Movies Quentin Tarantino vs Stanley Kubrick

Better director

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Kubrick due to having more original concepts during his time. Tarantino is largely inspired by Scorcese. and a lot of his films are "homages."

Unless Kubrick has an uncanny influence that I dont know about
Surprised this isn't a landslide for Kubrick. I love QT, but his films aren't the classics that Stanley's are. Nor does his filmography have anywhere near the range.

Kubrick has a whopping 2 films released over the last 40 years.

It should be obvious that his work will go over the majority of the Millens and the Zoomies heads
Kubrick is a God that walked the Earth, light years ahead of time and space. Tarantino is a basically a guy who sells award winning elephant ears and funnel cakes... like these are the best fucking elephant ears or funnel cakes you could ever hope to try in your lifetime
I've been a Tarantino fan since I was a youngster... Kubrick is legendary, but I just enjoy QTs stuff a little more
San Quentin
Kubrick is obviously better but for pure enjoyment I'll tuck in to a QT joint over pretty much any of the Kubricks .
QTS stuff is fluffier
I can't just watch clockwork orange on a whim and feel great.. that shit is too deep.
but throw on Uma Thurman talking about dead brother storages in war time Europe and I'm getting ready to hit an adrenaline shot into Mickey rourkes chest in heart beat
Tarantino has some classics but he's not quite in Kubrick's league.

Then again, few are.
I've only seen a few Kubrick films. The Shining is an all-time GOAT. 2001 is ridiculously overrated, and I found it to be quite shit when I watched it. The first half seemed like it could be building to something interesting and then the second half was just an abomination. Full Metal Jacket was cool.

Half of Tarantino's films are awesome and the other half are shit. Pulp Fiction, Django, Once Upon a Time, and Kill Bill are awesome. Hat8ful and Reservoir Dogs are in the middle. Jackie Brown, Death Proof, Inglorious Basterds were shit.

The Shining is a 10/10 movie, but I'm gonna go with Tarantino for Pulp/Django/Once. Those three alone are awesome as hell.
Both are great at what they do. Tarantino makes more fun movies, but Kubricks are more technical. I'll give it to Kubrick though. Tarantino's movies all seem to be very similar (although thay are great as well).

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