Social Testosterone leads to a shift away from democrats

Yes if you don't manage E2 it will give you bitch tits. But when you shooting 2cc of tren along with 1cc of test you're alpha AF and at that point it's just the look of your nips. You can also add zinc and it will reduce E2.
Lol you don't know shit about steroids. Estrogen won't be your only problem or even your biggest problem on that much tren. You're better off trying to manage your progesterone because that's what's going to cause the major issues as tren isn't a testosterone-based steroid but a 19-nor based one.
We tested the fixity of political preferences of 136 healthy males during the 2011 U.S. presidential election season by administering synthetic testosterone or placebo to participants who had identified the strength of their political affiliation. Before the testosterone treatment, we found that weakly affiliated Democrats had 19% higher basal testosterone than those who identified strongly with the party (p=0.015). When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party fell by 12% (p=.01) and they reported 45% warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president (p < 0.001). Our results demonstrate that testosterone induces a “red shift" among weakly-affiliated Democrats. This effect was associated with improved mood. No effects were found of testosterone administration for strongly affiliated Democrats or strong or weak Republicans. Our findings provide evidence that neuroactive hormones affect political preferences.


So, on-the-fence Democrats showed some shift towards Romney (if he was even the candidate yet in 2011) and nobody else showed any change.
Soyboi HOLA on the fence already
Yes, indeed, Tucker Carlson's head writer spent a lot of time on this topic.


There are exceptions to every rule, but let's face facts. Most Liberal men are whiny little bitches. Seriously, they are the betas.
Left aint what they used to be...unions..working class party but neither is right who with Eisenhower and a republican congress raised top marginal rates to 93% to pay for war/infrastructure etc.

Now it's every-man for himself both on the street and especially in Congress.
There are exceptions to every rule, but let's face facts. Most Liberal men are whiny little bitches. Seriously, they are the betas.

With online right wingers, there seem to be more exceptions than rules, ie you
There are exceptions to every rule, but let's face facts. Most Liberal men are whiny little bitches. Seriously, they are the betas.
I can't think of a single chud leader I'd favor over Anderson Cooper in a fight.

We've all seen Crowder's fighting skills, they aren't good. Neither are those of Andy Ngo or Alex Jones.

Who else? Ben Shapiro, perhaps Tim Pool? Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, James O'Keefe? Jordan Peterson? Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity!? Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz? Paul Joseph Watson, Milo!? Mike Lindell!! These are soft, soft people. Where are all these exemplars of masculinity!?!?

I'm pretty sure AOC could go .500 or so against that lineup. Shapiro and Peterson would be tap out in under a minute.

I guess maybe Jorge Masvidal and Colby count if you really want to reach, but not all their dogs are barking.
I can't think of a single chud leader I'd favor over Anderson Cooper in a fight.

We've all seen Crowder's fighting skills, they aren't good. Neither are those of Andy Ngo or Alex Jones.

Who else? Ben Shapiro, perhaps Tim Pool? Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, James O'Keefe? Jordan Peterson? Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity!? Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz? Paul Joseph Watson, Milo!? Mike Lindell!! These are soft, soft people. Where are all these exemplars of masculinity!?!?

I'm pretty sure AOC could go .500 or so against that lineup. Shapiro and Peterson would be tap out in under a minute.

I guess maybe Jorge Masvidal and Colby count if you really want to reach, but not all their dogs are barking.

Shapiro would let AOC step on his balls.. and ask for more
It is true. It is no secret that males lacking in masculinity lean left politically, lack a strong moral compass and fall for foolish political trends and fads.

Our manliest president in history, Teddy, literally ran under the Progressive Party. Our manliest writer, Hemingway, literally hung out with commies.

John Wayne was a toupee wearing dope who bitched out of WW2 service.
I run T cycles twice a year at 500mg per week. My anecdotal evidence disagrees.
Fear is a perfectly healthy emotion to experience. The reason you look both ways before you cross the street is due to fear. Without fear, humans would've died out long ago.

we would have died out without intelligence as well, something that most conservatives today lack.
So, I looked at the first one, and not surprising, that's not what it says.

It says self-identified liberals reported more mental health conditions than self-identified conservatives. It also shows that younger people on both sides reported more mental health conditions than older people (younger conservatives have more mental health conditions than older liberals, for example).

But the Pew Study this allegedly comes from, which they didn't link to, but I found, doesn't even contain this data, as far as I see.

now now, we cant have people cherry picking and mis understanding the reports and data

There's also ones that show an increase in wealth leads more to conservatism because you become more greedy and less caring about others and focus more on your own.

So basically the more you get, the less you want others to have.

I never got all of it. When I was taking T Booster and lifting mad heavy...i gave zero fucks about most things except "be good, do good, let people live their life" which is still how I feel, cause the whole left vs right like its a sports team in a grand final is repulsive

Most people need to smoke some weed, listen to some mckenna and do some heavy squats
now now, we cant have people cherry picking and mis understanding the reports and data

There's also ones that show an increase in wealth leads more to conservatism because you become more greedy and less caring about others and focus more on your own.

So basically the more you get, the less you want others to have.

I never got all of it. When I was taking T Booster and lifting mad heavy...i gave zero fucks about most things except "be good, do good, let people live their life" which is still how I feel, cause the whole left vs right like its a sports team in a grand final is repulsive

Most people need to smoke some weed, listen to some mckenna and do some heavy squats
Mckenna has quite possibly the most annoying voice I've ever heard, and that's incredible because Ben Shapiro exists.
We tested the fixity of political preferences of 136 healthy males during the 2011 U.S. presidential election season by administering synthetic testosterone or placebo to participants who had identified the strength of their political affiliation. Before the testosterone treatment, we found that weakly affiliated Democrats had 19% higher basal testosterone than those who identified strongly with the party (p=0.015). When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party fell by 12% (p=.01) and they reported 45% warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president (p < 0.001). Our results demonstrate that testosterone induces a “red shift" among weakly-affiliated Democrats. This effect was associated with improved mood. No effects were found of testosterone administration for strongly affiliated Democrats or strong or weak Republicans. Our findings provide evidence that neuroactive hormones affect political preferences.


So, on-the-fence Democrats showed some shift towards Romney (if he was even the candidate yet in 2011) and nobody else showed any change.

I dunno all those guys sticking needles in their ass at my old gym didn't appear too alpha.

Won $1000 from one once. 2 months of juicing, which must have cost him God knows what, and he insisted he could beat in a wrestling match. He got spladled about 10 seconds in. Peanut butter and jelly on white bread > steroids.

perhaps and im just throwing this out there but for wrestling ..... technique>>>>muscles with no technique......

I'm not saying this as a random insult, It legitimately appears Jessie Lee Peterson is retarded. He's a mentally handicapped individual who takes forever and a day to push a clump of hardened brain snot out of his mouth.

The fact that anyone would appeal to someone like that is a testament to how completely out of options chuds are for leaders that are capable of producing coherent thoughts.