War Room Lounge v164: Exclusive gusseted carrot?! Looka you have a baby crotch!

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I don't picture him shooting officers.
Maaaaan I was fucking defending you. Can you calm the fuck down and go to fucking therapy. Jesus fucking Christ. Also here's a thought, move from Seattle homie. I guarantee you you'll find yourself more on my side of things if you lived in places like Oklahoma or Louisiana, or if I took you to some of the towns I've performed at in Missouri and Arkansas and bartenders give you the "ching chong eyes" Maybe then you'll fucking realize that leftists in Seattle aren't the real world.

Also for the fucking record, blame conservatives for most of the struggles of the Asian-Americans in your neck in the woods, it was literally people like me standing up against rental laws towards minorities and fighting for Asians (especially the Chinese, I realize you're Korean but you catch my drift) to be given the right to American citizenship.

Bro leftists were the ones slitting rail masters throats in their sleep because of how they treated Chinese. Also the ones who fought against the Japanese internment camps. The ones who lobbied in local cities to allow Vietnamese refugees. You ever thought of being more like me and NOT basing your entire political identity on the beliefs of other people? That's soft shit homie. Sack up. I'll take you to some KKK towns and see how you feel. Bruh we used to pull that Lil Wayne as fucking comedians lol. Touring with a Mexican dude and a black girl and my punk ass? Ever done a comedy tour with a chopper in the trunk? Let me take you to Missippi so you can spot the Swastika flags by the gas stations. See how you feel about my people then. By the way, my people would literally pull red and black bandana wrapped baseball bats to protect you if anyone talked to you wrong because of your ethnicity.

Link is broken, I wanted to check it out because that sounds too crazy to believe. .
Link is broken, I wanted to check it out because that sounds too crazy to believe. And our gun laws are too crazy to believe here so that’s saying something.

A man caught with a pistol after the fatal shooting last year of Illinois State Police Trooper Nick Hopkins was sentenced Thursday to four years and three months in prison.

Al D. Stewart Jr., 21, was the next-door neighbor of the man charged with shooting Hopkins on Aug. 23, 2019.

Al Stewart Jr., 19, was charged in connection to a raid that led to the death of Illinois State Trooper Nick Hopkins in 2019. He pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in East St. Louis to a charge of being an unlawful user of controlled substance in possession of a firearm.

St. Clair County

Hopkins was shot in the head while he and others were trying to serve a “no-knock” search warrant on Stewart's neighbor, Christopher R. Grant, during an investigation of crack cocaine and marijuana sales at Grant's side of the duplex at 1426 North 42nd Street in East St. Louis.

Stewart had a .40 caliber Glock pistol in a kitchen cabinet, his plea says. Stewart and Grant, who had come through an attic connection into Stewart's side of the duplex, surrendered about 30 minutes after the shooting.

Stewart pleaded guilty in June in U.S. District Court in East St. Louis to a charge of being an unlawful user of a controlled substance in possession of a firearm.

Maaaaan I was fucking defending you. Can you calm the fuck down and go to fucking therapy. Jesus fucking Christ. Also here's a thought, move from Seattle homie. I guarantee you you'll find yourself more on my side of things if you lived in places like Oklahoma or Louisiana, or if I took you to some of the towns I've performed at in Missouri and Arkansas and bartenders give you the "ching chong eyes" Maybe then you'll fucking realize that leftists in Seattle aren't the real world.

Also for the fucking record, blame conservatives for most of the struggles of the Asian-Americans in your neck in the woods, it was literally people like me standing up against rental laws towards minorities and fighting for Asians (especially the Chinese, I realize you're Korean but you catch my drift) to be given the right to American citizenship.

Bro leftists were the ones slitting rail masters throats in their sleep because of how they treated Chinese. Also the ones who fought against the Japanese internment camps. The ones who lobbied in local cities to allow Vietnamese refugees. You ever thought of being more like me and NOT basing your entire political identity on the beliefs of other people? That's soft shit homie. Sack up. I'll take you to some KKK towns and see how you feel. Bruh we used to pull that Lil Wayne as fucking comedians lol. Touring with a Mexican dude and a black girl and my punk ass? Ever done a comedy tour with a chopper in the trunk? Let me take you to Missippi so you can spot the Swastika flags by the gas stations. See how you feel about my people then. By the way, my people would literally pull red and black bandana wrapped baseball bats to protect you if anyone talked to you wrong because of your ethnicity.

