Social Gina Carano tosses her hat into social media politics #fireginacorano trends

Incorrect. Believing that fits your narrative, I'm sure, but way too many "leftist" comedians are absolutely miserable in this new cancel era.

P.S. She's a moron, and made a very distasteful (read historically ignorant and socially tone-deaf) comment, but really nothing to be fired over. And anwways, she'll enjoy her fear-mongering echo-chamber on Parler.

wrong, you should open a history book. Her reference is 100% correct and has been proven. There are multiple politicians already saying any trump supporter should put into a system to track them ... lol damn you people are sheep.
no, it is not. Disrespectful is a subjective term.
Then how are you sure it absolutely isn't disrespectful, if it's subjective? I'm pretty sure holocaust survivors, their descendants and the general public thinks it's disrespectful, which is what matters. It's all whiny, snowlake nonsense waaah waah people don't like me because I'm an asshole Trump supporter.
not going to waste time replying to all you low IQ sheep. The fact is none of you could survive a second in a debate with me or even me when I was 12 which is why none of you will take the offer.

You have zero intelligence and zero logic abilities. All of your replies prove that. A group of smooth brains ie liberals.
Welp that settles it if I couldn't survive against you at 12 theres no fucking way I can do it now that you're 13
You may feel like that but the majority of the Star Wars and Mandolorian fans don't. Try to picture Mandolorian without her character in the storyline at all, it would feel like most episodes in the show was just filler material. I feel like she played her role well, her acting style fit the character. I'm sure there will be backlash from the Star Wars fanbase with this decision. From the comments I've seen already on certain posts on social media, it seems like it's already starting.

She was in 7 of the 24 episodes so far. Most of the time her role is "extra gun." I'm pretty sure the show can go on without her.
wrong, you should open a history book. Her reference is 100% correct and has been proven. There are multiple politicians already saying any trump supporter should put into a system to track them ... lol damn you people are sheep.
You disqualified yourself from ever being taken seriously with your very first post in this thread.
I find it interesting that being anti-mask is seen as an equivalent evil to being racist, alt-right, (insert group)-phobic, anti-Semitic and so on. A major criticism towards Carano on twitter is that she is a racist and anti-mask as though being anti-mask is just as morally reprehensible as hating an entire group of people.
The fact is none of you could survive a second in a debate with me or even me when I was 12 which is why none of you will take the offer.
Back to the chud lair you dumb chud.
Nick Cannon never apologized for his statement about white people in that same segment of that podcast, and he gets hired back.

LucasFilm hires a racist against white people to host a podcast...

...and when she gets called out LucasFilm publicly backs her saying she 'called out racism.'

Oh, and this is the same Disney that filmed scenes in Mulan a few miles away from Muslim concentration camps in China.

Yet, when Gina Carano makes some social media posts that are against the progressive narrative, she gets the axe.

Not surprising.

Nick Cannon fucked up once, was warned, heeded the advice, didn't fuck up again. Gina has fucked up multiple times, was warned, did it again anyway. The last time, it was reported that they were looking for any excuse to fire her for a few months. She willingly gave it to them. She didn't care, so why should we?
Yes China. Where they had no problem filming right next to the concentration camps of the uighars.

so straight genocide is AOK with Disney, and with most of the woke left as well. The slavery of millions as well.

Yeah...corporations don't really give a shit. We can certainly agree about that.