Crime "I cant breathe": Police choke Man to death on video V2: Independent Autopsy out

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So does this mean more looting, less looting, the cops just gets shot now? Everyone saw the video and what happened so this independent finding does not change much.
Hopefully they can get another autopsy to find the same so it's at least 2 against 1.

Lol right wingers right now are like "check him for Covid! Did they check him for Covid? It might have been Covid contributing!"
Quote them, please. I haven't seen a single post seriously claiming that, only a few mocking the fact that they were trying to call every death a "covid death" like a week before.
This is how it always works in these kinds of cases. Classic battle of the experts.

There’s no question the cops killed him by restraining him on the ground. The issue is how exactly. Sometimes it’s not clear cut.

I'm guessing that legally, if your actions are the "straw", that makes you guilty. Like if a guy plays the knock-out game with a grandpa, and grandpa dies, they're going to jail for manslaughter.

Looks like this might be an honest to God Reckless, unnecessary death from a nut job cop.
One of the other cops checked the pulse of Floyd while Chauvin's knee was on his neck, he detected no pulse so suggested to Chauvin if he should turn Floyd on his side, to which Chauvin said no. The attorney for the Floyd family says this shows intent and premeditation.

We now have the audio from the police body cam and we hear where one officer says he doesn't have a pulse, maybe we should turn him on his side. But yet, Officer Chauvin says no, we're going to keep him in this position.
“We know the video looks bad, especially along with the audio that included the deceased man pleading for his life. But in reality it was just his time to go, due to decades of poor eating habits. If anything, it is just so unfortunate for the officer that he happened to be kneeling on the man’s neck when the coronary kicked in.”

I see what you did there buddy....


I see you!!!!
You gotta laugh at the cops on this one though.

They always try and release autopsies like "Oh well he had heart disease and hypertension and a bad back and hemorrhoids and that's why he died when we crushed his body. We didn't kill him."

It's like shooting a guy and attributing his death to "Blood loss which shut down primary organs". Pretty sure the bullets might have had something to do with that blood loss.

If the folks , who claim Floyd's underlying conditions is what killed him, were filling out cause of deaths for Covid-19 infected persons , our Covid-19 death count would be zero.
In some states (IN was one of them, unsure on MN) county coroners are elected officials and require ZERO medical background. Let that sink in for a minute

Wait what?

Holy shit. Yeah. In Minnesota the county coroner can be elected, or appointed by the county board. Does say they have to be a forensic pathologist certified by the American board of Pathology tho.

The Hennepin county coroner in this case has been in the role since 2004 and has maintained full accrediting for the past 38 years. So not a case of being unqualified.
not an autopsy expert but would be nice to hear, at a granular level, what one examiner found and the other didnt. are they examining the body and finding the same set of symptoms, but making a different interpretation? or are they finding different symptoms?

At the end it’s a guessing game n You then choose who you believe based on credentials

It was same with Epstein

Should say County, not media as the header. But this is what the county medical examiner/Corona tried to say
Damn, and I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were only protesting the misspelling of independent in the title.

If you hire a plumber does that plumber work for you? Is that plumber your employee? Or is that plumber his own boss and is an independent contractor?

Now apply those same rules to an outside doctor or medical examiner, now contrast that person vs. a county medical examiner or coroner.

If you apply all these steps you'll see how one is independent and only contracted for a job, whereas the other is an employee of the county.
One of the other cops checked the pulse of Floyd while Chauvin's knee was on his neck, he detected no pulse so suggested to Chauvin if he should turn Floyd on his side, to which Chauvin said no. The attorney for the Floyd family says this shows intent and premeditation.

We now have the audio from the police body cam and we hear where one officer says he doesn't have a pulse, maybe we should turn him on his side. But yet, Officer Chauvin says no, we're going to keep him in this position.
wow disgusting. Should definitely be 2nd degree murder.
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