International ***COVID-19 Breaking News v19: U.S. coronavirus deaths top 100,000***

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Gee I guess that means no one can die from the flu anymore. <Huh2>

24,000 to 62,000 people are projected to die of the flu this year. Same as it is with most years. It's on the CDC site if you want to check. What don't you understand?

CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through April 4, 2020, there have been:
39,000,000 – 56,000,000
flu illnesses


18,000,000 – 26,000,000
flu medical visits


410,000 – 740,000
flu hospitalizations


24,000 – 62,000
flu deaths

Not surprisingly isn't because most of you far left liberals believe whatever the media says right? if the media said wear two facial masks for protection will u do it?

The lockdowns arent going away.

Far Left Liberal? You're like a parrot.

Poly want a cracker.
So why is there such a need to have COVID listed as the cause of death, even when it clearly isn't? Using vague standards like "It's possible COVID contributed to their death. We just don't know!" takes away from how serious the virus should be taken.

IDK? I don't have all of the answers but people like the OP seem super fucking desperate when they go out of their way to find one example of COVID being labeled as the cause of death in a situation like this. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this story is actually fake news and it was corrected at some point.
What a pathetic group of people you all are. You've been wrong from day one about COVID but instead of admitting so, you go out of your way to find news articles that prop up your shitty positions because how else could you be wrong unless there is a national global conspiracy against you.

Please keep telling us how this is nothing more than the FLU. We get it, you hate people and want to see people's grandparents die. Every one of these pathetic cries for help just goes to help the rest of us identify the shitstain of humanity.

How about you shitstains, who think everyone should stay under lockdown for the rest of their lives, stay in your basements with 20 masks on, and let the rest of us get back to our normal lives.

Oh wait, I forgot, that 98 year old granny with stage 4 terminal cancer and 1 week to live, might get Covid and die. How unfortunate that would be, and another tally in the "covid" cause of death column.
I just heard about this from a friend who knew the guy that died. The story is from July, 2020.

Florida Man Killed in Crash Listed as COVID-19 Death, Raising Doubts Over Health Data
BY SOO KIM ON 7/20/20 AT 6:27 AM EDT

As novel coronavirus cases in Florida surpass 350,000, doubts over the accuracy of the official figures reported have been raised after a death was wrongly reported by the state health department to have been due to COVID-19.

A person in their 20s, who was killed in a motorcycle accident, was initially reported to have died from COVID-19, according to Dr. Raul Pino, Health Officer for the Florida Department of Health in Orange County, Miami's WSVN reported.

"We were discussing or trying to argue with the state. Not because of the numbers. I mean, it's 100. It does not make any difference if it's 99, but the validity that the fact that the individual didn't die from COVID-19, died in a crash," Pino argued.

But you could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash, so I don't know the conclusion of that one," he added.

Pino confirmed all COVID-19 deaths are certified by the medical examiner .

"The only thing that I could say to people is that the data that I provide you with is the data that we consume from the state. We offer you the best data that we have," he noted.

The latest death was reviewed by the Florida Department of Health in Orange County and removed from the state's tally of novel coronavirus deaths, which currently stands at 4,982, according to the latest report from the Florida Department of Health.

The department issued a statement explaining how COVID-19 deaths are determined, which noted: "COVID-19 is listed as the immediate or underlying cause of death, or listed as one of the significant conditions contributing to death. Or, if there is a confirmed COVID-19 infection from a lab test — and, the cause of death doesn't meet exclusion criteria, like trauma, suicide, homicide, overdose, motorcycle accident, etc."

Newsweek has contacted the Florida Department of Health and state government for further comment.

The daily death toll in Florida has seen several dramatic spikes this month, including last week when the state saw a record number of 156 new fatalities on July 16, according to data compiled by Worldometer.

Back in May, Rebekah Jones, a data scientist who worked for the state health department, claimed she was allegedly fired after refusing to "manipulate" the state's virus figures in a bid to support the reopening of the state.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis argued Jones was fired because "she didn't listen to the people who were her superiors," Florida's The Palm Beach Post reported.

Jones has since launched her own website, claiming much of the virus data on the state health department website is not clearly presented and details are "buried in a PDF."

"I decided to stop wallowing in self-pity and do something constructive, something useful with the skill set I've been using for so long," Jones told The Palm Beach Postlast month. "People have a right to know what's going on in a straightforward nonpolitical kind of way," she said.

Most Florida counties entered phase one of reopening on May 4. The state's daily case count has mostly been increasing from around May 27 and began rising on a sharper incline from about mid-June, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

Several reopened bars in Florida were closed again after customers tested positive for the virus.


Pretty cool to know that someone can die in a motorcycle crash, but since Covid "may have caused them to crash" the most obvious and logical thing is to blame it on Covid and not the 2 wheeled death machine he was driving.

And people wonder why others question the validity of the Covid data.

InB4: "But that's just one incident".

Seems legit.


Surprised that you just heard about this. There are also a few shootings and suicides that were listed as covid deaths
COVID-19 was used as a political tool to destroy small businesses, ruin the middle and working class and usher in more government control. Most of the people that died from Covid had other health issues and were over 70.

Ya so fuck older people, am I rite?
How about you shitstains, who think everyone should stay under lockdown for the rest of their lives, stay in your basements with 20 masks on, and let the rest of us get back to our normal lives.

Oh wait, I forgot, that 98 year old granny with stage 4 terminal cancer and 1 week to live, might get Covid and die. How unfortunate that would be, and another tally in the "covid" cause of death column.

We have more people on respirators in the UK than at any other time during the pandemic. If that's not covid, what is it?
George Flyod died of covid too. He tested positive.

I don't believe you because the last time you told me he died of a Fentanyl overdose not because a 250 lb man was resting his knee on the back of his neck.
IDK? I don't have all of the answers but people like the OP seem super fucking desperate when they go out of their way to find one example of COVID being labeled as the cause of death in a situation like this. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this story is actually fake news and it was corrected at some point.

Actually, the family members of the deceased are the ones who got it corrected when they saw his death certificate had "Covid" listed as his cause of death.

Nice try, fail more.
I don't believe you because the last time you told me he died of a Fentanyl overdose not because a 250 lb man was resting his knee on the back of his neck.
Facts changed. He's a covid casualty now.

We've seen numerous reports like these that the media just won't touch. You just get called a Nazi if you bring it up.
No one has ever called you a Nazi for being a Covid denier. You guys victimize yourselves more than anyone.
Sure thing buddy. Every post you make is right leaning, Trump supporting. You are like when @bobgeese tells us he voted for Obama twice.
Ah arent ya butthurt about the comment i did about fascism? how brutal they are? i am still waiting for you to reply in that thread are you running away from that thread?
This was always the case. Here’s my state’s top public health official admitting as much. Of course, she was ordered to reframe how she spoke about the issue after this got out. The COVID pandemic is real, but it is also terribly politicized and CT’s are being handed far too much material to work with.

How about you shitstains, who think everyone should stay under lockdown for the rest of their lives, stay in your basements with 20 masks on, and let the rest of us get back to our normal lives.

Oh wait, I forgot, that 98 year old granny with stage 4 terminal cancer and 1 week to live, might get Covid and die. How unfortunate that would be, and another tally in the "covid" cause of death column.

None of us want people in lockdown. We believe life is more important than the almighty $$. We follow the science. I know that might be strange for someone like you who believes in lies and make-belief. I would love to go out and do normal shit again. At the same time, I don't want to risk causing someone to not be there for their loved one when they die and worse yet not be able to bury them.
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