Social Whites apparently can't use school buildings they attend because its racist.

If there was ever an appropriate time for this meme, this would be it.

He should file a complaint and get those racist women expelled. But those establishments are just as toxic and would probably expel the victims for complaining because they are white. America has gone batshit crazy.
tf kind of cryptic bullshit is this? lmao
I’m saying that we often debate individual encounters and incidents because they can be applied to a broader issue and context that should concern us all. Thats all. You’re probably better off scrolling to the next thread if this one does t interest you

"The whole campus centers you" "This is the only space that doesn't center you and you still try to be here, PEAK WHITE CIS MALE BULLSHIT"

What the hell is going on? Does ANYONE agree with these two girls? They literally told the two guys they are scared and offended because they are white and have a police lives matter sticker. I'm at a loss for words. "Multi cultural" apparently doesn't include whites. Police lives matters make you a white supremist. We have got to stop pushing this narrative because its turning people into complete morons. These two girls need to be expelled for harassing them and calling them white supremist.

Those girls should be ashamed at their behavior. Many people died on both sides to make sure they have their rights they do today.

Whites is a culture just like every others around the world. I hope the powers at be do something about this kind of behavior.

"The whole campus centers you" "This is the only space that doesn't center you and you still try to be here, PEAK WHITE CIS MALE BULLSHIT"

What the hell is going on? Does ANYONE agree with these two girls? They literally told the two guys they are scared and offended because they are white and have a police lives matter sticker. I'm at a loss for words. "Multi cultural" apparently doesn't include whites. Police lives matters make you a white supremist. We have got to stop pushing this narrative because its turning people into complete morons. These two girls need to be expelled for harassing them and calling them white supremist.

I would expel that racist cunt.
I’m saying that we often debate individual encounters and incidents because they can be applied to a broader issue and context that should concern us all. Thats all. You’re probably better off scrolling to the next thread if this one does t interest you
and you can do the same with my posts

Man, is Martin Luther king was around to see what America has become he would be mortified. It’s amazing really how the leftist woke mob wants segregation again.

What's crazy is that the "left" position used to be MLK's vision of race and other identity markers no longer mattering in society. Everyone is treated as an individual based on their character.

Shouldn't that be the obvious future we all want? It's why when asked about race, I typically just reply with "race isn't real." Because even if it real, it's best to act as if it's not.
What's crazy is that the "left" position used to be MLK's vision of race and other identity markers no longer mattering in society. Everyone is treated as an individual based on their character.

Shouldn't that be the obvious future we all want? It's why when asked about race, I typically just reply with "race isn't real." Because even if it real, it's best to act as if it's not.
That was his main message. What’s especially disgusting is the left is now running the angle of “you don’t know what his message was” as seen by several members on this very forum. Meanwhile his speeches are available for all to see.
That was his main message. What’s especially disgusting is the left is now running the angle of “you don’t know what his message was” as seen by several members on this very forum. Meanwhile his speeches are available for all to see.

I personally haven't seen that. What I have seen is a lot of younger liberals claim MLK is wrong.

Perhaps they do have a point, since unfortunantly most people do care about their race, sexual orientation, gender, and sex. We've always cared about these things. I still much prefer MLK's vision.
I personally haven't seen that. What I have seen is a lot of younger liberals claim MLK is wrong.

Perhaps they do have a point, since unfortunantly most people do care about their race, sexual orientation, gender, and sex. We've always cared about these things. I still much prefer MLK's vision.

MLK had the right idea, 100 percent.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"

He would be appalled at this leftist new age backwards walk into segregation again.
Those girls should be ashamed at their behavior. Many people died on both sides to make sure they have their rights they do today.

Whites is a culture just like every others around the world. I hope the powers at be do something about this kind of behavior.
What is the white culture?
That was his main message. What’s especially disgusting is the left is now running the angle of “you don’t know what his message was” as seen by several members on this very forum. Meanwhile his speeches are available for all to see.

They aren't there for all to see. Conservatives have been extirpating anything they found unpalatable and delivering a sanitized version like the one you tried. This isn't something I dreamed up or misunderstood, I can give you dozens of articles on the subject.

For white people, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. exists mainly as a mainstream portrayal of a saint of redemption. In this historical interpretation, Dr. King saved both black and white Americans from the evils of segregation, while overcoming the resistance of a few, powerful bigoted individuals with little more than dignified protest and the strength of his convictions.

This Dr. King tells us that hate cannot drive out hate, that we should judge each other on the content of our characters, and that poverty and racism are their own evils. This Dr. King does not think us wrong as long as we do not have hate in our heart, doesn’t want us to dwell on each other’s differences and knows that what hurts white people also hurts black people. This Dr. King does not judge. This Dr. King does not see color. He does not ask for reparations. His solitary request is to act with love.

This incomplete and inconsiderate legacy fuels the agendas of white people across the political spectrum, from open white supremacists to apathetic “allies.” Built from scraps of reality selected from his words and work, this imagined Dr. King does not endorse or exalt — it absolves.

MLK himself knew it was coming and addressed contemporary perversions of his message even while he was alive.

He didn't think equality could be achieved using equality/

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MLK had the right idea, 100 percent.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"

He would be appalled at this leftist new age backwards walk into segregation again.

I doubt you'll ever understand the truth but a part of hopes you might want to.

a fine example of reverse racism
I don't pretend to know what it feels like to be a person of color in this country. Therefore, when they say they are scared, I will take their word for it. I certainly understand their issue with blue lives matters stickers.

I don't understand why anyone has a problem with them have just one place that is their own. Do we (white people) really need to be everywhere? Give them their safe place