Crime Widespread riots after Death of George Floyd V.3, Do you support the Army being called in?

Do you support calling in the U.S. military to supplement city police forces?

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This reminds me of that movie “The Siege”. Great movie if you haven’t seen it.

I wasn’t expecting these demonstrations and violence to come to my small white bread town but, apparently the cops tear gassed the down town square for an hour straight or some shenanigans. What a time to be alive.
I thought you could already legally shoot people for entering your property?

I'm looking at this more of a public warning to the looters.

"We are telling you now, that you try this shit and we're giving full permission for you to be killed or maimed by those whose property it is - they will face no percussions for doing it. You've been warned."

One of the biggest issues is that people don't fear consequences anymore. None of these little pricks going around assaulting and looting is thinking they might get killed, they think they are above that.
Problem is the center can not hold. This is only going to make more and more extremists as there isn't a centrist ideology that can deal with this.
Anyhow these morons are going to get themselves and many others shot.
I would have disagreed a week ago, but yeah, it's no-longer just partisan sorting. We are seeing more extreme expressions of political attitudes on the left right now and I think you're right because there will certainly be a response from the right, whether it comes from the State or from the citizenry. We'll have to endure the repercussions of this last week for the next 50 years, and all the while, more and more unskilled, camera-phone-clutching organizers across the country are holding these events. I told one girl to just chill for a few days and take a breath before her well-intentioned protest becomes a complete nightmare. Chicago is currently a battlefield and every surrounding city seems to have had or have scheduled another protest. Edit - hers is planned for Thursday, about 40mins from downtown.
Its becoming increasingly clear that what we are facing is not just angry people tearing things up. Its way bigger than that. What were actually seeing a leftist, marxist war being waged against the American people. And they are using blacks, and soon latinos, to fight this war for them or at least get it started. They are sending out their little marxist antifa agents to spray paint buildings, smash windows, engage the police, light cars on fire, and all around kick things off. Then they send in the street gangs, whom are probably being paid and organized, to take it from there. Young impressionable kids and other opportunitists join in the looting. The Govs and Mayors then tell the police to stand down while refusing to bring in the national guard. As complete and total chaos ensues Americans begin drawing battle lines, racial conflicts flare up, stores close, supplies chains break down, and then the president is left with no choice but to declare martial law. At that point we're all at the mercy of the military industrial complex, the UN, the billionaire club, ect.

The only way to prevent this from happening is for enough Americans to catch on to whats happening and then simply...go home.
they arent really marxists, theres no class solidarity, they are trying to divide along lines of race, gender etc instead of uniting in a shared class interest. this serves the elite, 1% etc. thats why lots of major multinational corporations are happy to virtue signal race and gender issues. if ordinary citizens could unite then perhaps we could demand a better slice of the pie.
Hello everyone, in my opinion the death of Floyd was at least inhuman. I totally understand the protests and the riots, Americans need to sit down and find a solution in this racism issue. We live in 2020, i am sure we can find a solution if both sides can sit down and talk.Be safe

LMAO cops in USA are such bitches - falls off the truck, panics and then pepper sprays the air
What training do these guys get? 0? None? They're armed to the teeth and escalate every situation instead of deescalating it

just have a look at these morons:


they remind me of chinese cops sent to hong kong, just eager to be unleashed and fuck people up

yeah, USA has no racism problem:

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Friends and co-workers that are anti-trumpers and Hispanic are texting me, "Trump need to send the military." This shit nuts. There is gay guy at work who hates Trump and he was asking for the military. My wife who don't like Trump, was cheering him on when he said he would do the Governor's job if they don't. I'm kinda speechless on how so many have turn the last few days.
World's gone upside down and hell's frozen over.
Not at all as I'm not looking at individual positions, I'm looking at sectors and representation within them. It's not wrong for whites to hold any position, it's wrong for a sector to be completely controlled by the dominant group and then have that group try and maintain the status quo by hiring and promoting just people within that group.

Red: See, that's racism, pure and simple. You want white individuals who want to do certain things to be treated unfavorably because of the actions of other white individuals (i.e. holding certain jobs). It's just like wanting police to stop and frisk black individuals walking the streets because of the actions of other black individuals; one person doesn't want an individual who is the same race as people whose members hold the most desirable jobs to hold one of those desirable job, another person doesn't want an individual who is the same race as people whose members commit murder at the highest rate to be treated as unsuspiciously as individuals who are part of other races.

Blue: hiring and promoting just within that group is not inherently wrong. It's possible for whites to be the most qualified for certain desirable positions. If job vacancies are getting filled by whites because minorities are being discriminated against, that's wrong and the individuals making these hiring decisions ought to be punished, not white individuals who aren't making these decisions.
I'm looking at this more of a public warning to the looters.

"We are telling you now, that you try this shit and we're giving full permission for you to be killed or maimed by those whose property it is - they will face no percussions for doing it. You've been warned."

One of the biggest issues is that people don't fear consequences anymore. None of these little pricks going around assaulting and looting is thinking they might get killed, they think they are above that.
I hear you. It's gotten bad. This will push many I to the extreme camps and it'll just make things worse.
People protesting now is just giving rioters cover. The protestors are merely useful idiots unless they are actively stopping rioters in their ranks.
Sorry that your friend is an idiot
Hello everyone, in my opinion the death of Floyd was at least inhuman. I totally understand the protests and the riots, Americans need to sit down and find a solution in this racism issue. We live in 2020, i am sure we can find a solution if both sides can sit down and talk.Be safe
It's not a race issue. It's the cities being unable to have a police force that is responsible
And? You have done nothing to explain, in any manner, as to why inner city blacks live in disproportionate poverty, or what the reasoning is relating to say, test scores, which Asians beat whites from the USA at as well.

No explanation, just a description of problems affecting black people. Nothing.

If you're just gonna moan about black people, fuck off.

Do you really need me to explain why growing up in a home without both parents and being raised by a mother who gave birth in her teens negatively affect one's prospects? Indeed Asians beat whites on aspects of standardized tests (not all aspects). And guess what? Asian median income is higher than white median income. By a lot.
Trumps using the military against his own country is how the left are already spinning this

No they're there to stop you leftists from burning it down

So conservatives in charge of the country can't deal with whining liberals and have to send military at them? lmao
Guess liberals already won

LMAO cops in USA are such bitches - falls off the truck, panics and then pepper sprays the air
What training do these guys get? 0? None? They're armed to the teeth and escalate every situation instead of deescalating it

just have a look at these morons:


they remind me of chinese cops sent to hong kong, just eager to be unleashed and fuck people up

yeah, USA has no racism problem:

Regarding the last video and comment - people have this idea that police are perfect and can assess and fully understand a situation instantly. One cop asks who was looting and she points at the people who were protecting the store. The situation was a clusterfuck, but saying it was purely 'cops showed up and handcuffed the black people' without there being more to the story is bullshit.
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