Media Doctor explains Izzy's right pec



Can the doctor explain this please. If you scroll down and only view from the shoulders down it could be considered nudity and i would get banned. This guy has bigger bewbs than 90% of wmma girls. Anyone?


lol is this real
Because gyno would affect both sides? Never noticed that..
So he´s half man half woman, is normal.

Starting at 6:55

- Very unlikely to be gyno (resulting from hormone imbalance potentially from PED use) because it would affect both pecs
- Could be from trauma
- Could also be a fatty mass (pseudogyno)

If he’s truly a doctor then he’s a complete fucking moron. Gyno is unilateral all the time. FYI didn’t watch.
Can the doctor explain this please. If you scroll down and only view from the shoulders down it could be considered nudity and i would get banned. This guy has bigger bewbs than 90% of wmma girls. Anyone?


This could be roids or it could be natural developed from puberty, the other time men get gyno. Not sure how long he has looked like this.

What makes Izzy's so bad is he did not have it in prior fights. Izzy's new gyno is a direct result of cycling off roids.
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Been lurking for years, but we’ve finally gotten to a topic I understand (ie, dudes with tits).

The doctor is either ignorant on the subject or flat out lying. Yes, gyno can affect one side of the chest more then the other. Yes, it looks exactly like that and can come on rather quickly, as in weeks.

There are tons of examples of bodybuilders with one-sided gyno or more advance gyno on one side. I can’t believe that guy actually said that.

And yes, I know from experience. Don’t be surprised when that lump is gone next time you see him after having it surgically extracted.

was gonna post exactly this, this doctor is a clown lol

it can go away without surgery, surgery usually leaves a small scar ( The Rock has the scars ) usually if you use an aromatase inhibitor such as Anastrozol it goes away in a few weeks, also Tamoxifen, usually you do this in your PCT but should work most of the time if the gyno is developed already

Starting at 6:55

- Very unlikely to be gyno (resulting from hormone imbalance potentially from PED use) because it would affect both pecs
- Could be from trauma
- Could also be a fatty mass (pseudogyno)

Gyno doesn't have to impact both pecs equally.

Mayo Clniic Gynecomastia page said:
Gynecomastia (guy-nuh-koh-MAS-tee-uh) is an increase in the amount of breast gland tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly.

Having pointed that out, everyone talking about this is more about butt-hurt than any legit claim of using PEDs.
C'mon it's obviously gyno. Let's not play dumb. He's a pro athlete ffs and 95% of them take PEDs.

The juice monkey insult that he kept throwing around is just this thing that fighters do where they start beefs to sell the fight. Even Costa and Romero were accusing each other of steroids. Bike riders have also accused each other of EPO and then they both get busted. I'm sure within the industry it's understood that most of them are on something, even the ones that don't look it. Still you gotta keep up public appearance so this is slightly embarrassing for Izzy.
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