Boogaloo Boys Planning Election Time Shakeup

If someone brings up white supremacists and asks me to “call them proud boys” and I’ve never heard of that before, it’s makes zero fucking sense to respond “proud boys stand down and stand by”. Like not a lick of sense. Don’t be naive.

Trump asked for a name. Biden gave it to him and Trump used that name. It doesn't mean he knows who the Proud Boys are. They are a tiny, fringe group that most people have never heard of and most people outside of the group want nothing to do with. What are you not understanding here?
Trump asked for a name. Biden gave it to him and Trump used that name. It doesn't mean he knows who the Proud Boys are. They are a tiny, fringe group that most people have never heard of. What are you not understanding here?

So Biden tells him to call white supremacists by a group name Trump never heard before, and so Trump then agrees to and says “white supremacist/proud boyz stand down and stand by”? That’s even worse for Trump lol.
This isn’t a real threat?

“In the U.S., 64 victims were killed in 34 terrorist attacks by white supremacists and white nationalists between 2015 and 2019, the report showed.”
All I'm going to say about this is that the definition of what constitutes a WS or WN has become fairly broad as more and more progressive ideals and people who support them work to expand those definitions. It's also understandable how some percentage of American, and Western Society in general, feel there is a very real assault on the very notion of "Whiteness" which automatically vilifies everyone that falls under that designation whether they are truly guilty of anything or not. It's the very perception associated with their skin that assigns them that guilt much like POC complain about from LEOs.
Trump asked for a name. Biden gave it to him and Trump used that name. It doesn't mean he knows who the Proud Boys are. They are a tiny, fringe group that most people have never heard of and most people outside of the group want nothing to do with. What are you not understanding here?

Come on man stop with the mental gymnastics to protect Trump.
Cops are actually being ordered to not deal with it in a lot of cities. The specifically told the cops to stand down and stand by in instances like CHAZ.
You asked me what I think. You've been given my answer. If you want to discuss BLM and Antifa at length, we have an entire thread for that.
are the proud boys actually just beer drinking patriots stomping down ANTIFA scum?
That's exactly what they are.

Boogaloo may be called far right but they are basically ANTIFA leftists.
All I'm going to say about this is that the definition of what constitutes a WS or WN has become fairly broad as more and more progressive ideals and people who support them work to expand those definitions. It's also understandable how some percentage of American, and Western Society in general, feel there is a very real assault on the very notion of "Whiteness" which automatically vilifies everyone that falls under that designation whether they are truly guilty of anything or not. It's the very perception associated with their skin that assigns them that guilt much like POC complain about from LEOs.

If it has become broader, it’s still encompassing groups on the right, which is the topic of the post I was responding to.
The cops are trying to deal with it, but in some places are being told to stand down and celebrities and other idiots are bailing these BLM and Antifa idiots out after they are arrested. Pretending Proud Boys and Antifa and BLM are on equal footing is beyond retarded. It is a distraction tactic by the media.
Don't jump in on his idiotic question. He wanted to know if BLM and Anitfa should be asked to stand down and stand by. Not the cops.

As for distraction're in a thread about the Boogaloo Boys trying to distract people to discuss BLM and Antifa when there's a BLM and Antifa thread. Don't become the problem you're complaining about.
Apparently you don't have to violate any rules to get dubbs on here, we have a left wing mod that just gives them out every time he loses an argument. Same mod's given me dubbs both times just because he can and there's nobody to appeal to, so I suspect he'll just keep giving me dubbs over and over or outright ban at some point even without any violation, because it seems totally likely that I can go 12.5 years only getting 2 infractions, then out of nowhere just can't seem to follow the rules anymore.

Ahhh, I see. I had that problem with one mod in particular, lucky for me he went nuts and quit apparently. One time I didn’t post for a couple months and came back to dubs haha the rules here are def flexible. Take it easy on the goofs until youre clear
So the left is worried that they guys MAY do something while their Antifa/BLM heroes are currently looting and destroying neighborhoods. Do I have that right?

No, completely wrong. The violence is committed by people who decide to do it on their own during a BLM or Antifa event. See Kyle Rittenhouse. Thats the kind of thing that happens. Anything wrong will be attributed to those groups.
I suggest there should be a new group called Electric Boogaloo
If it has become broader, it’s still encompassing groups on the right, which is the topic of the post I was responding to.
And if that expansion pulls said group on the Right into this new expanded definition of what constitutes WS and WN then yes I guess you could then point and say there is growth or surge. Does that make it actually accurate if you compare them against prior to and after a criteria expansion?

For example, Proud Boys. Regardless of what you think about them personally this is about the current perception of them as WN and or domestic terrorist. What is the criteria to label them WN or WS if they number in their ranks many POC? As for potential domestic terrorists, aside from fights with Antifa or BLM what acts of domestic terrorism can be laid at their feet that couldn't also be laid at the feet of Antifa or BLM?

I said this earlier and I stand by it.

Much like Antifa believe they are a righteous cause fighting against fascist oppression in defense of all free or oppressed peoples where ever and however it raises its head, whether civilian or government, these groups on the Right often feel they are fighting a righteous cause against communism, revolutionary socialism and to maintain the American social fabric from elements attempting to radically change that fabric by breaking down American history, social mores, traditions, etc and forcing everyone to go along through threats, intimidation and violent acts.

No one is ever the villain in their own world building or defending. It's through the eyes of their opposition or third parties that such roles are assigned. Beyond the rhetoric and the optics I guess you'll ultimately know them best by their actions.
That's exactly what they are.

Boogaloo may be called far right but they are basically ANTIFA leftists.
Antifa are the football hooligans of the Left. Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boys are the same for the Right.
All I'm going to say about this is that the definition of what constitutes a WS or WN has become fairly broad as more and more progressive ideals and people who support them work to expand those definitions. It's also understandable how some percentage of American, and Western Society in general, feel there is a very real assault on the very notion of "Whiteness" which automatically vilifies everyone that falls under that designation whether they are truly guilty of anything or not. It's the very perception associated with their skin that assigns them that guilt much like POC complain about from LEOs.


As more and more time passes, it seems like folks that have WHITE SKIN never want to have more than 0-1 children.

Even if a male person with WHITE SKIN and a female person with WHITE SKIN say that they want to start having children, they actually don't want any children if they start reproducing when they're both 40 YEARS OLD.
And if that expansion pulls said group on the Right into this new expanded definition of what constitutes WS and WN then yes I guess you could then point and say there is growth or surge. Does that make it actually accurate if you compare them against prior to and after a criteria expansion?

For example, Proud Boys. Regardless of what you think about them personally this is about the current perception of them as WN and or domestic terrorist. What is the criteria to label them WN or WS if they number in their ranks many POC? As for potential domestic terrorists, aside from fights with Antifa or BLM what acts of domestic terrorism can be laid at their feet that couldn't also be laid at the feet of Antifa or BLM?

I said this earlier and I stand by it.

I never implied Proud boys were WS. Just that there are real terrorist threats on the right that have committed many murders recently, as the poster I replied to was arguing there aren’t threats on the right.