Slipped disk, sciatica nerve pinched

BB in Crazy!!!!

Silver Belt
May 6, 2007
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Hey, anyone here have some experience with this. I do t really have many irl friends outside of my wife and her family and coworkers. I’m bedridden and if horrific pain. I get an mri tomorrow and hope it turns out well. Right now I have to pee, but I can’t move. The pain is unreal, like being stabbed in the hip and knee at the same time. I’m on meds already and it helps. But I still am unable to sleep. Just wanted to chim in because I’m really hurting and just want someone to talk to.

Update: Okay, update. The MRI came back and it’s a pretty badly herniated disk. It’s not just pinching the sciatic nerve, it’s pinching the entire nerve group of my left leg. So that’s why my entire leg is either numb or in pain. When I mentioned the recovery of sciatica she looked at me like I asked if ice cream would cure me, and said this is not sciatica it’s much worse. They represcribed my pills and are having me go to pain management and physical therapy.
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Fuck man! I feel terrible for you!

I had this happen to me a couple years back, I was hospitilzed and on morphine, out of work for months and months, the sciatica lasted around a year! had to sleep on the floor on and off for months...

I swear by the Pidegon Stretch! Easily the most beneficial thing I did, strengthen the glutes! You'll need to work really hard on your sitting down and standing up technique!
Yoga is really beneficial, though frustrating as hell.
Fuck man! I feel terrible for you!

I had this happen to me a couple years back, I was hospitilzed and on morphine, out of work for months and months, the sciatica lasted around a year! had to sleep on the floor on and off for months...

I swear by the Pidegon Stretch! Easily the most beneficial thing I did, strengthen the glutes! You'll need to work really hard on your sitting down and standing up technique!
Yoga is really beneficial, though frustrating as hell.
Yeah, I’ve been sleeping on the floor all week. I have literally been crying off and on the last few days. The pain is brutal.
Yea, I slipped on some water and fell in the kitchen a couple months back and did some damage to my back
Had a pinched nerve for over a month, some days it was just painful but still able to function, other days it was intense agony to the point where I was unable to move
Took over a month before my back started healing, I still got pain and tension back there that Im sure I'll have forever now but thankfully the nerve pain has been gone for a few weeks
Man, sorry to hear about that. Pinched nerves are some of the most annoying and frustrating pains you can have. Can’t get comfortable / most pain meds don’t help.
Yeah, I’ve been sleeping on the floor all week. I have literally been crying off and on the last few days. The pain is brutal.
Yeah man it sucks! Cos that also will hurt your back in other areas, but I found was the only way to catch any ZZZ's at all.

I ended up seeing a private physio every 2 weeks who was really beneficial, he gave me a load of stretches to work on and a really deep Glute massage.

Just remember that no matter how long this shit lasts, it will get better!
All the best Sherbro, you got this!
Yeah man it sucks! Cos that also will hurt your back in other areas, but I found was the only way to catch any ZZZ's at all.

I ended up seeing a private physio every 2 weeks who was really beneficial, he gave me a load of stretches to work on and a really deep Glute massage.

Just remember that no matter how long this shit lasts, it will get better!
All the best Sherbro, you got this!
Luckily my backs not too bad. It is in the lower lumbar, so my leg, knee, and hip are all messed up. My poor knee didn’t even do anything wrong and it’s just done.
Luckily my backs not too bad. It is in the lower lumbar, so my leg, knee, and hip are all messed up. My poor knee didn’t even do anything wrong and it’s just done.
Yeah mine was in the Lower Lumbar too, after a few days of the injury the Sciatica was far more painful that the actual area the Disc is, was mostly in my ass and back of my leg, following months the back pain came and went, but my Physio said back ache was actually a good sign.
Yeah I bet the knee is awful! thankfully didn't have much going on there! It's a super painful area to have even a minor injury though.
Hey, anyone here have some experience with this. I do t really have many irl friends outside of my wife and her family and coworkers. I’m bedridden and if horrific pain. I get an mri tomorrow and hope it turns out well. Right now I have to pee, but I can’t move. The pain is unreal, like being stabbed in the hip and knee at the same time. I’m on meds already and it helps. But I still am unable to sleep. Just wanted to chim in because I’m really hurting and just want someone to talk to.
yup, and I wish I could help you man, back pain sucks

I've had issues with my back for around 30 years, with one thing or another, I won't go into my issues but dude, you have to keep moving. Don't be tempted to ride it out on a bed.
Every chance you get move, even if it's just knees to chest and rocking from side to side, even if it's just moving as much as you are able. Also floor is preferable to a bed.
I always found heat helps me, anti inflamatories, not pain killers. Naproxen works a treat but can fuck with your stomach and liver. Just stretch as much as you are able. Even get your Mrs to lift your legs up and over and around. anything dude, trust me
yup, and I wish I could help you man, back pain sucks

I've had issues with my back for around 30 years, with one thing or another, I won't go into my issues but dude, you have to keep moving. Don't be tempted to ride it out on a bed.
Every chance you get move, even if it's just knees to chest and rocking from side to side, even if it's just moving as much as you are able. Also floor is preferable to a bed.
I always found heat helps me, anti inflamatories, not pain killers. Naproxen works a treat but can fuck with your stomach and liver. Just stretch as much as you are able. Even get your Mrs to lift your legs up and over and around. anything dude, trust me

