Social Coke urges employees to be "less white" through diversity training

No but you say a statement should be looked at differently if the roles were reversed for " context and history ". Me? I want equality and that means holding everything to the same standard.

I said that two things were not the same because context and history matters. I never said I agreed with it and never spoke to the concept of treating people differently. Go find another straw man to argue against if a little nuance is causing yer head to explode.

Report: Coca-Cola Forcing Employees To Complete Training 'To Be Less White' – OutKick
If you are reading this while drinking a can of Coke, may I suggest a Pepsi? Friday, images leaked online of an alleged internal whistleblower at
Maybe it's exagerrated on both sides for leverage, but would you agree that the anti-Trump rhetoric was very widely successful based on racism?

It's a fact that Trump was particularly unpopular as president. I think that was driven by his obvious incompetence and corruption *more than* his racism (given that he actually gained ground among non-whites). Even if you knew nothing about the last four years other than what you saw on Trump's own Twitter account, I think it would be clear that he was intellectually, morally, and temperamentally unfit for the presidency.
Not sure exactly what you're trying to say, but Coke had a mandatory training session for employees that didn't have any of that material, and then also made additional training available to anyone who was interested, and it did include DiAngelo's thing. As for the last sentence, if you are concerned that freedom of speech leads people to have the wrong opinions, maybe you can find countries you like better than America.

SO as long as it is outsourced and considered training, subjecting employees to actual overt racism is OK?
This is not a free speech issue, and conflating employee training, which is defacto mandatory with free speech is pretty dishonest. Even for you
I said that two things were not the same because context and history matters. I never said I agreed with it and never spoke to the concept of treating people differently. Go find another straw man to argue against if a little nuance is causing yer head to explode.

Didn't say you agreed with it my man. Christ some of you go quickly to insults and buzzwords if someone disagrees with you. Good job " ghandi "

I said "To me" attaching historical context and " history " is a bad line to travel down when dealing with direct comparisons. If one things unacceptable it's unacceptable both ways. I don't care what reasons are behind someone saying shit. I wouldn't accept it if it was " well the Japanese did x in a historical context " so that matters in terms of saying ridiculous shite. Don't care the reasoning behind it. Racism is racism and everyone should be held to the same standards.

Don't take everything as a attack. Sheesh
Well do you have a clear example of a majority black demographic anywhere that is succeeding in America that embraces "black" culture.


Now let me qualify this. Black culture is just fine. It's the American specific ghetto trash, gangsta rap, baby mama, resist arrest and ghetto slang speak I'm referring too.

And who created the ghettos? Are you aware that redlining still exists to this very day?

And how do people get out of ghettos, or generally escape poverty?

History tells us that the American middle class was built on two things - the ability to acquire loans, and government assistance like the GI Bill after WW2. These two things created the largest explosion of the middle class in the history of the world. And it's easy to see why. Joe Schmoe owns nothing, then gets a home loan or small business loan, and now all of a sudden he has assets which in turn creates generational wealth in families. It's probably the reason you most likely grew up in a middle class home, went to a decent public school, enjoyed decent healthcare.

African Americans were left out of that entire equation. The few who did manage to secure some assets, such as homes, were restricted to areas where their homes did not appreciate nearly as much as everyone else's.

So the government herded blacks into the worst areas of town, where they did not enjoy the same opportunities as whites, and therefore were always living under the thumb of a landlord and spending their money in white owned businesses because up until recently, it was near impossible for African Americans to secure small business loans and therefore improve their own communities. Also, given schools are funded by property taxes, their schools suffered more, as well as their access to healthcare.

Now, have things gotten much better? Absolutely. But acting as if none of this happened, or that it is so far removed in the past that it doesn't matter, only potentiates the divide between races. Blacks are bitter because they've traditionally got the raw end of the stick - always paying a white slumlord, only seeing businesses in their neighborhoods operated by anyone but African Americans. They did not enjoy the same opportunities that whites were using to build that generational wealth. That doesn't mean your average middle class white guy is responsible, on the contrary, whites used those opportunities to their benefit and built something that the rest of the world envies. No shame in that whatsoever.

