Social Whites apparently can't use school buildings they attend because its racist.

Whatever happened to just minding your own business?
yet another example of how poorly us whites are treated by this country. Someday the white man will turn the tables and get justice for the oppression.
according to skeletal remains, modern humans are now about 180k to 200k years old. That's probably about the time "minding your own business" went out the fucking window.
Crazy yo
I know this is semantics, but is the main problem here that white guys are in a multicultural space? Why wouldn't white people be allowed in a multicultural space? If you want to have a space where white people aren't allowed, then whatever, but at least be honest about the intention. If I see "multicultural event", how am I supposed to know that means no white people? To me it just sounds like a cool event to get drunk with a bunch of different kinds of people.

I donno, maybe I'm naive. That police lives matter sticker is pretty cringe. Maybe they're just giant dildos.
So POCs are now pushing for "separate but equal? Did I miss something?

"The whole campus centers you" "This is the only space that doesn't center you and you still try to be here, PEAK WHITE CIS MALE BULLSHIT"

What the hell is going on? Does ANYONE agree with these two girls? They literally told the two guys they are scared and offended because they are white and have a police lives matter sticker. I'm at a loss for words. "Multi cultural" apparently doesn't include whites. Police lives matters make you a white supremist. We have got to stop pushing this narrative because its turning people into complete morons. These two girls need to be expelled for harassing them and calling them white supremist.

One person conditioned to rule and control
The media sells it, and you live the role

So POCs are now pushing for "separate but equal? Did I miss something?

I hear it a lot, but I'm not sure that argument makes sense. Separate but equal was segregation throughout the entire society. It was legally implemented segregation where whites and blacks could not interact with one another. Requesting a specific segregated space is different. I don't think it's a good idea, and I'm not sure how I feel about people needing a space like that, but I don't think it's comparable to old separate but equal policies.
Man, is Martin Luther king was around to see what America has become he would be mortified. It’s amazing really how the leftist woke mob wants segregation again.

You guys have absolutely no idea what MLK would have thought.

He was branded a radical communist looking to undermine the pillars of America while he was alive. White America hated him.

After you killed him, you slowly whitewashed history, selectively editing his message to make it look like all he wanted was peace and love. Specific mentions of white oppression were removed from his message taught in schools, and the current CRT outrage is just a continuation of white supremacist backlash.

The south is aggressively doing this. They have always done this. The blanket bans of CRT in K12 are obvious evidence of this as CRT (obviously) isn't taught in K12 but is being used as a cudgel to smash any progressive curriculum related to race relations in America.
So POCs are now pushing for "separate but equal? Did I miss something?

I'm not sure what these two racist girls are saying by telling the two white kids they "have the whole campus." Pretty sure they can all go anywhere they want to. Pretty disgusting shit she said about the Police Lives Matter sticker too.
The woman in the video has already been doxxed and she locked her account.

She's a socialist and specializes in the environment and racism.

She's one of those Ford scholar things and is going for a PHD.

There's also a mugshot of her because she was involved in a protest and someone had a gun.