Wearing a mask has eradicated the Flu! Flu cases are almost nonexistent

Wearing masks to avoid spreading your illnesses, kind of like they do in multiple countries in Asia every year?

I could get behind that, it's a good idea. I didn't get so much as a cold through the whole of winter.

Masks got big in Asia after Sars and even after Sars and well before Covid it wasn't odd to see people wearing Masks , mostly because in a lot of Asian Cities the polution was horrible so wearing a Mask guarded some of the smell.
I think im going to continue wearing masks, they should make them mandatory for sporting events and concerts. even if they get covid in check at sporting events or places with large gatherings it helps prevent the flu at least.

Flu cases near historic lows during Covid-19 pandemic
holy shit, thats pretty amazing. Not to mention, most people sanitizing down themselves down and their work stations.
If someone sneezes or coughs persistently they should frisk them for tylenols etc and check their temperature. If they tried to sneak into a casino, movie theater, or event with flu or cold or covid they should make it punishable by law, to get it through their heads a lot of people are inconsiderate and will go out to crowded venues while sick touching, coughing and spread germs. We must punish them with a hefty fine and possible jail time just to get the point across and take it serious ya know.

What do you think brother?

I think you're a total wanker

Jail time for having a cold in public?

Seriously, sterilize yourself, check your T levels (they're seriously low) and STFU
I just said to my wife yesterday, none of us has gotten so much as a cold this season.
How many times has anyone you know been tested for the flu prior to this? When would someone get tested for the flu before this? Only if they were hospitalized? I mean we didnt have a drive through flu testing location. Also when someone died did they get tested for the flu?

I know 6 people that have gotten sore throats and cough in the last couple months but were negative for the Wuhan. Is that the flu? I always thought of the flu as a fever and puking.
I think im going to continue wearing masks, they should make them mandatory for sporting events and concerts. even if they get covid in check at sporting events or places with large gatherings it helps prevent the flu at least.

Flu cases near historic lows during Covid-19 pandemic

LOL you should have known this thread would have brought deniers in full force "you see? it's just teh flu but now they call it covid, it's a hoax!!1!!11!!"

Fact check: Cold, flu, flu shot will not cause positive COVID-19 tests (usatoday.com)

Fact check: Can a cold, flu or flu vaccine cause a positive COVID-19 test? | The Times of India (indiatimes.com)
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they should make them mandatory for sporting events and concerts
Fuck off with that bullshit
Im not trying to spend hundreds of dollars on tickets to have my night ruined by some fuckin uncomfortable cumbersome piece of cloth and shame, constantly riding up and obstructing my view, making it difficult to drink, interfering with my cheers and boos and just being a general bother as I try to enjoy myself
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I've been sick 3 times in last year so not sure where that leaves me. On a side note as everyone takes this so "fake" serious talk Disney world has slowly been distancing ppl less and less. When the pandemic started you would get your own cart, boat etc all to yourself even with the dividers up. Since I go all the time with my little one as time has progressed they have started filling up way more of the rides. Maybe there's 4 rows to the boat and there'll be 2-3 rows filled of ppl. Perhaps Disney knows something that everyone else doesn't. As Disney cannot take the bad PR anything of the notion that "they don't care about the kids" where they stand too much to lose. Masks are fine but let's not start loving the nonsense as we need to get back more of what we use to have and not less.
i'll go back to shaking hands, but also carrying a tiny bottle of sanitizer
Its not just the masks. Most businesses are still running with a partial on site workforce. Until covid started, people would frequently still go to work if they had a cold or felt like they were starting to get one. Now, if you've even got a hint of a cold, you stay home. That is probably just as big (if not an even bigger) of a factor as mask wearing.
If someone sneezes or coughs persistently they should frisk them for tylenols etc and check their temperature. If they tried to sneak into a casino, movie theater, or event with flu or cold or covid they should make it punishable by law, to get it through their heads a lot of people are inconsiderate and will go out to crowded venues while sick touching, coughing and spread germs. We must punish them with a hefty fine and possible jail time just to get the point across and take it serious ya know.

What do you think brother?
I think you are absolutely mental
Flu cases may be down, but suggesting one reason for it, seems abrupt. Because there are multiple possibilities to consider:
* people less likely to get tested when they're sick compared to other years
* masks as you suggest
* social distance
* flu cases being reported as covid
* people not going outside
* increased awareness of hygiene

Probably other changes have occurred that could have also impacted these numbers.
Flu cases may be down, but suggesting one reason for it, seems abrupt. Because there are multiple possibilities to consider:
* people less likely to get tested when they're sick compared to other years
* masks as you suggest
* social distance
* flu cases being reported as covid
* people not going outside
* increased awareness of hygiene

Probably other changes have occurred that could have also impacted these numbers.
I forget his username, maybe @Sunnyvale TP ? but someone in the Covid thread who works in a hospital said he's seen a couple of flu cases only this year.

I haven't even had a cold this year. I thought I did a couple of weeks ago but it was just an allergy. I've been back at work since July, ordinarily I would have had 3 colds by now. Hand washing, sanitiser, masks and social distancing...it's not really a hardship.