International CNN interviews Chinese detective in exile. He reveals the torture and rape of Uyghurs

Didn't the Soviets also highlight the plight of African Americans? If you want another reason to seriously tackle systemic racism here then shoring up our international prestige and undercutting the critiques of our enemies can be added to the ledger.

They play all sorts of angles. <45>


China’s state-backed China Daily newspaper claimed on Monday that the United States started the AIDS crisis, saying it “spread to the world” after its discovery in the 1980s.

Quoting Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Geng Shuang, the paper wrote, “AIDS was first discovered in the US in the 1980s and spread to the world, causing great agony for the world. Has anyone held the US accountable?” The paper also quoted Shuang pinning the 2009 H1N1 Flu on the United States as well as the 2008 financial crisis.

The publication also pushed the line in a Monday column by Ronald Ng, a hematologist and former medical lecturer at the University of Hong Kong and London University, who faulted the United States for stigmatizing homosexuals as well as the Chinese, Ng wrote. The media called it ‘gay-related immune deficiency'.

Ng said the U.S. was discriminating against Chinese people the same way: “We can see the same process happening now, with the coronavirus being politicized to stigmatize Chinese because the first known cases were detected in Wuhan.”
Published October 5th 2021.

'Some are just psychopaths': Chinese detective in exile reveals extent of torture against Uyghurs

- Cnn interviews a former Chinese detective who is in exile in a European country. To prove he is who he says he is , he shows CNN pictures of him in Chinese police uniforms, pics of his graduating class.

- The detective reveals that Uyghurs are tortured and raped. Part of the torture was to electrically shock the genitals.

- A Uygur man talks about being subjected to electric shock and the 1st night of detention he was raped by Chinese prisoners who were following orders from prison guards. He was ordered to take off his underwear and bend over. He says he cried "please don't do this". He gets emotional and breaks down when he talks about his niece being detained and killed in the same internment camp he was in.

Side Note: without googling, can you guess which country sold China electro shock batons decades ago?

- CNN interviewer asks the ex Chinese policeman how interogations were conducted. He replies: beaten, bruised, knock their heads on the radiator.

- The ex policeman says none of the Uyghurs he arrested were violent extremists. He says if he didn't arrest, he would be arrested and considered part of a terrorist organization.

Morally, I'm very much oppressed to the things being done by the Chinese government. But, I love their cheap trinkets.

What to do, what to do?
Morally, I'm very much oppressed to the things being done by the Chinese government. But, I love their cheap trinkets.

What to do, what to do?

Well you can look at where products are made and proactively choose products that are not made in China but are still similar in price.

You can't totally boycott Chinese made products because even products not made in China may have internal individual components that are made in China, and some consumer goods within a certain price point are only made there or assembled there. can boycott to a large degree.
China is weird for Westerners. There are certain laboratories in China that will make you whatever molecule you bring to them, all they need is a model. Trafficking drugs is punishable by death but this manufacturing grey market exists because they can create the drug as long as it’s exported.
This reminds me of a statement by a high ranking Taleban from many years back. One of their leaders was asked how they can clamp down on drug use in Afghanistan but allow it to flood Europe; the Talib replied that it hurts the infidel so it wasn't a problem.

I bet China is gleefull that they are getting back at the Anglo world for the opium wars. Not that they would abstain from exporting it even if the Opium wars never happened.
Didn't the Soviets also highlight the plight of African Americans? If you want another reason to seriously tackle systemic racism here then shoring up our international prestige and undercutting the critiques of our enemies can be added to the ledger.

The Soviets were notorious for their 'whataboutism'. Any time the USA raised the issue of human rights in the USSR, Soviets simply responded 'yes but you lynch negroes'. They weren't saying that because they gave a shit about blacks.

The USA is infinitely better for blacks than China is, but regardless of how well blacks are treated in the USA, China will always make out the USA is hell for them.
There was a celebratory thread on here just the other day over the CCP banning gay video game characters or some laughably irrelevant shit, lmao. Maybe some folks should re-think the sort of regimes they cheerlead and derive their culture war victories from. :confused:
They may call themselves communist, but the CCP is a lot closer to fascism than anything resembling communism.
Remember the narco discussion we had the other day?

Chinese Money Launderers team up with Mexican Cartels to Profit Billions from US Fentanyl Crisis

Chinese money launderers and fentanyl-makers have gone into business with Mexican drug cartels, teaming up to make billions of dollars a year trafficking the powerful opioid that is killing thousands of people in the United States.

The fentanyl boom facilitated by China represents a third wave of the opioid epidemic, following first an increase in the abuse of prescription painkillers around the turn of the century and then a rise in heroin use. But the fentanyl phase is different in that it involves an international operation of people in multiple countries working together to produce and transport the drugs and then secretly shuttle the profits across U.S. borders.

“It’s the greatest drug scourge in American history — more Americans killed annually than any time in history, and so, yeah, this is a problem of epic proportions,” said Ben Westhoff, author of Fentanyl, Inc.

Authorities have long been aware that China and Mexico have teamed up to produce and profit in this endeavor, but in recent years, Chinese businesses have stepped up to not only facilitate the making of fentanyl but also the laundering of profits out of the United States.



Zhenli Ye Gon was during the time of Bush. Chinese have been working with Mexican Cartels for a long time. Next we're going to be aghast that the Taliban is working with Cartels.
This will be interesting how certain posters respond. China bad, Christianity good, Nationalism good. Pretzel.