However, ignoring a lot of the variables and dynamics that actually built the ghettos is short-sighted. Snapping your fingers and saying "black people have equal opportunity with whites now' doesn't wash away the fact that whites have had 2 or 3 generations of owning small businesses, farms, family homes, educational loans, etc to build what are great communities today.

Yes, African Americans have it much better today than 70 years ago. But 70 years is not that long of a time when you are talking about uplifting lower class communities into middle class communities, and it's very easy to understand that desperation breeds crime and a vicious cycle that is difficult to escape, hence ghettos, and the snowball effect of never actually being able to own anything, or pass anything down to your children. Even if the majority of whites are not recipients of this generational wealth, they still benefited from the middle class schools, healthcare, and a variety of opportunities that make even securing a loan much more viable.

This is not to say that what Coke is doing is the answer - far from it, I don't agree with attempting to elevate one group at the expense of another - that would simply be repeating the same mistakes. I don't pretend to have all the answers, but going to the other extreme, by ignoring how our middle class was actually built and who exactly were the beneficiaries of that, is not the answer either. Not saying you are specifically, but it is quite common.
Maybe nobody is talking about this because it IS FAKE AND YOU ARE A FULL BLOWN FUCKING RETARD??

Seriously you are pathetic. You can't take 2 minutes to verify a story? Nope you would rather cry on some other idiot's shoulder and PRETEND you are being discriminated against.

If anyone is upset about this AND can actually read, follow this link:
Even Snopes says this

What's True
Screenshots shared widely in February 2021 were authentic snapshots of a real online course on LinkedIn, featuring Robin DiAngelo and entitled "Confronting Racism."

So how is the story fake in any way?

What's Undetermined
We have not yet been able to corroborate Coca-Cola's denial.

We are basically waiting for Coke to have balls and answer. Since they are not, it is probably true.
Did you even ACTUALLY READ your own link? It doesn't claim this is fake at all, just provides a Coca-Cola denial about it being "required curriculum"...
It doesn't even say that Coke denied it. They are waiting Coke's response.
Didn't say you agreed with it my man. Christ some of you go quickly to insults and buzzwords if someone disagrees with you. Good job " ghandi "

I said "To me" attaching historical context and " history " is a bad line to travel down when dealing with direct comparisons. If one things unacceptable it's unacceptable both ways. I don't care what reasons are behind someone saying shit. I wouldn't accept it if it was " well the Japanese did x in a historical context " so that matters in terms of saying ridiculous shite. Don't care the reasoning behind it. Racism is racism and everyone should be held to the same standards.

Don't take everything as a attack. Sheesh

Sorry I just figured that if you were quoting me that what you were writing was a response to my post. Like above, here you go on about what is acceptable, and my response will be, I never said it was acceptable. And then what? Are you going to say “I never said you said it was acceptable”. Like what are we even talking about lol?

That leaves with if history or context matters in evaluating something. And the answer is of course it does. A thief who was starving is not the same as a thief who has millions. Saying that does not mean that one is saying stealing is ok.

Saying everything is the same while oblivious to glaring differences is not equality.
Sorry I just figured that if you were quoting me that what you were writing was a response to my post. Like above, here you go on about what is acceptable, and my response will be, I never said it was acceptable. And then what? Are you going to say “I never said you said it was acceptable”. Like what are we even talking about lol?

That leaves with if history or context matters in evaluating something. And the answer is of course it does. A thief who was starving is not the same as a thief who has millions. Saying that does not mean that one is saying stealing is ok.

Saying everything is the same while oblivious to glaring differences is not equality.

I would love to look at it through the lense of individual context. Always will for individual crimes and such . But sadly when playing the group identity game ( well what if it's black or white ) I'm not willing to do the same. Too many variables. Does the historical context matter in terms of relatively recent arrivals to USA.

Slightly more than 2 million immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa lived in the United States in 2018. While this population remains small, representing just 4.5 percent of the country’s 44.7 million immigrants, it is a rapidly growing one. Between 2010 and 2018, the sub-Saharan African population increased by 52 percent, significantly outpacing the 12 percent growth rate for the overall foreign-born population during that same period.

I don't see history and context mattering to those born recently or recently arrived to the USA. Has nothing to do with skin colour. But attaching all those things uniformly to anyone " black " is common.