I sort of misread it. I know the federal prohibition on unlawful substance users owning firearms (and yes it’s an unbelievably dumb law), but I read it as an enhanced sentencing relating to being in possession of both firearms and drugs at once.
A man caught with a pistol after the fatal shooting last year of Illinois State Police Trooper Nick Hopkins was sentenced Thursday to four years and three months in prison.

Al D. Stewart Jr., 21, was the next-door neighbor of the man charged with shooting Hopkins on Aug. 23, 2019.

Al Stewart Jr., 19, was charged in connection to a raid that led to the death of Illinois State Trooper Nick Hopkins in 2019. He pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in East St. Louis to a charge of being an unlawful user of controlled substance in possession of a firearm.

St. Clair County

Hopkins was shot in the head while he and others were trying to serve a “no-knock” search warrant on Stewart's neighbor, Christopher R. Grant, during an investigation of crack cocaine and marijuana sales at Grant's side of the duplex at 1426 North 42nd Street in East St. Louis.

Stewart had a .40 caliber Glock pistol in a kitchen cabinet, his plea says. Stewart and Grant, who had come through an attic connection into Stewart's side of the duplex, surrendered about 30 minutes after the shooting.

Stewart pleaded guilty in June in U.S. District Court in East St. Louis to a charge of being an unlawful user of a controlled substance in possession of a firearm.


It's incredibly tragic, but at least Hopkins got what he deserved. That's the weirdest part about the 2A crowd, they're so selective about the "shall not be infringed" part of the 2A. I still don't understand why felons can't own firearms, traditionally due to the stigma of a felony they tend to suffer most when reiterating in society and are forced to live in dangerous neighborhoods.
I sort of misread it. I know the federal prohibition on unlawful substance users owning firearms (and yes it’s an unbelievably dumb law), but I read it as an enhanced sentencing relating to being in possession of both firearms and drugs at once.

I'm not much of a law fella (there is no authority but the self) , but I'm trying to learn. Is there a reason these charges compound on each other? I admit I'm a dumb fella, but I feel like I should be able to blame Reagan for this.
I'm not much of a law fella (there is no authority but the self) , but I'm trying to learn. Is there a reason these charges compound on each other? I admit I'm a dumb fella, but I feel like I should be able to blame Reagan for this.
I don’t think they do compound. That was what I misunderstood from Trotsky’s first post.
Omnes legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus.

@AgonyandIrony that’s one of my favorite quotes, said by Cicero.

We are slaves to the law in order to be free. I know you might disagree with me, but hear me out:

There is order in nature, more so than chaos.

If by “there is no authority but the self” you mean freedom from all restraint then you espouse lawlessness. Freedom from law is not liberty but chaos. It’s also antithetical to any kind of worker’s rights or social movements I’ve seen you espouse before.

Not to say we should be bound by myriad regulation (though we may be) nor yet that we should not be self-disciplined (as truly we ought to be) but that our liberty should be guaranteed by a just system of laws that apply equally to all. Without law, literal slavery will be the norm for the majority.
Omnes legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus.

@AgonyandIrony that’s one of my favorite quotes, said by Cicero.

We are slaves to the law in order to be free. I know you might disagree with me, but hear me out:

There is order in nature, more so than chaos.

If by “there is no authority but the self” you mean freedom from all restraint then you espouse lawlessness. Freedom from law is not liberty but chaos. It’s also antithetical to any kind of worker’s rights or social movements I’ve seen you espouse before.

Not to say we should be bound by myriad regulation (though we may be) nor yet that we should not be self-disciplined (as truly we ought to be) but that our liberty should be guaranteed by a just system of laws that apply equally to all. Without law, literal slavery will be the norm for the majority.
First off, thank you for responding and also thank you for understanding my point of view.

