Social Sanity vs. Insanity Rand Paul questions gender dysphoria

Rand Paul is a well known bigot. With that said, some of this stuff has gone too far. My daughter was born biologically as a male and recently transitioned to a female. I love her dearly, but it is a heavy burden to bear. I worry for her happiness, etc. I was not ready to fully support the transition but my wife made me. Anyway, I am cautious of them over promoting transgenderism. I'm all for gays and other freedom rights, and I don't think we should take away transgender rights, but it really is a scientific gray area. And this shit can bring a lot of misery, folks.
Thanks for your input, @WarDosAnjos
Rand Paul is a well known bigot. With that said, some of this stuff has gone too far. My daughter was born biologically as a male and recently transitioned to a female. I love her dearly, but it is a heavy burden to bear. I worry for her happiness, etc. I was not ready to fully support the transition but my wife made me. Anyway, I am cautious of them over promoting transgenderism. I'm all for gays and other freedom rights, and I don't think we should take away transgender rights, but it really is a scientific gray area. And this shit can bring a lot of misery, folks.
The hormones for children doctrine is such a minefield.
First you have the fact that people who transition after puberty looks like shrek in drag, so the advocates for trans want to transition people earlier so they can be molded before the code mother nature put in us kicks in.
This leads to so many fucked up issues because children are not allowed to control their own lives because they are not developed mentaly.
So who gets to decide if a child can transition? Parents? We wont know if the parents have an agenda or munchusen by proxy. A therapist? By the time a therapist have managed to get the full mental picture of a child the child would be to old for a child transition unless the therapist is a hack or extrmely biased. We are talking life long changes that in many cases cant be undone here, a 1 year therapy plan wont cut it as you would have to make sure 100%.
Imo transitioning children is child abuse unless we want to give children adult rights, wich in itself is such a retarded proposal we dont have to discus it.

If you are a grown ass man or woman and you want to look like shrek in drag, i say go for it. But keep the children out of this madness.
Someone plx cue the simpsons think of the children gif :D
Rand Paul is a well known bigot. With that said, some of this stuff has gone too far. My daughter was born biologically as a male and recently transitioned to a female. I love her dearly, but it is a heavy burden to bear. I worry for her happiness, etc. I was not ready to fully support the transition but my wife made me. Anyway, I am cautious of them over promoting transgenderism. I'm all for gays and other freedom rights, and I don't think we should take away transgender rights, but it really is a scientific gray area. And this shit can bring a lot of misery, folks.
You think you have it bad? MY daughter identifies as YOUR daughter, and most people tell me I don't even HAVE a daughter! So, out of an abundance of caution, I call her Hershey to respect her pronouns. Blomf is such a jerk!
When you believe in Creation and that god created man and women, anything else must be insanity.
Nope. I just said when you believe in creationism. And that god created man and women, everything else is insanity.

So, in your world, you must be religious to see the insanity of abusing children? Neat.
So, in your world, you must be religious to see the insanity of abusing children? Neat.
Nope. Again not what I said. Paul has been more than vocal on his lgbt stances in the past, regardless of whether or not it involves children or not.
Adult transsexuals always apply projection. They think: I didn't get over my gender dysphoria, so it must be the same for other children. Not so at all, the vast majority get over it if allowed to go through their normal puberty and work things out. People for whom it doesn't go away are in a minority. It's like there's no acknowledgement that teenage years are supposed to a confusing time; the therapy should be to talk and dig out why the kid feels a complex about his gender, what kind of negative expectations they have, and so on.
So what? In this instance he is 100% right. Do you agree, or do you support abusing children?
Is this against the consent of the child? I think they should ban child cirumscision. I consider that child abuse. Should a child be allowed to decide if they want to go on antidepressants? Or should it all be the parents choice?