger city but I have both of those.

Having watched a few episodes of Doomsday Preppers (lol, all of them, if im honest); if you live in a big city when an event (pandemic and the disorder that follows them) like this occurs, the first thing to do is grab your bug-out bag and get the hell out of dodge.

You couldn't pay me to live in LA right now; its June 1st, still a lot of hot summer left with monumental employment and no effective leadership. More than one occurrence of Rioters attacking trucks, as if there were not supply chain issues already.

Not good.
Bellevue, Seattle area

defending neighborhood. Nasally lefties whining about it.

There have been communications that rioters are planning to take it to residential areas. They should realize for the sake of their poor mothers that the suburbs are a one way trip.

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Strange deflection has taken over the thread; that protests over police brutality against black people are invalid because of interracial murder stats. Besides being a dead giveaway of a white supremacist mindset, it's not a valid line of argument.
Its not that it invalids animosity towards police brutality, it begs the question that why aren't white people more mad about the interracial murder stats? Why aren't there protests and looting over that?

I've already seen too many videos of whites being lynched, white men defend yourself!

Where is this? I mean I know it happens anywhere and everywhere, but do we know where this happened?

Edit looks like Brazil.
That makes you a target. You're "privileged."

Yeah I hear ya. My privilege is being raised in a caring two-parent household. Mom lost both parents by age 18 and put herself through Nursing School. Dad grew up poor and entered the Navy at age 18 to support 9 siblings since their father was dying of Black Lung from mining coal. Neither would allow me self pity, both showed that the easiest way to fail is to give up and give in to whatever circumstance you find yourself in. Both invested much time and effort into raising me to be a successful adult.

Just don't forget this important fact.

Are the black people who are engaging in criminality not responsible for their own behaviour? The looting, burning and violence from blacks is justified and should be overlooked because some white idiots are causing problems? There are certainly white people involved, but lefties trying to shift all of the blame on the absolute stupidity taking place in the United States right now is ridiculous. Everyone involved in the violence and destruction, regardless of race, should be held accountable for their actions. Making excuses and shifting the blame for violent black people is not helping anybody. The biggest problem in America regarding race-relations is the soft bigotry of low expectations. The Left in particular believe that blacks are not capable of being better. This is just another example. Blacks cannot be held accountable for their involvement in the riots and looting because the media is claiming some white people started it. Bigotry of low expectations.
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