When I say there is no authority but to oneself, and that's something I still quite believe, its that state defined morality (laws) are very often tools of oppression, and in the US rather counter intuitive. Perhaps you might even agree with me about the failures of the drug war, but whereas you see someone put in prison for nonviolent charges. I see a man put into a small cell for years stripped from his family and community, often tortured, I see a man who when released can't find a job because of the bias against felons in the workplace.

I believe in a social contract, I abhor traffic violations the same people abhor drug charges for that reason.

Also the reason I'm hesitant to accept the police as something I can trust is because of my workers rights beliefs, for a very long time the police were more often than not hired by the factory owners to beat, torture, and murder union leaders. That's not even me being dramatic, that's a fact. There absolutely has to be a very healthy skepticism of the police based on the history of the police.

We also can't assume much, it's quite well known the way whistleblowers are treated, we look at Baltimore where hundreds of men were framed with planted drugs. Here in Louisiana a cop got caugght planting crack and when he found out he was on video he tried to chase the woman recording down. By the way, there were no punishments for that man and his accomplices. I legit think you're a good cop but do you see how I can consider those fucking pigs that took part in that to be worse than any crack dealer in the hood? How many lives have these people ruined? How many fathers stripped from their families?

A lot of cops do a very important service, but we cannot respect the police until at the very least qualified immunity is repealed. Plus when we factor in the sheer monetary value of assets forfeited? That's fucking looting to me and it's state sanctioned robbery. You can (not you, again I actually hold a lot of respect for you as a LEO) can get away with just about anything. Elijah was a sweet boy beat to death and tortured, that's a fact and none of those pigs suffered for their actions. In what world should I respect a police officer in general when they can literally get away with murder?

It makes no sense. I can face repercussions for my actions, but until you guys speak up for the multitude of injustices and deaths the police have given us, why should I? How many of your boys are advocating for the repeal of qualified immunitty? Very few. Because you know what happens when a cop tends to stand up against the horrific actions of their peers? They get to their squad cars and find mutilated animals on their cruiser.

I mean this with a lot of respect and I'm willing to see things from a different perspective, but you have to understand why we consider you the enemy of freedom. You're ripping families apart because of nonviolent offenses, and it is disproportionately attacking people of color. Perhaps its an inherent bias due to high crime neighborhoods, but where were you when the black sites of Chicago were made normal. Don't you at least agree there is a police culture that needs to be addressed? I said it many times. The hatred, the bricks and bottles dropping pigs, frankly that was earned. Haven't you guys done ANYTHING to earn the hatred you hate?

You say literal slavery, but the way you justify kicking in doors and murdering people in no knocks is the exact same excuse the police gave when they were slave catchers and union breakers.I could always be wrong, and I'm always willing to accept being wrongg, but God damn dude. The power structure for the police, who are public servants is in no way equal to those you swore to protect.

So I get the point of ACAB, I don't believe it personally, but I understand why it's a thing.
Omnes legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus.

@AgonyandIrony that’s one of my favorite quotes, said by Cicero.

We are slaves to the law in order to be free. I know you might disagree with me, but hear me out:

There is order in nature, more so than chaos.

If by “there is no authority but the self” you mean freedom from all restraint then you espouse lawlessness. Freedom from law is not liberty but chaos. It’s also antithetical to any kind of worker’s rights or social movements I’ve seen you espouse before.

Not to say we should be bound by myriad regulation (though we may be) nor yet that we should not be self-disciplined (as truly we ought to be) but that our liberty should be guaranteed by a just system of laws that apply equally to all. Without law, literal slavery will be the norm for the majority.

''''In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.'' -Anatole France''-Michael Scott
First off, thank you for responding and also thank you for understanding my point of view.

When I say there is no authority but to oneself, and that's something I still quite believe, its that state defined morality (laws) are very often tools of oppression, and in the US rather counter intuitive. Perhaps you might even agree with me about the failures of the drug war, but whereas you see someone put in prison for nonviolent charges. I see a man put into a small cell for years stripped from his family and community, often tortured, I see a man who when released can't find a job because of the bias against felons in the workplace.

I believe in a social contract, I abhor traffic violations the same people abhor drug charges for that reason.

