Country F'n Music

My first memories of any music was that old country stuff, and it never really did get any better. And I own blues, jazz, big band, rock, soul, funk. rap, punk. heavy metal, classical etc
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Bobby is a local artist from Merritt, BC and just announced a new album yesterday which is set to be released towards the end of the month. He's also been a friend of my wife since childhood, so it would mean a lot if some of you guys checked him out. My thanks to anyone that does. :)

Bobby is a local artist from Merritt, BC and just announced a new album yesterday which is set to be released towards the end of the month. He's also been a friend of my wife since childhood, so it would mean a lot if some of you guys checked him out. My thanks to anyone that does. :)

Bobby just uploaded a new tune to his youtube channel this morning;

Country... yeah, not interested in hearing about your pickup, cheating wife or dog.

...even worse than rap.
Was the USA, but we are crumbling fast.
I assume in 20-30 years we won’t be #1 anymore.

Also I don’t like country music. But it’s honestly probably better than any of the shit on the radio today.

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