Media Jon Jones wants Stipe next

Jones via doctor stoppage when he torques Stipe's arm out of its socket

Jones is such a fucking pussy.

Does not want a bar of Francis but wants a all used up Stipe.

I hope this happens just so old chinny used up Stipe can beat the brakes off ol Jon Roid Jones.

Fuck you Jones

Lol I wouldn't say Stipe is in his prime but calling him "used up" is a stretch. He's still a very capable competitor, a loss to Francis doesn't change that
Lol I wouldn't say Stipe is in his prime but calling him "used up" is a stretch. He's still a very capable competitor, a loss to Francis doesn't change that

Naw I more mean he has been in the trenches. I am not disparaging him at all. His last three fights have been pretty rough on Stipe.
Jones is such a fucking pussy.

Does not want a bar of Francis but wants a all used up Stipe.

I hope this happens just so old chinny used up Stipe can beat the brakes off ol Jon Roid Jones.

Fuck you Jones
Before ngannou was injured jones said he was targeting mid 2022 to fight at hw. Now he’s trying to fight mid 2022 and he’s a pussy…..
Fight BLACK BEAST! not some firefighter...
You do realize that "some fire fighter" is the consensus greatest UFC HW, has most title defenses, and would beat the absolute shit out of black beast right? Not to mention is a tougher matchup than beast, who would get distance point fought by Jones, right?
