Social Trump positive with the China Virus

What conspiracies? Casting doubt on the veracity of the WH's claims is normal because they've been lying to the American public for 4 years

No you guys have been lying for 4 years, more actually.

It's amazing to me that the left is so arrogant, so propagandized with hatred towards conservatives that they can make up the silliest of conspiracies and you don't regard them as conspiracies. You regard them as conjecture lol.

In order for you to have any credibility you have to use the same ruler for both sides.

But the left has a special set of rules for them selves and another set of rules for people who don't agree.
I’ve seen just as many right wingers make this claim. Some are also calling it a planned attack on the President by leftists. If you’re looking for conspiracy theories, you don’t have to look far.

Trump doesn’t read. Unfortunately, he also doesn’t seem to listen to or value anything that does not directly personally affect him.

He’s also not well yet. People are jumping the gun on his recovery, because he wanted the optics of leaving the hospital (to go to the White House, which also has a medical center), just like he wanted his doctor to mislead the public into thinking he didn’t receive oxygen for the optics. The guy is still sick, and will be in recovery for a while longer while receiving individualized medical attention.

China sent the virus out and the left is running interference for china. That's not a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy.

And its widely proven. Multiple countries are teaming up to boycott China and hold them accountable. Leftists throughout the west are doing everything they can to blame Trump.

It's insane.
Fuck no.

He looks like a fool and his care highlights the need for fixing healthcare which he hasn’t done.

Keep dreaming. He’s going to get blasted.
The left is already propagating conspiracies about him not even having covid and this is a hoax.

So I would say yes it will give him a positive bump.

not the left, Qanon did.
I'm sorry if this has already been discussed - I scanned the first couple of pages of War Room and I didn't see anything. Mods, if this should be part of the larger coronavirus thread, please feel free to move.

I've seen alot of commentary that with Trump contracting COVID, it will highlight the fact that he didn't take the threat seriously, and his illness is indicative of his failing pandemic planning. Apparently a poll was released on Saturday that indicated Biden's lead had surged to as much as 10%.

With that being said, if Trump makes a quick turnaround with no ill lasting effects, I personally think it will boost him in the polls as opposed to hurting him.

Arguably, he is in the highest risk category (elderly and overweight), so if he recovers quickly and gets back to campaigning, he can use that as an example as to why people are overblowing the Coronavirus. To his supporters, it may even seem like a hero figure of sorts - nothing, including the "Chinaman" virus can bring him down (PS, my use of Chinaman was taken from twitter, where a surprising number of people are referring to Covid that way).

I can personally see him leveraging this as an advantage, as he can do two things:

1) Look how effective this Regeneron treatment is, a vaxine will be here before the elections
2) Healthy people shouldn't worry about COVID and just go on and live their lives (including voting). If he can breeze past it, then young and healthy people have nothing to worry about.

The flipside is that if he gets really sick, he is fucked come election time. People will start to panic if the leader of the free world goes down.

The short answer is yes. If Trump gets through covid fast it'll win over a lot of uninformed voters who will want to follow his lead in exchange for salvation.

More importantly, Trump contracting covid in the first place demoralizes the left on a number of levels. First off, it PUNISHES Trump. He has finally gotten his comeuppance for not adhering to mask wearing, social distancing, downplaying the virus, etc etc. Back in 2016 I remember Scott Adams commenting on a poll or some interviews that many people were voting against Trump not because they loved Hillary but because they wanted to punish him for his behavior. Adams commented back then that if Trump had shaved his head, he would effectively be throwing cold water on the fire of the anti-Trump voter by punishing himself before they could punish him in the voting booth. Similar to what's happening now.

The second way it demoralizes the left is, of course, is that it gives Trump the victim card. Moderates and casuals will be turned off by the democrat politicians and liberal voterbase wishing death on him. Even if it doesn't generate sympathy votes for Trump, it'll make the uninformed voter think twice before joining the anti-Trump mob. Lastly, it takes the covid talking point away from the democrats. Now Trump's decisions on covid affect him PERSONALLY, so the talking point that he's some heartless leader making heartless decisions is nullified. Notice too, how Trump has been putting out tweets and comments about how he's "learning so much" now that he is in the hospital and has the virus.

This is why I acknowledged Michael Moore's theory that Trump is faking. The narrative plays into his favor perfectly. Remember how America works: we build our stars, then we break them down. If they make a comeback, we love them that much more. This is the theater that showman Trump understands. It's quite brilliant, really.
The short answer is yes. If Trump gets through covid fast it'll win over a lot of uninformed voters who will want to follow his lead in exchange for salvation.

