Social Gina Carano tosses her hat into social media politics #fireginacorano trends

I've been consistently against cancelling people and firing them for personal views, left or right. But for fucks sake how hard is it to just not publicly say dumb shit all the time. It's not like people don't know you can and will get fired for it.

Hard to feel much sympathy.
Or celebs should just use Social Media to promote the products they're selling, the movie/music/shows etc they're doing, and not their socio-political stances.

Jordan had it right when he said "Republicans buy shoes too"
Jordan had it right when he said "Republicans buy shoes too"

How many of those who complained about carano are actually even actual SW Fans on twitter? or have they all day spend complaining about carano just carano?
Cancel a couple of more people and republicans, are only gonna get more steam in next elections.

Dumb dems are cheering and acting cocky. Remember you hardly pushed through your muppet of president this time and you got lucky with covid. Even though you needed every celebrity on the planet, fake propaganda, twitter censorship and shady voting rules.

But keep pilling those martyrs dumb fucks. Biden policies arent exactly mind blowing and popular with people so far.
Yep. No doubt. You're a bot with this shit. She's making a ridiculous comparison, but she's white. So you all of sudden see how silly it is. If she was a rich black woman complaining about mistreatment on social media and comparing it to slavery, you'd be "Beep bop boop"-ing about how it's racist. This is who you are.
I can’t remember ever saying that about a rich black women before. I remember a lot of trump supporters wanted jemele hill fired for saying shut about trump. I’m sure you were upset with that.
You cared for acting? She SUCKS as an actress. She is worst than Ronda and Ronda sucks. Shes one of the major reasons why I havent finished watching season 2 of the mandolorian.

I said I don't care for her acting. But she's still a bit better than Rousey.
it is really gross that they empower the cancel culture scum like this by firing gina.

She should have never been hired as an actress. Just cause she were a MMA fighter doesnt mean you can act. This has been proven by Ronda and GSP. Never watched Bisping so cant talk about him but I am sure he was horrible as well. Not seeing Ronda and Gina in any other movie or show I want to see would be a big step for mankind and one giant leap for hollywood.
How many of those who complained about carano are actually even actual buyers of Star Wars products or Fans on twitter? or have they all day spend complaining about carano?
Don't know and don't care, but I'm sure there's some crossover. And it's not just about them being viewers of Star Wars, it's about the entire brand. You don't want to associate yourself with someone expressing those types of views, advertisers and sponsors don't like that type of association. It's one of the reasons why FoxNews has shows that have very high ratings but get less advertising dollars than shows with lower ratings on other networks.
I love Sherdogs general reading comprehension.......... people just turn a paragraph into something that fits their own narrative, it's amazing.

People just see a few trigger words and off they go and run with it............. modern tribalism........

Jordan Peterson was right.........
Should have tossed her hat in the porn game.
I love Sherdogs general reading comprehension.......... people just turn a paragraph into something that fits their own narrative, it's amazing.

People just see a few trigger words and off they go and run with it............. modern tribalism........

Jordan Peterson was right.........
Watchu talkin bout Willis
I love Sherdogs general reading comprehension.......... people just turn a paragraph into something that fits their own narrative, it's amazing.

People just see a few trigger words and off they go and run with it............. modern tribalism........

Jordan Peterson was right.........
I said I don't care for her acting. But she's still a bit better than Rousey.

Well if you dont care for her politics then she should have taken your cue and others who had advice her no one cares about her political stance. I am not saying its good that she got culture cancelled but she should have never even been on this show due to her horrible acting. Plus she is FAT and not the HOT Gina we all knew and loved.