Yes they are. We don't fuck people in the ass against their will for having different beliefs in Christian societies.
Didn't the Soviets also highlight the plight of African Americans? If you want another reason to seriously tackle systemic racism here then shoring up our international prestige and undercutting the critiques of our enemies can be added to the ledger.
But but systemic racism doesn't exist. It's just a buzzword to make white people look bad :rolleyes:
Zhenli Ye Gon was during the time of Bush. Chinese have been working with Mexican Cartels for a long time. Next we're going to be aghast that the Taliban is working with Cartels.

I just watched five so-called human beings who were presumably once children hack another dude's skull into splattered fragments with machetes in some unnamed South American hellscape for my daily affirmation that this species is irredeemable, it's difficult to be aghast about anything. But yeah, everyone (who cares to) knows China has long been involved with the cartels and the article even acknowledged as much.

I suppose the recent development is how direct and hands-on they've become at all levels of the trade, nevermind being the principle source of fentanyl going from an obscure hospital medication less than ten years ago to boasting an outsized presence on the US illicit drug market and driving arguably the worst wave yet of the opioid epidemic.

They may call themselves communist, but the CCP is a lot closer to fascism than anything resembling communism.

By one definition, that's exactly what it is.


It fits perfectly although for whatever reason, the Han supremacism that @MicroBrew often highlights tends to get overlooked. There are many ideologues within the NPC governing body structure who are in it for more than just wealth and power for the sake of it.
The biggest mistake Uyghurs ever made was giving up military power after raping India for China.
I am sure the big virtual woke business will stop taking China's money right ?
I am sure the big virtual woke business will stop taking China's money right ?

Big business isn't woke or liberal, they just feign it sometimes. Apple and major Western multinationals tried to water down the US gov law that would have banned products made in Xinjiang.

The grass-roots left supported the Tibetans from atleast as far back as the 90s, while Rupert Murdock was friendly with the CCP.
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Christians are next on the CCP chopping block.

I know they haven’t been allowed to appoint their own church leaders. The Chinese gift diss which is basically a feudal privilege. China really wants a fully fascist state. Everything within the state. Nothing without. Nothing against the state to quote the Moose
China and it’s govt want to be everything including s religion for it’s people. And here we are surrendering to that and allowing it to gain traction and power
I know they haven’t been allowed to appoint their own church leaders. The Chinese gift diss which is basically a feudal privilege. China really wants a fully fascist state. Everything within the state. Nothing without. Nothing against the state to quote the Moose China and it’s govt want to be everything including s religion for it’s people. And here we are surrendering to that and allowing it to gain traction and power

Imprisoning Christians in brainwashing camps is another step in the CCP’s intensifying crackdown on religion. The CCP believes independent religious practice threatens its power. Under President Xi Jinping’s policy of “Sinicization” the party seeks to conform religion to its political goals and religious groups deemed to “disrupt public order” face severe monitoring and persecution. The CCP’s persecution of Christians has also involved demolishing churches and arresting leaders like Pastor Wang Yi of Early Rain Covenant Church, who was sentenced to nine years in prison in 2019.

Tibetan Buddhists are targeted through strict state surveillance, destruction of religious sites, and mass eviction of clergy. More than 500 Tibetans are currently held as political prisoners, including the Panchen Lama, the Dalai Lama’s intended successor. These concerns are heightened by the CCP’s new forced labor transfer policy, through which hundreds of thousands of rural Tibetans have been transported to “military-style” vocational training centers.

Uyghur Muslims are subject to some of the worst abuses. Between 1.8 million and 3 million Uyghurs have been interned in hundreds of political "re-education camps" in Xinjiang Province since 2018. There, they face brutalities including forced labor, torture, sexual abuse, and forced abortion and sterilization. Hui Muslims have also witnessed tightening restrictions, including forced mosque closures and imprisonment of religious leaders.

Imprisoning Christians in brainwashing camps is another step in the CCP’s intensifying crackdown on religion. The CCP believes independent religious practice threatens its power. Under President Xi Jinping’s policy of “Sinicization” the party seeks to conform religion to its political goals and religious groups deemed to “disrupt public order” face severe monitoring and persecution. The CCP’s persecution of Christians has also involved demolishing churches and arresting leaders like Pastor Wang Yi of Early Rain Covenant Church, who was sentenced to nine years in prison in 2019.

Tibetan Buddhists are targeted through strict state surveillance, destruction of religious sites, and mass eviction of clergy. More than 500 Tibetans are currently held as political prisoners, including the Panchen Lama, the Dalai Lama’s intended successor. These concerns are heightened by the CCP’s new forced labor transfer policy, through which hundreds of thousands of rural Tibetans have been transported to “military-style” vocational training centers.

Uyghur Muslims are subject to some of the worst abuses. Between 1.8 million and 3 million Uyghurs have been interned in hundreds of political "re-education camps" in Xinjiang Province since 2018. There, they face brutalities including forced labor, torture, sexual abuse, and forced abortion and sterilization. Hui Muslims have also witnessed tightening restrictions, including forced mosque closures and imprisonment of religious leaders.
I know. It has been going on since the early 00s. Christianity was really popular in China then. They have ramped up oppression and seeing how they wrecked the Fulan Gong and got away with it, they are going to the next groups that they feel are in the way or threaten them
How about, start making iPhones in Kentucky.

China can only do how they do because of the Wests money.

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