Social Gina Carano tosses her hat into social media politics #fireginacorano trends


I said they were looking for an excuse to fire her for months and somehow that means I'm "gullible enough to believe that the Disney execs just made up their minds about Gina Carano yesterday"?

Yes, because you were obviously buying the line that 'Tweeting about Jews in Germany was what caused the Disney execs to finally fire her.'

Now you're acting like it was obvious you've known it all along, but that's somehow my mistake.

Sure bro.
The "game" is rigged and that was her point. Krystina Arielle can be a legitimate racist and face zero consequences. Her endless racist tweets are fine because she is a Leftist and hates white people. Gina's problem is that she doesn't want a muzzle. Not being an anti white loon is problematic to Lucasfilm.

Pointing out that conservatives are being targeted and actively being labeled as some "enemy" is true. Dehumanized groups are easier to attack, fire, put in jail and send to reeducation camps like numerous Democrats have asked for.

Gina's firing proves her point.

She is a canary. You have been warned.

Yes, poor Gina. This game is so rigged against her. I'm sure the game wasn't rigged in her favor when she made millions despite several others with far more experience and education. The game will always be rigged.
She's not comparing being silenced online to genocide though. She's saying "hey, the nazis didn't just skip to gassing Jews, they started with small social stuff and worked their way up"
And guess what the Nazi probably used true examples of shitty people who happened to be Jewish doing shitty stuff. Then they say look this is what this whole group does. Much like what BLM does with cops or how people try to paint people who don't agree with 72 genders are racist and sexist.

Yeah, I read the quote, the entire point could have been made without making any comparison to nazi treatment of Jews though. If she had avoided that fraught comparison she’d be fine. It’s a simple rule to follow “don’t compare anything short of genocide to nazi treatment of jews.” Follow that rule and avoid an obvious, predictable backlash.
and by fucked up you mean didn't express herself in a way nazi ass disney wanted her to? lol

hey you can have a job but just talk about THESE APPROVED THINGS on YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA..... lol

how would you like it? oh right, it is not you it is done to....
I got banned from a premium YouTube account recently. Fucking sucks, but what can you do? She's a highly paid actress who made a decision. Her character on the show is supposed to be a feminist icon. She's alienating their target audience. They made a bottom line decision. She decided to speak her mind regardless of the consequences. If she feels she doesn't need the job, good for her.
Yes, because you were obviously buying the line that 'Tweeting about Jews in Germany was what caused the Disney execs to finally fire her.'

Now you're acting like it was obvious you've known it all along, but that's somehow my mistake.

Sure bro.
Read my fucking post, bro. Doesn't say that. You don't argue in good faith. You're a fucking NPC on these issues.
I got banned from a premium YouTube account recently. Fucking sucks, but what can you do? She's a highly paid actress who made a decision. Her character on the show is supposed to be a feminist icon. She's alienating their target audience. They made a bottom line decision. She decided to speak her mind regardless of the consequences. If she feels she doesn't need the job, good for her.
I don't see how it's anything more than a corp minding its wallet.
It's baffling.
No, he didn't have an NFL job because he wasn't a very good QB and his asking price was too high for what he delivered. The NFL actually followed his lead and got a lot more woke. They aren't against his message, his NFL career was over for football reasons. Happens to a lot of QBs who have a few good years and then tail off. Using him as an example of cancel culture is disingenuous.
Kap also for a while did not want to get hired. He showed up in Miami wearing a Castro T-Shirt, which told me he did not want Miami to hire him. It’s not quite similar to wearing a Hitler shirt to a job interview in Israel, but a couple levels below it and still fucking stupid.
Sucks for her. Respect for sticking to her guns, but her career won’t recover from this, the best she can hope for now is acting in those straight to DVD Christian movies.

She could have the starring role as a magical TERF superheroine fighting Fallon Fox types in JK Rowling's debut as a movie director...
Yes, poor Gina. This game is so rigged against her. I'm sure the game wasn't rigged in her favor when she made millions despite several others with far more experience and education. The game will always be rigged.

Not my point. BLATANT racist remarks are allowed at Lucasfilm. You just have to be an anti white racist.

Only one way of thinking is tolerated. That is a scary road.
Disney is a POS again. I"m not arguing whether it is right or wrong, I just can't believe the leftists embrace the lack of consistency and support the oppression. This isn't about her comparison, it is about who made the comparison.

How many people did Disney not cancel for much worse?

Joke, the Dem Reich's reach is expanding...
Its not just in the US, look at the UK over the last 2-3 years were highly questionable claims of antisemitism have been one of the main ways the left has been attacked.

She didnt compare directly to the holocaust perhaps but pretty dam closely, claiming basically right wing americans are in the same situation as the jews were in Nazi Germany. What evidence does she have this situation is at all similar? the reality is in the US we have a partisan political climate thats getting increasingly aggressive and a lot of that aggression itself is coming from the right with evidence that the police force is showing clear bias in their favour.

Its the strange situation with conservatism in that its been welcoming of the far right including neo nazi elements yet it also casts itself as the defenders of jews, in reality of course its only the defenders of an increasingly right wing jewish state that suits US imperialist ends.

Yeah the UK thing is a little different, it's not about silencing criticism, it's about the right identifying a schism in the Labour party and driving in a wedge. Miss-characterizing a sympathy with Palestines plight with calling it racism. Its a PR coup.

This is kinda similar to why people think Gina is saying anything to do with the Holocaust. Its related, just not relevant. I guess a lack of critical thinking leads to it.

I guess really all that matters is she believes there's some similarity. That's a warning, it's actually the opposite of any support of the Holocaust because it's being referred tangentially as the boogy man.