Also the reason I'm hesitant to accept the police as something I can trust is because of my workers rights beliefs, for a very long time the police were more often than not hired by the factory owners to beat, torture, and murder union leaders. That's not even me being dramatic, that's a fact. There absolutely has to be a very healthy skepticism of the police based on the history of the police.

We also can't assume much, it's quite well known the way whistleblowers are treated, we look at Baltimore where hundreds of men were framed with planted drugs. Here in Louisiana a cop got caugght planting crack and when he found out he was on video he tried to chase the woman recording down. By the way, there were no punishments for that man and his accomplices. I legit think you're a good cop but do you see how I can consider those fucking pigs that took part in that to be worse than any crack dealer in the hood? How many lives have these people ruined? How many fathers stripped from their families?

A lot of cops do a very important service, but we cannot respect the police until at the very least qualified immunity is repealed. Plus when we factor in the sheer monetary value of assets forfeited? That's fucking looting to me and it's state sanctioned robbery. You can (not you, again I actually hold a lot of respect for you as a LEO) can get away with just about anything. Elijah was a sweet boy beat to death and tortured, that's a fact and none of those pigs suffered for their actions. In what world should I respect a police officer in general when they can literally get away with murder?

It makes no sense. I can face repercussions for my actions, but until you guys speak up for the multitude of injustices and deaths the police have given us, why should I? How many of your boys are advocating for the repeal of qualified immunitty? Very few. Because you know what happens when a cop tends to stand up against the horrific actions of their peers? They get to their squad cars and find mutilated animals on their cruiser.

I mean this with a lot of respect and I'm willing to see things from a different perspective, but you have to understand why we consider you the enemy of freedom. You're ripping families apart because of nonviolent offenses, and it is disproportionately attacking people of color. Perhaps its an inherent bias due to high crime neighborhoods, but where were you when the black sites of Chicago were made normal. Don't you at least agree there is a police culture that needs to be addressed? I said it many times. The hatred, the bricks and bottles dropping pigs, frankly that was earned. Haven't you guys done ANYTHING to earn the hatred you hate?

You say literal slavery, but the way you justify kicking in doors and murdering people in no knocks is the exact same excuse the police gave when they were slave catchers and union breakers.I could always be wrong, and I'm always willing to accept being wrongg, but God damn dude. The power structure for the police, who are public servants is in no way equal to those you swore to protect.

So I get the point of ACAB, I don't believe it personally, but I understand why it's a thing.
There’s a lot going on in this post. And a lot I agree with, even.

I hate the war on drugs. I consider most criminal cops to be worse then most crack dealers too. I disagree a little about qualified immunity, in that it’s complex and I think a form of it needs to exist but it’s been expanded too far into areas of use of force where it should not. But there should be some protection for public servants from frivolous lawsuits. Qualified immunity does not apply to criminal charges, only civil lawsuits.

But I’m not a lawmaker, I’m a law enforcer. That may sound like a cop out (no pun intended) but it’s just who I am. If I weren’t a LEO I’d be a fireman, EMT, soldier or at best a nurse. I’m just not some great mind and I accept that and need to play to my strengths. I’m no Cicero lol.

All I’m saying is I believe we need a society of laws and of law enforcers. And I take pride in trying to be the best law enforcer I can, which includes all the necessary components like preparedness, toughness, compassion, fairness, integrity, communication skills, etc.

Obviously the laws can use improvement but I’ll keep trying to do my best with what we’ve got for now.
There’s a lot going on in this post. And a lot I agree with, even.

I hate the war on drugs. I consider most criminal cops to be worse then most crack dealers too. I disagree a little about qualified immunity, in that it’s complex and I think a form of it needs to exist but it’s been expanded too far into areas of use of force where it should not. But there should be some protection for public servants from frivolous lawsuits. Qualified immunity does not apply to criminal charges, only civil lawsuits.

But I’m not a lawmaker, I’m a law enforcer. That may sound like a cop out (no pun intended) but it’s just who I am. If I weren’t a LEO I’d be a fireman, EMT, soldier or at best a nurse. I’m just not some great mind and I accept that and need to play to my strengths. I’m no Cicero lol.

All I’m saying is I believe we need a society of laws and of law enforcers. And I take pride in trying to be the best law enforcer I can, which includes all the necessary components like preparedness, toughness, compassion, fairness, integrity, communication skills, etc.

