Social WR lounge 266: the Jon Jones leg of wieners

You can only eat one food for the rest of your life. Which one is it?

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Man, at my old job we had this one day that 3 people in the department got let go, and I'm not sure how the organization messed it up exactly but it did not go well.

You could feel it in the air in the morning, like a chill had come over the place. My coworker (now girlfriend) messaged me saying something felt off, and then a director came over and called the first lady (an office favourite) into another room. A different director called a second lady. Neither came back. The first director came back with tears in her eyes and picked a few things up off the first lady's desk.

Then, a twist - we all got an email worded just like your post, except there was a third, highly ranked, veteran name, and she was still at her desk. She stood up silently and walked off and that was the last time I saw her (in that office - she was quickly picked up by a competitor).

To this day I can't fathom the arrangements that were made behind the scenes that lead to that poor of an execution. And this is at a large recognizable corporation, not some hole in the wall.

Too funny. I remember when this older gent who worked at the same office got turfed. It was hilarious because when the phone rang for him to go upstairs to one of the meeting rooms he already knew the gig was up. He was like "hey guys, I think I'm getting fired!".

And sure enough he did, but there was some other room he had to go after where there was like this counsellor / support person, who apparently was there to give services for emotional support and what to do to find a new job, and apparently the counsellor was saying don't be offended, you are special blah blah blah, but kept calling him by the wrong name, basically the name of the person that was being laid off next.

The sheer incompetence is hilarious.
Too funny. I remember when this older gent who worked at the same office got turfed. It was hilarious because when the phone rang for him to go upstairs to one of the meeting rooms he already knew the gig was up. He was like "hey guys, I think I'm getting fired!".

And sure enough he did, but there was some other room he had to go after where there was like this counsellor / support person, who apparently was there to give services for emotional support and what to do to find a new job, and apparently the counsellor was saying don't be offended, you are special blah blah blah, but kept calling him by the wrong name, basically the name of the person that was being laid off next.

The sheer incompetence is hilarious.
Ugh. Bureaucracy can be fucking hideous sometimes. It just hit me the other day how unceremonious some people's retirements have been after 30+ years at a company, and then everyone just goes back to work... I really find the whole thing so sterile and off-putting.
So, any of you at work ever come up with a system to decode good bye emails at work?

1) Please be advised John Doe is no longer with the firm.
"John Doe fucked up so bad that he got fired hard. Good luck to the loser who gets his email auto-forward"
2) John Doe has made the personal decision to leave the firm.
"John Doe is leaving to get paid more and we're salty about it"
3) John Doe has made the personal decision to pursue other opportunities.
"John Doe is leaving to get paid less, and we're salty that we have to interview again."
4) John Doe has made the personal decision to look for other opportunities both within the company and outside.
"Look, John Doe said he isn't doing this shit anymore, but we need him to cover until we can backfill the position."
5) John Doe has made the personal decision to retire.
"We personally retired John Doe."
6) As a result of restructuring, John Doe's role has been eliminated and he will be leaving.
"John Doe has a lawyer and we can't give the appearance of retaliation while we fire him."


Vibing. The most hopeful song of all-time and still relevant 55 years later. He really lays it on, and this was recorded when he was only 17 years old.

All the black people would vote for Hennessy. And I know this because I'm black people.

What do you think of this?

It's absolutely incomprehensible to me that Miles Davis and Marvin Gaye were excluded when black people fucking invented jazz and Davis was in the thick of every notable innovation over a span of six decades. He's easily a Top 10 cultural figure IMO and an equivalent to the greatness of artists like Aretha, Jimi and Stevie. Marvin, well "What's Going On" is arguably the greatest album of all-time.

I also think Diana Ross should be there; shaking my head at Jacko's inclusion but no Prince; I'd also definitely have Nat Turner and Huey Newton on my list too. And speaking of violence Ray Robinson getting snubbed again, @Unknown Pleasures. Um, Carl Lewis is a greater athlete than Michael Jordan but it's based on "influence" so whatever.
Vibing. The most hopeful song of all-time and still relevant 55 years later. He really lays it on, and this was recorded when he was only 17 years old.

What do you think of this?

It's absolutely incomprehensible to me that Miles Davis and Marvin Gaye were excluded when black people fucking invented jazz and Davis was in the thick of every notable innovation over a span of six decades. He's easily a Top 10 cultural figure IMO and an equivalent to the greatness of artists like Aretha, Jimi and Stevie. Marvin, well "What's Going On" is arguably the greatest album of all-time.

I also think Diana Ross should be there; shaking my head at Jacko's inclusion but no Prince; I'd also definitely have Nat Turner and Huey Newton on my list too. And speaking of violence Ray Robinson getting snubbed again, @Unknown Pleasures. Um, Carl Lewis is a greater athlete than Michael Jordan but it's based on "influence" so whatever.

I literally said "MJ but no Prince? Hmmm" <45>

That's what I don't get about these lists, what are they quantifying as "shaking up the world"? Biggest? Most influential? They mention Duke Ellington as the embodiment of Jazz, but when I think Jazz I think Davis and Trane. MJ over Prince is understandable, but i'd select both. Serena over someone like Jack Johnson is sacrilege. Stevie Wonder could easily be James Brown, George Clinton, Luther Vandross, or Aaliyah. Actually the lack of mention of Aaliyah rubs me the wrong way. Honestly, I just hate the format.

Just as I said to you that the thread wasn't that bad, a certain erratic Lounge regular jumps in and starts posting some pretty suspect tweets. Here's one from a guy who has "lover of LIFE" and "Dealer of happiness" in his Twitter bio

Just like like Han supremacists in China love Israel so too do right wing Hindu nationalists. They all have a shared love of ethnic cleansing of Muslims.

Just as I said to you that the thread wasn't that bad, a certain erratic Lounge regular jumps in and starts posting some pretty suspect tweets. Here's one from a guy who has "lover of LIFE" and "Dealer of happiness" in his Twitter bio

Just like like Han supremacists in China love Israel so too do right wing Hindu nationalists. They all have a shared love of ethnic cleansing of Muslims.

I, for one, am appalled that @Gregolian would link that sort of person.

Just as I said to you that the thread wasn't that bad, a certain erratic Lounge regular jumps in and starts posting some pretty suspect tweets. Here's one from a guy who has "lover of LIFE" and "Dealer of happiness" in his Twitter bio

Just like like Han supremacists in China love Israel so too do right wing Hindu nationalists. They all have a shared love of ethnic cleansing of Muslims.

Wow. Mask off.

Just as I said to you that the thread wasn't that bad, a certain erratic Lounge regular jumps in and starts posting some pretty suspect tweets. Here's one from a guy who has "lover of LIFE" and "Dealer of happiness" in his Twitter bio

Just like like Han supremacists in China love Israel so too do right wing Hindu nationalists. They all have a shared love of ethnic cleansing of Muslims.

You are such a little bitch.

A fucking gutless coward. Lol.

Still haven't commented on the video.
You are such a little bitch.

A fucking gutless coward. Lol.

Still haven't commented on the video.
I wish I could have the courage you do to regurgitate the bipartisan foreign policy consensus. Couldn't imagine going out on such a limb, real bravery there.
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