
Pretty much but once they see something that opinion flips so fast lol. It happened to me I never believed that much in it but then you have an experience and youre like OK that shit might be real lol

let's hear your story homie.
Like this?
One time when I was pumping off At the Computer a ghost clicked on granny porn as I was about to finish.

I almost didn’t finish because if it.
i have had an unusual amount of paranormal experiences. for me these are matters of knowledge and experience. i sometimes find it frustrating to hear jackasses who have no personal experience with anything spiritual argue against the existence of it base on a lack of evidence but mostly i just find the arguments a waste of time.
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I've attended one of those séance, spiritual days where they ask has anyone if they've ever felt a ghost. Most put their hands up.

Then if they've ever seen a ghost. About half like me had their hands up.

Then the host asked if anyone had ever had sex with a ghost. I was the only one with their hand up. He started to ask all kinds of questions.

Anyway, it turns out ghost and goat sound very similar.
I had some spiritual supernatural shit happen when I was young, I now believe it was all a load of shit.. Like this thread with no stories and just bickering.. If you can't beat em join em.
I always think back on a haunted house I went to. Claimed to be one of the most haunted places in the world...of course the tour guide says "if you look closely down the hallway, you just might see the ghost of blah blah blah peaking around the corner." I watch closely, half expecting another employee down there to do something to give people their monies worth. I look and I watch closely. What do I see? Absolutely nothing. yet person on my left says "OMFG I SAW IT." person on my right "no no no NO NO I want to leave right now thats a fucking ghost." person behind me "YES I SAW TWO! TWO GHOSTS AND FELT SOMETHING TOUCH MY SHOULDER WTFFFFFFFFF I SAW TWO YOU GUYS ONLY SAW ONE???"

Yes, but I was young. I do ultimately believe that your existence doesn’t always come to an end after death. I can’t prove it but I have experienced a lot of weird things and so have members of my family.
Anyone have stories of encountering the Paranormal: Ghost, UFO’s, Bigfoot, Monsters etc.

Ive seen a ghost before and heard some strange sounds before. My friend has seen a UFO back when he was a trucker.

Alrite what ya got

Haunted places/haunted homes don’t exist.

Haunted people however, do exist.
Nope. I've never experienced anything remotely paranormal. And I used to belong to a paranormal investigators club in college that frequently visited places that were supposedly haunted throughout the Buffalo, NY area. And I never witnessed a single thing that couldn't be rationally explained.

So, yeah. I'm a skeptic. I don't believe in anything supernatural. If it can't be scientifically proven then it doesn't exist in my book. But I don't ridicule those who choose to believe in the paranormal just like I don't ridicule those who are religious. If they're able to suspend their disbelief in order to find faith in an all-powerful invisible being & they find comfort in that then good for them. Just don't make a nuisance of yourself while trying to convince me of your beliefs & I won't try to convince you of mine. I believe in peaceful coexistence & mutual respect.

And while I don't believe in the supernatural, I do happen to believe in the possibility of UFOs & extraterrestrial life. I think that it's more than a bit ignorant to believe that we're the only advanced, intelligent lifeforms in the universe.

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