Yeah all of this, it's particularly important to be really careful with what and how much medication you take! very easy to just keep popping pills, I did for 2 weeks and noticed I was getting addicted so fully fucked them off because it scared me.
Hey, anyone here have some experience with this. I do t really have many irl friends outside of my wife and her family and coworkers. I’m bedridden and if horrific pain. I get an mri tomorrow and hope it turns out well. Right now I have to pee, but I can’t move. The pain is unreal, like being stabbed in the hip and knee at the same time. I’m on meds already and it helps. But I still am unable to sleep. Just wanted to chim in because I’m really hurting and just want someone to talk to.

i don't think i had anything close to what you currently have, but i pinched a nerve in my back a few years back. excruciating pain! i remember wanting to go to the bathroom, but fearing the pain that would come with forcing yourself to move to the bathroom. i totally get it. i was bedridden for about four days, before i could muster enough strength to get to the hospital. all they told me was to stay home and it would improve with time, which it did. it was almost two weeks until i felt normal again.
I've been there and I feel for you bro!

What worked for me was Chiropractic care that included spinal decompression on a Vax-D decompression machine, electro stim, ultrasound massage, and adjustment.

That chiropractor retired and the care facility closed, but I found another competent Chiro with a different decompression machine and have enjoyed similar results which consist of usually pain free days and a hell of a lot better range of motion and ability to lead a normal life.

Look up chiropractic / physical therapy places that deal with your injury and find one with great feedback. I hope that you get straightened out. It may take weeks, months, or more. It took 4 months for me to be able to walk without the "stick up the ass" gate that I had post injury or to be able to lay down and sleep fairly comfortably.
yup, and I wish I could help you man, back pain sucks

I've had issues with my back for around 30 years, with one thing or another, I won't go into my issues but dude, you have to keep moving. Don't be tempted to ride it out on a bed.
Every chance you get move, even if it's just knees to chest and rocking from side to side, even if it's just moving as much as you are able. Also floor is preferable to a bed.
I always found heat helps me, anti inflamatories, not pain killers. Naproxen works a treat but can fuck with your stomach and liver. Just stretch as much as you are able. Even get your Mrs to lift your legs up and over and around. anything dude, trust me
They have me on prednisone, oxycodone, and some nerve med. I still fell like I’m being kicked in the leg every time I move. It hell moving. I just went pee, I basically had to do a haka entire time due to the pain. Just had to run on pure adrenaline.
I've been there and I feel for you bro!

What worked for me was Chiropractic care that included spinal decompression on a Vax-D decompression machine, electro stim, ultrasound massage, and adjustment.

That chiropractor retired and the care facility closed, but I found another competent Chiro with a different decompression machine and have enjoyed similar results which consist of usually pain free days and a hell of a lot better range of motion and ability to lead a normal life.

Look up chiropractic / physical therapy places that deal with your injury and find one with great feedback. I hope that you get straightened out. It may take weeks, months, or more. It took 4 months for me to be able to walk without the "stick up the ass" gate that I had post injury or to be able to lay down and sleep fairly comfortably.
Yeah, this is terrible. I love my job and really am worried what this could do to it. I really just want to heal right. 4 months would be terrible to miss, but some guys have missed more. Lol at me telling everyone I’ll be back in 2 weeks.
Yeah all of this, it's particularly important to be really careful with what and how much medication you take! very easy to just keep popping pills, I did for 2 weeks and noticed I was getting addicted so fully fucked them off because it scared me.
Yeah I only took codeine for a couple of days, it works but it's not worth it, it's better to know you're in pain than dull the senses too much.
Even after stomach operations I only take paracetamol to take the edge off
Good luck sounds like some horrible shit. The painkillers sound nice though.
Hey, anyone here have some experience with this. I do t really have many irl friends outside of my wife and her family and coworkers. I’m bedridden and if horrific pain. I get an mri tomorrow and hope it turns out well. Right now I have to pee, but I can’t move. The pain is unreal, like being stabbed in the hip and knee at the same time. I’m on meds already and it helps. But I still am unable to sleep. Just wanted to chim in because I’m really hurting and just want someone to talk to.

I got out of bed one morning, took two steps, my legs buckled and I couldn't feel them. I got myself shifted around on the floor and all was well. I contacted my doctor who sent me to a back specialist. After X-rays and an MRI he told me that my L5 vertebrae was missing a couple of pieces that hold the spine in line. The spine would shift pinching the nerves which was why I lost control of my legs. He said I needed an operation to stabilize it. I scheduled another appointment 6 months later but before then I received a letter saying he had retired. I got a different doctor who didn't want to operate because he said it was too risky. Now it has gotten to the point where I can't trust where my right leg will go when I walk. Some days it feels pretty good so I do a few things. Last week, I took my car in for an oil change and sat in the lounge reading for an hour. The next day I mowed my lawn on a riding mower. I felt pretty good so I was doing a few things on the weekend. Monday I rolled my garbage container to the street. Tuesday I had a lot of pain and difficulty getting my back straight. I have some hiking poles that I use when it gets bad. Tuesday it was worse but today it's a little better.

A guy I knew had back trouble. One morning he walked out the back door of his house, tucked a shotgun under his chin and ended the pain. I completely understand why.
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Yeah I only took codeine for a couple of days, it works but it's not worth it, it's better to know you're in pain than dull the senses too much.
Even after stomach operations I only take paracetamol to take the edge off
You're a smart man.. I agree, but easy to see why people down in the dumps suffering don't always particularly care other than relieving the pain itself.. But really you could just be creating an entirely new and potentially even worse problem for yourself to have to tackle later on.