Epic opinion piece on how blacks feel about America

I’ve heard plane tickets are pretty cheap.
and do what? Blacks in this country had their entire cultural identity removed. The only culture they know is now American Culture. For good or bad, they are now as ingrained and interwoven into the fabric of 'what is america' as can possibly ever be. Your response is basically "yeah, we spent generations fucking your entire people over for no other reason than you are dark skinned, but now that we are at a point where we have given you enough rights as citizens to complain about it, you should either STFU about it or just GTFO"
Historically speaking black Americans did not get to partake in the american experience the same way whites experienced it. They weren’t afforded that same luxury.

For instance. Imagine being sent to war overseas to defeat fascism, only to come home and be kept under the exact same fascist boot. But that boot comes from the country you helped fight for.
I guess you could always just move to parts of America that are politically and demographically dominated by black Americans. It sounds like that would solve all the problems and make everything good for once, if this article is to be believed.
Not to change the subject, but on a relative scale i believe American Indians have had it worse.

They've all but been destroyed as a people.

And no one even cares. They're completely ignored.
Not to change the subject, but on a relative scale i believe American Indians have had it worse.

They've all but been destroyed as a people.

And no one even cares. They're completely ignored.
I get what you are saying but they were destroying each other for hundreds of year before settlers ever arrived.
This group think bs is exactly why we have such a difficult time moving past race politics here in america.

It almost like how actual people living and working 9-5 everday actually earnestly feel is irrelevant. The opinions or views of those who benefit from going on about it get published and or talked about, tweeted etc.

A very loud minority can look like a majority.
I get what you are saying but they were destroying each other for hundreds of year before settlers ever arrived.

Absolutely, but. I mean, since we're effectively dogg'n honkies.....

At least black people have a political voice.

Not suggesting Black Americans don't have to deal with neverending, underhanded disrespect daily.

On another note, i had the opportunity to discuss online with a Oklahoma Commanche once who was pretty retisent, but finally stated:

"We simply lost ok, we weren't brought here as slaves. If you think giving us welfare was bad, try to imagine what we'd have given you had you lost!"

I thought it a revealing answer.
I guess you could always just move to parts of America that are politically and demographically dominated by black Americans. It sounds like that would solve all the problems and make everything good for once, if this article is to be believed.
What, seriously dude? America is one country indivisible and justice for all.