Social Gina Carano tosses her hat into social media politics #fireginacorano trends

Conservatives had a roaring good time over the past 5 years owning the libs, just look at it this way Lucasfilm decided to have it's own roaring good time by owning Gina!

Conservatives had a roaring good time over the past 5 years owning the libs, just look at it this way Lucasfilm decided to have it's own roaring good time by owning Gina!

What exactly did conservatives own ?
Yeah I was wrong. She compared it to Jewish persecution. I got the holocaust thing from that terrible pic she posted alongside it.

Eat a fat one

It is, its comparing something relatively trivial to Jewish suffering.

@Woldog got that covered.

'She should know better.' Yeah, perhaps she knew exactly what she was going, posting her feeling about controversial subjects... just as everyone else was going at LucasFilm, but hers were labeled as 'problematic,' 'controversial,' and 'offensive' just for going against the progressive narrative.

Yet, she's been the only one fired or suffered any negative consequences whatsoever.

It’s no surprise you’re upset for her. I would’ve bet the house on it too.
I've already done so twice.

I am not here to hold your hand. If you believe he is a jew then great.

Don't see it.

How about you Bing it instead?

If you believe he is not a Jew, that's also great.
people don’t independently do that in significant number though. Collective and organized action is what moves the needle. Even most leftists don’t individually live up to their boycotts(see Goya or Chick-fil-a) but the harassment, illusion created by trends and a crowd of turfs, and bad publicity scares Disney, big tech, you name it.

It’s a thing for right leaning(individual) people for a day or two...then it’s not. Good year Tires, Netflix(did they ever take down that disgusting movie?), Amazon, Twitter...hell, even NASCAR which is likely over 90 percent right wing patrons doesn’t even worry about alienating their audience to bend to the left. Because at the end of the day, right wingers can live with disagreement..even something they perceive as an injustice against them and will always stop in the middle of a crusade and say “wait, this isn’t me..this is them” or “you know, they do have a good product and that’s all that really matters. I’m no communist”

On the other hand...The left will literally set up a whole organization with a years long mission to turf protest and boycott a single company, how long did they stick on chic-fil-a because the guy is a Christian? It never hurt their bottom line in the slightest but they eventually caved...10 years is a long time for endless harassment..just as well stop feeding the homeless through the Salvation Army and let them think they got their way.

I heard a quote the other day - "The left have won the culture war because they were the only ones fighting it."

Maybe. Maybe not.

The only thing I disagree with about that statement is 'has won' sounds final but a war over culture is ongoing and cannot ever truly be won permanently because time marches on and everything changes over time.
Don't see it.

How about you Bing it instead?

If you believe he is not a Jew, that's also great.

I'll give you a hint....he is a S___E.

Now go do your homework skippy
Same here man

I understand where she was going with her analogy but that's just a line you can't cross on especially in the times of social media and cancel culture

I remember an athlete saying he didn't care about being 'hated' by the public because even Jesus was hated and he was a 'perfect being.' He got trashed by the media for comparing himself to the Son of God when really he was just trying to make a point that you can be 'perfect' and still be hated by people.

Lord, lol.

I understand it must be annoying sometimes walking a fine line where anything you say is seen by millions and can be dissected and overanalyzed. However, it's a price to pay that comes with the territory so I'm not gonna pity a bunch of millionaires because I can say more outlandish shit online than they can.
What a retard. I dont agree with cancel culture but people that refuse to just shut up about politics when they know they are playing with fire wont get any sympathy from me. They have been trying to cancel her for awhile now and I hoped it didn't happen (because idgaf about politics when it comes to Gina or people I like). She dodged many bullets but being one of those annoying people that cant just shut up she just got herself fired. Was it worth it Gina? For what? She could have leaned Republican like Chris Pratt but she had to go the extra mile. Ughhh.
Conservatives had a roaring good time over the past 5 years owning the libs, just look at it this way Lucasfilm decided to have it's own roaring good time by owning Gina!


Lmao, yeah okay Disney shill, we can pretend that's still a thing.

"In a statement obtained by io9, a Lucasfilm spokesperson said the following: “Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

The news comes after a day in which the hashtag #FireGinaCarano trended on Twitter for hours. The night before, the actress shared an anti-Semitic story on her Instagram. It was soon deleted but many fans captured it and shared it on social media."

Haha not surprised. I mean comparing being censored on social media to Jews being killed by Nazis? Fuck that

lets cancel Anderson Cooper too

CNN’s Anderson Cooper Compares Capitol Hill Riot To 800,000 Murdered In Rwandan Genocide
This will be realized as a bad move in the future and could just be temporary for optics. Mandolorian is an empty cast without her character in the show and replacing her wouldn't work. People need to understand cancel culture mob can easily be ignored. They give up after a day or 2. Look at Joe Rogan's situation, it's like nothing happened with them trying to get him fired off Spotify. Only when you feed the mob do they care, otherwise they just move on. They want to have a strong female character and they fire her for being a strong woman. Regardless if you agree with her views or not this isn't the right move to make. That will be realized in the future. Most likely a public apology of some sort on her social media and they'll bring her back after things cool down.

Mandolorian needs her character, they don't have many options and trying to introduce a new character to replace her takes time when they already have the storyline built around her character that is 2 seasons in already and were working on a spin off show. They will lose more money releasing her and not doing the spin off show, so this is a dumb move on Disney's part. Someone smarter needs to fix this in the future for Mandolorian's/Star Wars fans which is the ones making them money. Not the cancel culture. People can't be scared of a few tweets, reposts, and hashtags. That's all it takes for them to make companies to do what they want? A few tweets, reposts, and hashtags? Companies are starting to show their weakness.