For me equality is treating people equally. Regardless of pigment/ heritage/ religion historical injustices etc. I'd tear shreds of anyone who tried to use well the Japanese ( insert race religion here ) did x as a example as to why different standards are used. The past is ugly and brutal for the vast majority of people on this earth. To me it should bare no relevance on how we treat and discuss things now. Except in the context of history. ( if that's the discussion)

I completely get your point tho. But as I said I don't feel it's going to help things get to equality. Group identity/ pigment is a waste of time imo're white.

...and you MUST be a victim of "racism" for you to be SO butthurt, correct?

I'm sorry for your daily loss.

Maybe someday you'll get out of the grip of your terrible oppressors grasp.

LOL. You should change you name to The Big Double Yellow. How did I know you were going to get carded with the stupid racist shit you were saying? Try being a good person for once and you'll get more respect. And try not to treat people different because of their skin color. That's called Racism.

@ElKarlo Are you shocked this guy got dubbed?
And who created the ghettos? Are you aware that redlining still exists to this very day?

And how do people get out of ghettos, or generally escape poverty?

History tells us that the American middle class was built on two things - the ability to acquire loans, and government assistance like the GI Bill after WW2. These two things created the largest explosion of the middle class in the history of the world. And it's easy to see why. Joe Schmoe owns nothing, then gets a home loan or small business loan, and now all of a sudden he has assets which in turn creates generational wealth in families. It's probably the reason you most likely grew up in a middle class home, went to a decent public school, enjoyed decent healthcare.

African Americans were left out of that entire equation. The few who did manage to secure some assets, such as homes, were restricted to areas where their homes did not appreciate nearly as much as everyone else's.

So the government herded blacks into the worst areas of town, where they did not enjoy the same opportunities as whites, and therefore were always living under the thumb of a landlord and spending their money in white owned businesses because up until recently, it was near impossible for African Americans to secure small business loans and therefore improve their own communities. Also, given schools are funded by property taxes, their schools suffered more, as well as their access to healthcare.

Now, have things gotten much better? Absolutely. But acting as if none of this happened, or that it is so far removed in the past that it doesn't matter, only potentiates the divide between races. Blacks are bitter because they've traditionally got the raw end of the stick - always paying a white slumlord, only seeing businesses in their neighborhoods operated by anyone but African Americans. They did not enjoy the same opportunities that whites were using to build that generational wealth. That doesn't mean your average middle class white guy is responsible, on the contrary, whites used those opportunities to their benefit and built something that the rest of the world envies. No shame in that whatsoever.

However, ignoring a lot of the variables and dynamics that actually built the ghettos is short-sighted. Snapping your fingers and saying "black people have equal opportunity with whites now' doesn't wash away the fact that whites have had 2 or 3 generations of owning small businesses, farms, family homes, educational loans, etc to build what are great communities today.

Yes, African Americans have it much better today than 70 years ago. But 70 years is not that long of a time when you are talking about uplifting lower class communities into middle class communities, and it's very easy to understand that desperation breeds crime and a vicious cycle that is difficult to escape, hence ghettos, and the snowball effect of never actually being able to own anything, or pass anything down to your children. Even if the majority of whites are not recipients of this generational wealth, they still benefited from the middle class schools, healthcare, and a variety of opportunities that make even securing a loan much more viable.

This is not to say that what Coke is doing is the answer - far from it, I don't agree with attempting to elevate one group at the expense of another - that would simply be repeating the same mistakes. I don't pretend to have all the answers, but going to the other extreme, by ignoring how our middle class was actually built and who exactly were the beneficiaries of that, is not the answer either. Not saying you are specifically, but it is quite common.

You 'systemic racism' guys really think that white people live off of old money huh? It's a pretty ridiculous assumption.
LOL. You should change you name to The Big Double Yellow. How did I know you were going to get carded with the stupid racist shit you were saying? Try being a good person for once and you'll get more respect. And try not to treat people different because of their skin color. That's called Racism.

@ElKarlo Are you shocked this guy got dubbed?

I've argued with him about this before. He's ( well used to be ) part of the black people can't be racist only prejudiced crowd. It's pretty ridiculous
I've argued with him about this before. He's ( well used to be ) part of the black people can't be racist only prejudiced. It's pretty ridiculous
According to this thread, he still is.