Elections US Election day(s) PBP days 2, 3 & 4

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This “massive fraud” talk is destructive and without any substantial basis. Trump tries to delegitimize anything that he fails at or doesn’t like. He’s done in this entire 4 years, and he’s doing it now.

The Dems have consistently been getting caught cheating and engaging in fraud: Donna Brazile giving Hillary the debate questions, emails showing them giving talking points to the MSM, accusing Trump of being Putin's puppet without any substantial basis, starting a 3 year investigation on a Russian canard, Jussie Smollett, etc... the problem is they don't get held legally accountable for it, so they're only emboldened to keep subverting the truth and manufacturing reality to their own benefit.

If the past 4 years of failure to remove Trump are of any indication, this last resort will ultimately fail as well, so better not to get your hopes up like with the Russia investigation. Trump has patiently stayed on the defensive and allowed them to carry on incriminating themselves; once he strikes back just as hard, it is over for them. They know this, which is why they try to prevent him from fighting back or playing fair, as they are a party of existential losers who cannot compete on a level-playing field.
Your a dummy, and I’ll tell you specifically why..You will mock this entire Fraud possibility and quickly dismiss it as some kind of conspiracy theory. While dismissing numerous witness accounts of Fraud and intimidation....Are all those people in on it? different states similar stories, why are they speaking up, for fun..?

The pursuit of truth takes time, you keep harping on “no evidence”
Evidence doesn’t get presented until you engage the process. The process that for some dumb reason you don’t support..

Your a dummy....


There was no mail-in voting. EVER. BEFORE.
What laws?!?!
The democrats voted this sh*t so they can spam with falsified ballots after Election day has been over.
Trump swing states hasn't been counted. Alaska is stuck at 50% for the last 2 days...
lol, yes there was. Some states are almost entirely by mail.
The Dems have consistently been getting caught cheating and engaging in fraud: Donna Brazile giving Hillary the debate questions, emails showing them giving talking points to the MSM, accusing Trump of being Putin's puppet without any substantial basis, starting a 3 year investigation on a Russian canard, Jussie Smollett, etc... the problem is they don't get held legally accountable for it, so they're only emboldened to keep subverting the truth and manufacturing reality to their own benefit.

If the past 4 years of failure to remove Trump are of any indication, this last resort will ultimately fail as well, so better not to get your hopes up like with the Russia investigation. Trump has patiently stayed on the defensive and allowed them to carry on incriminating themselves; once he strikes back just as hard, it is over for them. They know this, which is why they try to prevent him from fighting back or playing fair, as they are a party of existential losers who cannot compete on a level-playing field.
Oooooh sounds so scary. Big boy trump gonna get us in the end. Hillary and her soros billions count couldn't rig the election properly but ol sleepy biden and China knew trump would becoming the laughingstock of the world with his mismanagement of covid

Lotta TDS in this post.

"False victories" lol

The rules were changed last minute and illegal activity was proven in multiple areas.

If some cheating to win, it's a false victory.

That's not some deranged logic, its rational.

The left has been cheating and lying about everything for years, no reason to not take seriously perfectly legitimate reports of fraud.

You guys are just chomping at the bit to rewrite history at that chance of a Biden win.

If Biden succeeds, the supreme court will side with Trump and the left will taste nothing but their own tears just like the last 4 years.
See, and I have just as many concerns for having it be in an electronic database. It would have to be done extremely well, and a lot of money and time would have to be invested to make sure it’s strictly for counting votes. We are in a weird time where every time data is collected big money from companies like google or Amazon gets involved, or someone gets hacked. But I think that’s the right way to go about it down the line. It just needs to be flawlessly executed

The serial number isn't tied to your personal information at all. Its not like you can match Hadron90 to Hadron90's votes. Its just that when a level is pulled, I get a randomly generated unique serial number, and I can later use that serial number to see how the ballot is tabulated. At not point in time is my name attached to the serial number.
Your a dummy, and I’ll tell you specifically why..You will mock this entire Fraud possibility and quickly dismiss it as some kind of conspiracy theory. While dismissing numerous witness accounts of Fraud and intimidation....Are all those people in on it? different states similar stories, why are they speaking up, for fun..?

The pursuit of truth takes time, you keep harping on “no evidence”
Evidence doesn’t get presented until you engage the process. The process that for some dumb reason you don’t support..

All the people who are claiming fraud have been debunked. That video of the woman filling in absentee ballots is dumb as well, seeing as who is dumb enough to send in an absentee ballot and not fill it in just so she could? These are the type of conspiracy theories the right has, dumb ones as usual. Not as bad as the pizza gate conspiracy theory though so there is that.
Nice and clean Dems, good job...best and most instilling of faith in democracy election EVER. Just go to court. Do not pass go, go directly to court...
Wrong, I don’t necessarily believe it...if some Americans believe it, and some don’t, what’s the best way to address everyone’s concerns?

Some Americans believe Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, and ghosts are real, too. Do you suggest we entertain every nutter with a crackpot theory? Fuck, some American's still believe the planet is fucking flat...
The rules were changed last minute and illegal activity was proven in multiple areas.

If some cheating to win, it's a false victory.

That's not some deranged logic, its rational.

The left has been cheating and lying about everything for years, no reason to not take seriously perfectly legitimate reports of fraud.

You guys are just chomping at the bit to rewrite history at that chance of a Biden win.

If Biden succeeds, the supreme court will side with Trump and the left will taste nothing but their own tears just like the last 4 years.
It turns out...

Biden is ahead in Pennsylvania.
Yay, they aren't going to make America great again!

You people are so strange.
America is great. Always has been great. Now we don't need to hear Trump and his fuckface fans whine, lie and bullshit about how shitty our country is.
The rules were changed last minute and illegal activity was proven in multiple areas.

If some cheating to win, it's a false victory.

That's not some deranged logic, its rational.

The left has been cheating and lying about everything for years, no reason to not take seriously perfectly legitimate reports of fraud.

You guys are just chomping at the bit to rewrite history at that chance of a Biden win.

If Biden succeeds, the supreme court will side with Trump and the left will taste nothing but their own tears just like the last 4 years.

No offense but you guys are pathetic and dont use logic when it comes to your conspiracy theories. All of the so called proofs have been debunked buddy.
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