Stronglifts 5x5 - when do you need a weight belt?


Freakin Covid
Nov 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hey all - I just did workout A of 5x5 and noticed at the gym some people are wearing weight belts for squats and deadlifts. When do you know it’s time to start using one? Thanks.
Wrap my knees squatting anything over 350 lbs.
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If you plan to lift maximally in the future and plan to be using a belt in the future, I don't see any problem getting one early and getting used to wearing one. I do think it is important to do some beltless training as well though.

What's up with all the completely irrelevant troll posts? He asked about a belt, not knee wraps.
Dumb, Whats the point of a response without answering OP

Just a related lift supporting accessory.
Other people have adequately addressed his question and there's nothing else I need to add.

Which OP literally never needs to use and I'm guessing you don't use correctly.
10-4. Maybe OP was looking for an estimate of weight he should be concerned about, not just being told he doesn't need it.
Hey all - I just did workout A of 5x5 and noticed at the gym some people are wearing weight belts for squats and deadlifts. When do you know it’s time to start using one? Thanks.
I'd say don't worry about the belt. Learn to properly brace during your lifts and you likely won't ever really need one. If you're planning on competing or as @Oblivian said lift maximally than invest in one, and learn to use it properly. If you're doing 5x5, there's no reason to wear a belt if you're bracing properly.

I have found Joe Sullivan a pretty decent resource for bracing. He's pretty insightful, but like most INSTA lifters, he's likely got his detractors.
Hey all - I just did workout A of 5x5 and noticed at the gym some people are wearing weight belts for squats and deadlifts. When do you know it’s time to start using one? Thanks.

When you get to the bottom of the hole and your head starts rolling forwards. I'm not a fan of belts, so I do without, but I've noticed this tends to occur between about x1.5 and x2 of bodyweight.
Can you need a weight belt without ass injections?

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