Social CRT (Critical Race Theory) Megathread, Vol.1

My son is an infant, and a racist
Everyone but mentally ill has a natural preference for the in-group. Right from the moment you are born, you treat your family different from strangers.

These biases are real and cannot be removed, they can only be censored and people can be socialised to auto censor at a younger age.
I dont remember being born a racist or when i was a kid.. This logic is.
I’m currently teaching Gino CRT, he hates the neighborhood black cat ..
This is all because of one guy working adjacent to Hasbro thru Super 7 doesn't like Cobra Commander's Hood variant.

CRT is a cancer on society
Good thing CRT is taught almost exclusively at the college level. Btw is any discussion of race, anywhere at anytime no matter the context going to be called CRT by conservatives now? Or is it only when non conservatives talk about race?

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