Antifa being designated a terrorist organization

Antifa sucks and I have no respect for them, but they're not a terrorist organization. Causing stores to go bankrupt sucks, but it's not terrorism. You're all exaggerating because you don't like them, but that shit can backfire very badly.

yeah. molotovs are just bottles of peace. pipe bombs are just bongs of love. ar15s shoot hippie fun time injections. bike locks only hurt stores. also, heads. shit.
Antifa sucks and I have no respect for them, but they're not a terrorist organization. Causing stores to go bankrupt sucks, but it's not terrorism. You're all exaggerating because you don't like them, but that shit can backfire very badly.

The entire globe is shut down due to a pandemic. People cannot work and the economy has come to a screeching halt. Explain to me how the destruction of civil society in this time, especially as they are liquored up with Marxian nonsense of violent over throw, is anything but terrorism.

These People are ideologically bent and violence is their means of getting their message across. They are not interested in conversation, they are appearently undermining what could have been a great opportunity for the black community to get their greivances across, they are undermining efforts that have kept people in isolation for the past few months and at this point are just further worsening what it's possibly the worst situation we have all experienced at least in our life time.

Fuck them and label them for what they are. Domestic terrorists. Their presence presupposes violence and they are bad for the discourse.

Oh but sure we just don't like them.
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The entire globe is shut down due to a pandemic. People cannot work and the economy has come to a screeching halt. Explain to me how the destruction of civil society in this time, especially as they are liquored up with Marxian nonsense of violent over throw, is anything but terrorism.

These People are ideologically bent and violence is their means of getting their message across. They are not interested in conversation, they are appearently undermining what could have been a great opportunity for the black community to get their greivances across, they are undermining efforts that have kept people in isolation for the past few months and at this point are just further worsening what it's possibly the worst situation we have all experienced at least in our life time.

Fuck them and label them for what they are. Domestic terrorists. There presence presupposes violence and they are bad for the discourse.

Oh but sure we just don't like them.

This is a load of BS.
Antifa sucks and I have no respect for them, but they're not a terrorist organization. Causing stores to go bankrupt sucks, but it's not terrorism. You're all exaggerating because you don't like them, but that shit can backfire very badly.

How are they causing stores to go bankrupt?
Antifa sucks and I have no respect for them, but they're not a terrorist organization. Causing stores to go bankrupt sucks, but it's not terrorism. You're all exaggerating because you don't like them, but that shit can backfire very badly.

More than 4 people died, cities are in flames, damage amounting to millions. I call this an attempt to destabilize the US and to attack the gov. So yes, it sounds like terrorism to me.
I'll ask you what I asked others, should we also consider The Proud Boys and the Bundys as terrorists? TPB are the Antifa equivalent on the right and the Bundys stormed a government building with guns for a political purpose. Why not endlessly expand the list of domestic terrorist groups then? Is this really where we want to be going?

You're trying to say that they're terrorist because of their loose organization but tha tin an of itself doesn't make a group a terrorist org. Its a very silly definition to use. Hezbollah is not the only hierarchical terror group either, FARC had leaders who could negotiate a peace deal with the Colombian government. Its a nonsensical definition.

I also stated that antifa is a group of people who are creating chaos and civil unrest in an attempt to push their political ideology.

Learn to pronounce

  1. a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Can you agree that this right here is a reasonable definition for for the term or terrorist? If you can at least agree on that definition will you please tell me how antifa IS NOT a terrorist organization?

As for the Proud Boys I have no real issue with calling them a terrorist organization, but I don't know a whole lot about them outside of some fights they got into a while back...seems they're a bunch of non-masturbating nutjobs. I don't know much about the Bundy's but from what I understand their interaction with law enforcement is due to a land rights issue going on for 50+ years. Again, I don't know enough to say either way, but if you want to call them domestic terrorists I won't argue with you on it.
More than 4 people died, cities are in flames, damage amounting to millions. I call this an attempt to destabilize the US and to attack the gov. So yes, it sounds like terrorism to me.
Did antifa kill them to make a political statement? They're not even an organization, and they've never killed anyone? If you wanna be very loose with the definition of terrorism, go ahead but it will backfire badly.

How are they causing stores to go bankrupt?
Ask him.
I also stated that antifa is a group of people who are creating chaos and civil unrest in an attempt to push their political ideology.

Learn to pronounce

  1. a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Can you agree that this right here is a reasonable definition for for the term or terrorist? If you can at least agree on that definition will you please tell me how antifa IS NOT a terrorist organization?

As for the Proud Boys I have no real issue with calling them a terrorist organization, but I don't know a whole lot about them outside of some fights they got into a while back...seems they're a bunch of non-masturbating nutjobs. I don't know much about the Bundy's but from what I understand their interaction with law enforcement is due to a land rights issue going on for 50+ years. Again, I don't know enough to say either way, but if you want to call them domestic terrorists I won't argue with you on it.
That definition is so vague its ripe for abuse by the government. I don't want a tit for tat of adding this or that group to a terror watch list, before you know it being part of some social media group is going to get you labeled as a terrorist. So I don't want Antifa, The Proud Boys, or the Bundys being designated as terrorists.

I don't care for Antifa, treat them like the criminals they are. But the government has carved out for itself special powers for dealing with terrorism like enhanced interrogation and indefinite detention so we should be careful about who we call terrorist.
Did antifa kill them to make a political statement? They're not even an organization, and they've never killed anyone? If you wanna be very loose with the definition of terrorism, go ahead but it will backfire badly.

Ask him.

I'm asking you because you said it.
Antifa is most certainly a group and they absolutely organize as well. Not sure where this perception is coming from that they operate randomly and at chance happen to march together and smash store fronts in sync.

Ohhh antifa are the cops that show up dressed like protesters and incite violence. Got it.

Antifa is a blanket term that’s being applied to “people I don’t agree with.” And now they can be detained with very little reason. It’s legit crazy how the “government needs to stay out of our lives” war room is suddenly super cool with this.
So you want to do this with the Proud Boys as well?

You didn't address any of the obvious pitfalls of this that I mentioned. And it sounds like you just want to go after people on the left and have a way to justify it. Again, you need to project out a little...your side of the aisle is probably not long for power given the way things are looking. I'd be careful about supporting this sort of thing.

Do they have political goals that undermine capitalism?

Do the use violence in order to achieve that goal?

If yes to both, absolutely.
So it's about changing the law so you can circumvent the right of free speech? Trump is really going leftist (by Sherdog definition) in the last week. First aiming for government interference in private companies and now this.

You're a moron.
i like how i mentioned AETA many pages ago, and people still pretend that this is some kind of new thing/abuse.

aeta is abusing 'terrorism' charges.

calling black bloc arsons/etc terrorism is pretty accurate.

ffs, "terroristic threats" is a crime in many states and it's rarely ever complained about.
I'm asking you because you said it.
I was replying to his comment about them ruining stores. I just answered in a "well that sucks but that's not terrorism" kind of way.
Obviously antifa has been on the government's radar. Antifa has already been infiltrated by a government agency, evidence, names have been gathered & the Fed's are in position to drop the hammer. That's how they work. Infiltrate, build the case & prosecute.
Do they have political goals that undermine capitalism?

Do the use violence in order to achieve that goal?

If yes to both, absolutely.
again, I'm not disagreeing or arguing any of that...I don't think anyone is. You have to be able to identify them, not just have the right to say "you're Antifa, you're a terrorist" don't see the problem here?