Opinion Daily Mail: Marjorie Taylor Greene cheated on husband with tantric sex guru then gym manager

Yup. You see it in the war room daily.

Liberal Climate changers drive SUVs and fly private. Repuke Christian Values dudes end up being gay. Anti 2nd Amendment politicians have ARMED security.

Both sides are full of hypocrite assholes
Word man. So many, all over the place.

Haha. Shit bro. I'm out of likes.
Then you wouldn't call me a "Trump die hard". I can't recall ever making a single defence of him.

You might lose brain cells trying to argue with Steve Stone Cold or whatever the fuck his name is.
Christian politicians gonna christian politician.
GOP gave her a standing ovation, maybe these guys gave her a standing case of the clap.
Conservative red pilled women are often the biggest sluts

Remember that Fox News host that cheated on her husband with her black guy then tried to cry rape?
GOP gave her a standing ovation, maybe these guys gave her a standing case of the clap.
Did they really give her a standing ovation? That’s just hear say unless there is actual proof
According to a Daily Mail exclusive, Greene cheated on her husband of 26 years with a Tantric sex guru and then moved onto the manager at the gym she visited.

When both men were approached by Daily Mail reporters they did not deny the accusations. One of them said he has no interest in talking about her, as everything related to her comes to no good.



Now none of this infidelity stuff should matter when critiquing her because it is all consenting adults, but......

The freshman congresswoman from Georgia has positioned her Christian “family values” against what she considers to be “communism,” by which she appears to mean Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

You mean a politician lied? How can that be?