More importantly, Trump contracting covid in the first place demoralizes the left on a number of levels. First off, it PUNISHES Trump. He has finally gotten his comeuppance for not adhering to mask wearing, social distancing, downplaying the virus, etc etc. Back in 2016 I remember Scott Adams commenting on a poll or some interviews that many people were voting against Trump not because they loved Hillary but because they wanted to punish him for his behavior. Adams commented back then that if Trump had shaved his head, he would effectively be throwing cold water on the fire of the anti-Trump voter by punishing himself before they could punish him in the voting booth. Similar to what's happening now.

The second way it demoralizes the left is, of course, is that it gives Trump the victim card. Moderates and casuals will be turned off by the democrat politicians and liberal voterbase wishing death on him. Even if it doesn't generate sympathy votes for Trump, it'll make the uninformed voter think twice before joining the anti-Trump mob. Lastly, it takes the covid talking point away from the democrats. Now Trump's decisions on covid affect him PERSONALLY, so the talking point that he's some heartless leader making heartless decisions is nullified. Notice too, how Trump has been putting out tweets and comments about how he's "learning so much" now that he is in the hospital and has the virus.

This is why I acknowledged Michael Moore's theory that Trump is faking. The narrative plays into his favor perfectly. Remember how America works: we build our stars, then we break them down. If they make a comeback, we love them that much more. This is the theater that showman Trump understands. It's quite brilliant, really.

This is unlikely, as a leader not taking a crisis seriously until it effects him personally does not generate sympathy. It highlights their inability to lead.
This is unlikely, as a leader not taking a crisis seriously until it effects him personally does not generate sympathy. It highlights their inability to lead.

Uh huh. So you didn't care when Darth Vader saved Luke and died at the end of the movie? You think most people didn't?
It does, but why is Sweden still declining precipitously while Norway and Denmark are charting the opposite trajectory?

It's a question worth asking. It's worth wondering how they will progress once they re-open their economies unless they intend to maintain this for another year or more.
Cases just recently spiked in Stockholm again, among young people in Stockholm though.

Covid 19 coronavirus: Sweden cases surge again

I think it's going to be interesting if European countries follow a de facto Swedish strategy to see how effective it is in those environments. My gut feeling is that it won't work as well.
Lol at quoting that cunt watson...his "appearance " needlessly exposed secret service to his illness in a hermetically sealed car for a photo op you soppy cunt.

weren’t like 60 secret service officers hurt during the St. George Riots? Why weren’t you concerned about them then?
Uh huh. So you didn't care when Darth Vader saved Luke and died at the end of the movie? You think most people didn't?

This is one of the most derp posts I've seen this week. Try harder.
While simultaneously propagating conspiracy theories that hes dying and downplaying his illness lol

To be fair many conservatives on this very board had theorized that Trump had the coof months ago when he was looking sluggish in some press conferences.
I'm mesmerized by this version of Covid theater.
Returning like a brave war hero. Confronting adversity rather than hiding in a basement.

A stunning turn of events.
brain fart by miller .. don't know why he said that smh .. trump has been leading and doing plenty with regards to the china virus, if you've been watching
He's been leading by getting infected and taking experimental drugs. {<huh}
Jesus, even when they admit Trump didn’t take it seriously (which is very clearly the case) the cult still cant accept it.

Maybe we can have Trump work a cash register for a few weeks on low pay and no heathcare so he can understand how many Americans live. Then maybe send him to a war zone for a few weeks. Then have him live in an inner coty, etc.. They basically admitted he’s a narcissist and incapable of empathy.
It's amazing that no matter what they are ready with an excuse. They are just too heavily invested to come to grips that the guy is an incompetent liar.
Brilliant argument. Surely you will defeat evil drumpf once and for all by repeating this same retarded mantra from now until election day.

Yeah, I'd be this triggered too if I posted something that dumb.
Anything Trump accomplish or fail to will always mean nothing to these leftist cucks...Trump could've cured cancer and the left will continue to trash Donnie...Remember that even before Trump and the US heard about COVID...WHO and China misled the world about this Virus...But the left chose to nitpick about all these because Orange man bad...We're talking about world pandemic and they will sharply claim..."but in the US"....We're not hearing Italians, Spanish people and Indian people bash their leaders as much as the US (particularly leftist cucks)...
no it's not very clearly the case .. he's done plenty with regards to dealing with this shit .. take your tds meds .. this thing has ravaged the entire fkn planet but people think trump was supposed to stop it in its tracks like he's some supernatural force and avoid any damage .. if this had happened under a democrat president, the same shit would've happened .. it would have spread .. they would have done the shut down ... the economy would have tanked .. and you guys would be trying to defend said democrat president
You're lying to yourself.