You're locked in a long hallway opposite another man... Who is the scariest M'fer staring you down?

James Harrison



Gives me the heeby jeebies.
Good choice, dunno who he is but guy is built like a tank, or as we say in England 'He is built like a brick shithouse'

The thing people don't understand is that any graduate from the Hart Dungeon was a legit dangerous dude and not just an entertainer. Or murderer in this case.
Guy Like Benoit is a case of where you don't worry so much what he can do to you but what you can do to him. You know he is gonna be a cunt to fight and likely take everything you have and keep going.
I'd rather face him than most of the others in this thread. He's like the only guy on the planet that has a shorter reach than me.

Plus we don't have proof that he can really fight

Grown men, anyway
He is also one of the only men people have mentioned here who we know will and has killed. And yes, he can fight, dude was trained old school in Japan. He is probably closer to guys like Sakuraba than John Cens.
I've had NFL offensive linemen come into the bar when I was the bouncer and there's no way in hell I could move them if I wanted to, not a chance.
It’s one thing to see “6’4 325 lbs” on a stat sheet and it is quite another to see it in person
Myself, because then it'll be some supernatural shit, and I'll be dealing with a 6'5'', 260 pound jacked alpha male with a 400-0 fight record against other supernatural beings


This guy is the right answer, I have nightmares thinking about him and I’m a 40 year old jacked white boy
The thing people don't understand is that any graduate from the Hart Dungeon was a legit dangerous dude and not just an entertainer. Or murderer in this case.

More dangerous than other WWE guys, maybe. But not more dangerous than the many pro fighters mentioned in this thread.

I don't want to encounter that guy even if I'm armed and we start our encounter 20 feet away. Dude just seems remorseless and cold to me and in that picture looks seriously frightening. You could tell me any story about violence and that guy and I would likely believe it
I truly fear no man

It would have to be something like a hungry lion or polar bear.