Obviously the laws can use improvement but I’ll keep trying to do my best with what we’ve got for now.
Ah I apologize for a lot going on in a post. I tend to take a minute to explain more point.

I'd say the war on drugs has done far more damage than even H and Oxy dealers
Because you guys tend to brutalize addicts, and throw them into a cage. It is a known fact that therapy and mental help diminished recidivism. So why aren't we implementing it. Why. The. Fuck are sheriff departments using MRAPS to execute pot warrants.

Why should I consider you authority superior to my own. That's fucking terrorism. And where have yall been? Beating the fuck out of protesters.

Qualified immunity is a start. But guess what, you're an actual respectable police officer. Why aren't you the ones pushing for change with us?

Shouldn't you guys be leading the way when it comes time change and help society as a whole?
Ah I apologize for a lot going on in a post. I tend to take a minute to explain more point.

I'd say the war on drugs has done far more damage than even H and Oxy dealers
Because you guys tend to brutalize addicts, and throw them into a cage. It is a known fact that therapy and mental help diminished recidivism. So why aren't we implementing it. Why. The. Fuck are sheriff departments using MRAPS to execute pot warrants.

Why should I consider you authority superior to my own. That's fucking terrorism. And where have yall been? Beating the fuck out of protesters.

Qualified immunity is a start. But guess what, you're an actual respectable police officer. Why aren't you the ones pushing for change with us?

Shouldn't you guys be leading the way when it comes time change and help society as a whole?
Dude I’ve been pushing for change my whole career. If you’ve paid attention to my posts in here you’d know how many progressive programs I’ve spearheaded in my state. My most recent one, LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion) was a program to give flexibility to officers to forego jail for drug addicted and mentally ill offenders and get them straight into treatment programs. I had a litany of local, state and private organizations committed to working together on it. Know what happened? Budget for it got cut because of coronavirus. Which I kicked up a fuckstorm over because I mentioned how much higher the costs are for incarceration than treatment. But the politicians don’t give a shit what an uneducated pig like me has to say.

I mentioned at the time in here how gutted I was that the program got cut.

I’m not just giving up. I’m doing all that I can every damn day. But I’m just a small section commander in one state agency. I can just try my best.

Oh and no need to apologize for a lot going on in the post. I read it all and appreciate the thoughts put into it, just explaining that I might not address all of it.
i wasn't planning to catch up on 6 pages but after a quick skim...<45><Lmaoo><45>

yes, the war is brewing.

and I'll be ready.


The best example of this that I can think of is wage theft. By some estimates, wage theft is the biggest kind of theft in the west. However, speaking only of Canada, we had a wage theft law on the books between 1935 and 1955. It was used once, unsuccessfully, to prosecute an employer who knowingly paid less than the minimum wage.

But still, the laws are ''equal.''
The best example of this that I can think of is wage theft. By some estimates, wage theft is the biggest kind of theft in the west. However, speaking only of Canada, we had a wage theft law on the books between 1935 and 1955. It was used once, unsuccessfully, to prosecute an employer who knowingly paid less than the minimum wage.

But still, the laws are ''equal.''
I know and I didn’t give you that look because what you said was wrong. I liked the post.

When I said, “our liberty should be guaranteed by a just system of laws that apply equally to all” I had already implied that it isn’t that way but that’s what we should strive for.

I’m well aware that the world is fucked up and far from ideal. I’m knee deep in it.
To any non leftists reading this thread, you'll see intellectually dishonest claims that the OP hypothesis is nazi propaganda.

That's completely made up. We can track decades of this sick religious ideology destroying societies all over the world.

They need to shoe horn in a racial narrative because it's their faith.

The divide and conquer tactics of turning men against women, rich against poor, black against white are not figments of your imagination and nazi rhetoric..

That's their gaslighting manipulative attempts to confuse you.

Look what we see in society today! Do we have nazi's everywhere? No.

The left are the fascists now.


It's amazing to me that you guys continue to project mental illness onto us.

We're the ones who have kept our faculties, integrity, and continues to clasp the truth even when unpopular.

You're mental illness makes you a hypocrite projection artist.
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